Description is not available. Number that uniquely identifies the transfer. The location type of the from location. The location number of the from location. The location type of the to location. The location number of the to location. The earliest date the transfer can be delivered. The department number associated with the transfer. If the freight status is expedite, this is a code indicating more detailed freight info. A code indicating the freight status of the transfer (e.g. normal, expedite, etc.). A code indicating the type of transfer (e.g. store requisition, book transfer, etc.). Child node - see layout below. A code indicating the status of the transfer (e.g. approved, closed, etc.). The userid of the user who created the transfer. Comments associated with the transfer. This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to. Valid values are PROM and REPAIR. This field holds the value relating to the context type like Promotion number. Description is not available. The unique identifier of the item being transferred. The total quantity of the item reserved for this transfer at the from location. The supplier pack size for this item/transfer. A code indicating the inventory status for this transfer detail; valid values are found on the inv_status_types table. Not mapped to a database field. Sometimes used to calculate retail price. Description is not available. The item for which transfer info is being deleted. Description is not available. The transfer number where info is being deleted. Child node - see below. An external application publishes Transfers information onto the RIB.RMS provides the API to obtain various events viz Create, Modify and Delete associated to an externally generated Transfers. Topic Name : etXTsf Subcribers : XTsf_sub (RMS) Other publisher : XTsf_pub (AIP) This Operation invokes the publishing of "Delete" event for the XTsf. XTsfRef RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfRef.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the XTsf Dtl. XTsfDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Delete" event for the XTsf Dtl. XTsfRef RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfRef.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Modify" event for the XTsf Dtl. XTsfDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Modify" event for the XTsf. XTsfDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the XTsf. XTsfDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XTsfDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs.