Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:14.1.0 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:StrItmDtlDesc Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrItmDtlDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
item_id varchar225 1 1 Item identifier STORE_ITEM_STOCK ITEM_ID varchar2 25 Yes the unique identifier of the item. this should be the item number at the level that the item is sold and inventory tracked at.
store_id number10 0 1 Store identifier STORE_ITEM STORE_ID NUMBER 10,0 Yes the unique identifier of the store where the inventory is located.
parent_id varchar225 0 1 Item parent identifier ITEM PARENT_ITEM_ID varchar2 25 No the unique identifier of the item/group at the level above the item.
item_type str_itm_type 1 1 Item type. Valid values are ITEM, CONSIGNMENT, CONCESSION, NON_INVENTORY, PACK_SIMPLE, PACK_COMPLEX, PACK_SIMPLE_BREAKABLE, PACK_COMPLEX_BREAKABLE, UNKNOWN. STORE_ITEM ITEM_TYPE number 2,0 Yes The type of item. Valid values 0 - Item 5 - Consignment 10 - Concession 12 - Non-Inventory 15 - Simple Pack 20 - Complex Pack 25 - Simple Breakable Pack 30 - Complex Breakable Pack
sellable xs:boolean 1 1 True if item is sellable, false otherwise ITEM SELLABLE varchar2 1 Yes indicates if this item may be sold as a unit. valid values are Y and N. this field is required by sim when using pack items.
orderable xs:boolean 1 1 True if item is orderable, false otherwise ITEM ORDERABLE VARCHAR2 1 Yes indicates if this item may be order from a supplier. valid values are: Y and N. this field is required by sim.
short_description varchar2120 1 1 Short description ITEM SHORT_DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 No the textural description of the item and its characteristics.
long_description varchar2250 0 1 Long description ITEM LONG_DESCRIPTION varchar2 400 No long description of the item.
department_id varchar212 1 1 Merchandise hierarchy department identifier ITEM DEPARTMENT_ID number 12,0 No hierarchy department id
department_name varchar2120 0 1 Merchandise hierarchy department name ITEM_HIERARCHY DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar2 360 No hierarchy department name
class_id varchar212 0 1 Merchandise hierarchy class identifier ITEM CLASS_ID number 12,0 No hierarchy class id
class_name varchar2120 0 1 Merchandise hierarchy class name ITEM_HIERARCHY CLASS_NAME varchar2 360 No hierarchy class name
subclass_id varchar212 0 1 Merchandise hierarchy subclass id ITEM SUBCLASS_ID number 12,0 No hierarchy subclass id
subclass_name varchar2120 0 1 Merchandise hierarchy subclass name ITEM_HIERARCHY SUBCLASS_NAME varchar2 360 No hierarchy subclass name
unit_of_measure varchar240 1 1 Standard unit of measure ITEM UINT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 4 Yes unit of measure which the stock for this item is tracked at the coporate level.
status str_itm_status 1 1 Current status Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DISCONTINUED, DELETED, AUTO_STOCKABLE, NON_RANGED, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. ITEM STATUS VARCHAR2 1 No the current status of the item. A - Active, C - Discountinued, I - Inactive, D - Deleted, Q - AutoStockable, N - Non-ranged
default_case_size number12_4 1 1 Default case size ITEM CASE_SIZE number 12,4 No default number of items that are contained in a case when shipped from or to the store.
uin_type str_itm_uin_type 1 1 Unique Identifier Number type. Empty if item does not support UINs. Valid values are SERIAL, AGSN, UNKNOWN. STORE_UIN_ADMIN_DEPT UIN_TYPE number 2,0 Yes UIN type valid values 1 - SN - serial number, 2 - AGSN - Auto Generate SN
uin_label varchar2128 0 1 Unique Identifier Number label. Empty if item does not support UINs. STORE_UIN_ADMIN_DEPT UIN_LABEL_ID number 12,0 Yes reference to
unavailable_qty number12_4 1 1 Unavailable inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_RESERVED, QUANTITY_CUSTOMER_RESERVE, QUANTITY_VENDOR_RETURN, QUANTITY_NON_SELLABLE number 12,4 Yes subtract stock on hand quantity with available SOH
nonsellable_qty number12_4 1 1 Non-Sellable inventory quantity Fill application table name. QUANTITY_NON_SELLABLE NUMBER 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is not available for sale and is used for stock events where the inventory is moved from unavailable to another status. for example an inventory adjustment may move some of the inventory from this bucket to available to sell.
customer_reserved_qty number12_4 1 1 Customer reserved inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_CUSTOMER_RESERVE number 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is reserved for customers.
in_transit_qty number12_4 1 1 In transit inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_IN_TRANSIT number 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is in transit to this store.
stock_in_delivery_bay number12_4 1 1 Inventory quantity in delivery bay area STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_DELIVERY_BAY NUMBER 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is in the delivery bay.
stock_in_backroom number12_4 1 1 Inventory quantity in back room area STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_RESERVED, QUANTITY_CUSTOMER_RESERVE,QUANTITY_VENDOR_RETURN, QUANTITY_NON_SELLABLE, QUANTITY_SHOP_FLOOR, QUANTITY_DELIVERY_BAY RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL Fill column length. Yes Available stock on hand subtract with stock in delivery bay and stock on shop floor
stock_on_shopfloor number12_4 1 1 Inventory quantity on shop floor STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_SHOP_FLOOR number 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is on the shop floor.
stock_on_hand number12_4 1 1 Stock on hand inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_SHOP_FLOOR, QUANTITY_DELIVERY_BAY NUMBER 12,4 Yes Stock on hand
available_inventory number12_4 1 1 Available inventory quantity Yes Available inventory quantity
transfer_reserved_qty number12_4 1 1 Transfer reserved inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_RESERVED number 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is reserved for transferring out of the store. this is the quantity for items that have transfer out events and return to warehouse events that are in pending status.
vendor_return_qty number12_4 1 1 Vendor return inventory quantity STORE_ITEM_STOCK QUANTITY_VENDOR_RETURN NUMBER 12,4 Yes the quantity of the item that is reserved for a return to vendor event that is in the pending state.
ordered_qty number12_4 1 1 Ordered quantity PURCHASE_ORDER_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_EXPECTED, QUANTITY_RECEIVED NUMBER 20,4 No the number of single units received by sim to the current date or the number of single units expected to be delivered to the store.
received_today_qty number12_4 1 1 Inventory quantity received today STORE_ITEM_STOCK LAST_RECEIVED_QUANTITY number 12,4 Yes The total amount of inventory for all receipts on the day specified by LAST_RECEIVED_DAY
last_received_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date item was last received at store STORE_ITEM_STOCK LAST_RECEIVED_DAY date No the date of when the store last received inventory for this item into the store.
primary_supplier_id varchar2128 0 1 Primary supplier identifier SUPPLIER ID varchar2 128 Yes a code to uniquely identify the supplier.
primary_supplier_name varchar2240 0 1 Primary supplier name SUPPLIER NAME varchar2 240 No the name of the supplier.
primary_sequence_id varchar212 0 1 Primary store area sequence identifier STORE_SEQUENCE_AREA ID number 12,0 Yes System generated unique identifier
primary_sequence_name varchar2250 0 1 Prime store area sequence name STORE_SEQUENCE_AREA DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 No Description Of Store Sequence
upc varchar2128 0 1 Universal Product Code ITEM ITEM_ID VARCHAR2 25 Yes the retailers sku or unique item identifier for items sold or returned. this field is required by sim.
vpn varchar2128 0 1 Vendor Product Number SUPPLIER_ITEM VENDOR_PRODUCT_NUMBER VARCHAR2 256 No the vendor product number for this item and supplier.
suggested_ticket_type varchar26 0 1 Suggested ticket type code ITEM TICKET_TYPE_CODE varchar2 6 No suggested ticket type code for this item. value is obtained from rms.
store_order_allowed xs:boolean 1 1 True if store order is allowed, false otherwise STORE_ITEM STORE_ORDER_ALLOWED VARCHAR2 1 No contains an indicator that determines if uploaded store orders should be rejected. if the indicator is n, then store orders for all need dates are valid. if y, store orders with needs date on or after the next_delivery_date are valid.
store_order_replenish_type xs:boolean 1 1 True if this item is store order replenishment, false otherwise STORE_ITEM REPLENISHMENT_TYPE VARCHAR2 6 No contains the character code for the algorithm that will be used to calculate the recommended order quantity for the item location. valid values so - store orders
multiple_delivery_allowed xs:boolean 1 1 True if multiple deliveries are allowed, false otherwise STORE_ITEM MULTIPLE_DELIVERY_PER_DAY varchar2 1 No is this item eligible for multiple deliveries per day.
soh_inquiry_at_pack_level xs:boolean 1 1 True if quantities inquires should return inventory at the pack level, false indicates it should be estimated from components. Yes True if quantities inquires should return inventory at the pack level, false indicates it should be estimated from components.
diff_type1 varchar210 0 1 First differentiator type DIFFERENTIATOR_TYPE DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes contains the diff type description.
diff_description1 varchar2255 0 1 First differentiator description DIFFERENTIATOR DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes description of the differential number. (for example, blueberry, shower fresh, red, etc.)
diff_type2 varchar210 0 1 Second differentiator type DIFFERENTIATOR_TYPE DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes contains the diff type description.
diff_description2 varchar2255 0 1 Second differentiator description DIFFERENTIATOR DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes description of the differential number. (for example, blueberry, shower fresh, red, etc.)
diff_type3 varchar210 0 1 Third differentiator type DIFFERENTIATOR_TYPE DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes contains the diff type description.
diff_description3 varchar2255 0 1 Third differentiator description DIFFERENTIATOR DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes description of the differential number. (for example, blueberry, shower fresh, red, etc.)
diff_type4 varchar210 0 1 Fourth differentiator type DIFFERENTIATOR_TYPE DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes contains the diff type description.
diff_description4 varchar2255 0 1 Fourth differentiator description. DIFFERENTIATOR DESCRIPTION varchar2 255 Yes description of the differential number. (for example, blueberry, shower fresh, red, etc.)
price_type str_itm_price_type 1 1 Price type Valid values are CLEARANCE, PROMOTIONAL, PERMANENT, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. ITEM_PRICE PRICE_TYPE number 3,0 Yes The item price type. Valid values: 200- Clearance, 201- Promotional, 202-Permanent
promotion_type str_itm_promotion_type 1 1 Price promotion type Valid values are COMPLEX, SIMPLE, THRESHOLD, CREDIT, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. ITEM_PRICE_HISTORY PROMO_COMP_TYPE number 12,0 No Promotion component type. Valid values are 0 - Complex promotion, 1 - Simple Promoton, 2 - Threshold Promotion, 3 - Credit Promotion, 4- transaction promotion
retail_price number12_4 0 1 Retail price ITEM_PRICE PRICE_VALUE number 12,4 Yes The selling retail price value with price type of 1 (permanent) ; or the promotion retail price value with price type of 2(promotion); or the clearance retail price with price type of 3 (clearance).
retail_currency varchar23 0 1 Retail currency code. A standardized 3 character code defined in ISO-4217. ITEM_PRICE PRICE_CURRENCY varchar2 3 No The Price currency.
retail_effective_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Retail price effective date ITEM_PRICE EFFECTIVE_DATE date Yes the date the new price should take effect.
suggest_retail_cur varchar23 0 1 The currency code of the manufacturer's suggested retail price. A standardized 3 character code defined in ISO-4217. NA NA NA NA NA NA
suggest_retail_value number12_4 0 1 The amount of the manufacturer's suggested retail price. NA NA NA NA NA NA
replenishment_method varchar26 0 1 Replenishment method code STORE_ITEM REPLENISHMENT_TYPE varchar2 6 No contains the character code for the algorithm that will be used to calculate the recommended order quantity for the item location. valid values so - store orders
multi_unit_quantity number12_4 0 1 Multiple unit quantity ITEM_PRICE MULTI_UNITS number 12,4 No this field contains the multi-units for the price change.
multi_unit_price number12_4 0 1 Multiple unit price ITEM_PRICE MULTI_UNIT_RETAIL number 12,4 No
multi_unit_currency varchar23 0 1 Multiple unit price currency code. A standardized 3 character code defined in ISO-4217. ITEM_PRICE MULTI_UNIT_RETAIL_CURRENCY varchar2 3 No this field holds the multi-unit retail in the multi-selling unit of measure for the price change.
multi_unit_selling_uom varchar220 0 1 Selling unit of measure of multiple units ITEM_PRICE MULTI_UNIT_UOM varchar2 4 No this field holds the selling unit of measure for an items multi-unit retail.
next_delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Next delivery date STORE_ITEM NEXT_DELIVERY_DATE date No the next delivery date of this item based on the replinishment type. obtained from rms
StrItmDtlNslQty * 0 unbounded Collection of nonSellable quantities by individual non-sellable reason
StrItmDtlUDA * 0 unbounded Collection of user defined attributes
StrItmDtlSup * 0 unbounded Collection of suppliers
StrItmDtlImg * 0 unbounded Collection of item images

XML-Schema Name:StrItmDtlNslQty Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrItmDtlNslQty in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
nonsell_qty_type_id number12 1 1 SIM internal non-sellable quantity type identifier Yes not used in SIM
quantity number20_4 1 1 Quantity Yes not used in SIM

XML-Schema Name:StrItmDtlUDA Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrItmDtlUDA in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 SIM internal user defined attribute identifier. ITEM_UDA UDA_ID NUMBER 5,0 Yes UDA Id
uda_value varchar2255 1 1 Value of the user defined attribute ITEM_UDA UDA_LOV_ID VARCHAR2 25 No Holds the value of uda display type of LOV for numeric data

XML-Schema Name:StrItmDtlSup Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrItmDtlSup in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
supplier_id varchar2128 1 1 SIM internal supplier identifier SUPPLIER id VARCHAR2 128 Yes a code to uniquely identify the supplier.
supplier_name varchar2240 1 1 Supplier name SUPPLIER NAME VARCHAR2 240 No the name of the supplier.

XML-Schema Name:StrItmDtlImg Version:14.1.0 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrItmDtlImg in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
url varchar21000 1 1 Store item image's universal resource locator. ITEM_IMAGE IMAGE_URL VARCHAR2 1000 Yes the url to the picture location