Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierColDesc Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierColRef Provide an extension hook to customize Addr Provide an extension hook to customize SupAttr Provide an extension hook to customize SupSite Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteAddr Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteOrgUnit Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierDesc Description is not available. This column indicates the type for the address. Valid values are This column indicates whether the address is the primary address for the address type. This column contains the first line of the address. This column contains the second line of the address. This column contains the third line of the address. This column contains the name of the city that is associated with the address. This column contains the state abbreviation for the address. This column contains the country where the address exists. This column contains the zip code for the address. This column contains the name of the contact for the supplier at this address. This column contains the phone number of the contact person at this address. This column contains the fax number of the contact person at this address. This column contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. ID associated to the tax jurisdiction of the country-state relationship. Provide an extension hook to customize Addr. Provide an extension hook to localize Addr. Description is not available. Contains the suppliers trading name. Description is not available. Contains the name of the suppliers representative contact. Contains a telephone number for the suppliers representative contact. Contains a fax number for the suppliers representative contact. Contains the number for the pager of the suppliers representative contact. Determines whether the supplier is currently active. Valid values include Determines whether orders from this supplier will default as requiring quality control. A value of Y means that all orders from this supplier will require quality control unless overridden by the user when the order is created. An N in this field means that quality control will not be required unless indicated by the user during order creation. Indicates the percentage of items per receipt that will be marked for quality checking. Indicates the frequency in which items per receipt will be marked for quality checking. Determines whether orders from this supplier will default as requiring vendor control. A value of Y means that all orders from this supplier will require vendor control. An N in this field means that vendor control will not be required. Indicates the percentage of items per receipt that will be marked for vendor checking. Indicates the frequency in which items per receipt will be marked for vendor checking. Contains a code identifying the currency the supplier uses for business transactions. This field contains the suppliers preferred language. This field is provided for custom purchase orders in a specified language. Indicator identifying the sales terms that will default when an order is created for the supplier. These terms specify when payment is due and if any discounts exist for early payment. Indicator that references what freight terms will default when a order is created for the supplier. Indicates whether or not the supplier will accept returns. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates if returns must be accompanied by an authorization number when sent back to the vendor. Valid values are Y and N. Contains a value if the supplier requires a minimum dollar amount to be returned in order to accept the return. Returns of less than this amount will not be processed by the system. This field is stored in the suppliers currency. Contains the name of the courier that should be used for all returns to the supplier. Percentage multiplied by the total order cost to determine the handling cost for the return. Indicates whether purchase orders will be sent to the supplier via Electronic Data Interchange. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates whether purchase order changes will be sent to the supplier via Electronic Data Interchange. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates whether this supplier will send acknowledgment of a purchase orders sent via Electronic Data Interchange. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates whether this supplier will send Advance Shipment Notifications electronically. Valid values are Y and N. This field contains the EDI sales report frequency for this supplier. Valid values are This field indicates whether the supplier will send availability via EDI. This field indicates whether contracts will be sent to the supplier via EDI. Indicates whether invoices, debit memos and credit note requests will be sent to/from the supplier via Electronic Data Interchange. Valid values are Y and N. If the supplier is an EDI supplier and supports vendor initiated ordering, this field will contain the channel ID for the channel to which all inventory for these types of orders will flow. This field is used when a vendor initiated order is created for a physical warehouse to determine the virtual warehouse within the physical warehouse to which the inventory will flow. The virtual warehouse belonging to the indicated channel will be used. This will only be used in a multichannel environment This field contains the cost change variance by percent. If an EDI cost change is accepted and falls within these boundaries, it will be approved when inserted into the cost change dialogue. This field contains the cost change variance by amount. If an EDI cost change is accepted and falls within these boundaries, it will be approved when inserted into the cost change dialogue. Indicates whether contract orders for the supplier should be created in Approved status. Valid values are Y and N. The method used to ship the items on the purchase order from the country of origin to the country of import. This field indicates the method of payment.LC(Letter of Credit). This field contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. This field contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. "This field indicates which payment process method is used for this supplier. Valid values are This field indicates whether or not the supplier has agreed to break an order into separate boxes (and mark them) that can be shipped directly to the stores. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates whether or not the suppliers invoice matches can be automatically approved for payment. Valid values are Y or N. This field will only be populated if invoice matching is installed. Indicates when a debit memo will be sent to the supplier to resolve a discrepancy. Valid values are Y if debit memos are always to be sent, L if debit memos are used only if a credit note is not sent by the invoice due date, or N if debit memos are never to be sent. This field will only be populated if invoice matching is installed. Debit memo codes will be held on the codes table under the code type IMDC. Indicates if a supplier is allowed to charge freight costs to the client. This field will only be populated if invoice matching is installed. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates whether or not debit memos sent to the supplier can be automatically approved on creation. Valid values are Y or N. This field will only be populated if invoice matching is installed. Indicates whether or not all invoices for the supplier can be considered pre-paid invoices. This field will only be populated if invoice matching is installed. Valid values are Y and N. Indicates if backorders or partial shipments will be accepted. Contains the unique identifying number for the VAT region in the system. Indicator that determines whether supplier inventory management information can be set up at the supplier/department level or just at the supplier level. Also determines if orders created through replenishment for this supplier should be split by department or not. If the supplier is returns-only, this field will be null. Otherwise, this field must have value. Values include Indicates if the suppliers services (e.g. shelf stocking) must be confirmed as performed before paying an invoice from that supplier. Valid values are Y (all service non-merchandise lines on an invoice from this supplier must be confirmed before the invoice can be paid) and N (services do not need to be confirmed). Indicates where invoices from this supplier are paid - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are S (paid at the store) and C (paid centrally). This field should only be S if using ReSA to accept payment at the store, and only populated when using invoice matching. Indicates where invoices from this supplier are received - at the store or centrally through corporate accounting. Valid values are S (received at the store) and C (received centrally). This field should only be populated when using invoice matching. Indicates if the supplier invoice lists items at gross cost instead of net (off-invoice discounts subtracted). Valid values are G (invoices at gross) or N (invoices at net). These are stored on the code table under a code type of INGN. Contains the delivery policy of the supplier. Next Day indicates that the if a location is closed, the supplier will deliver on the next day. Next Valid Delivery Day indicates that the supplier will wait until the next scheduled delivery day before delivering. Valid values come from the DLVY code on code_head/code_detail. Any miscellaneous comments associated with the supplier. Holds the default lead time for the supplier. The lead time is the time the supplier needs between receiving an order and having the order ready to ship. This value will be defaulted to item/supplier relationships. This type can hold a number of digits count umber. This field holds the Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location of the supplier. This field will determine if the supplier uses bracket costing pricing structures. Valid values This column determines the status in which any inbound POs from this supplier are created. A NULL value indicates that the supplier is not a VMI supplier. Orders from these suppliers will be still be created in worksheet status. Indicates whether the supplier can ship direct to store. Valid values are Y and N. Depending upon the value in this column, scaling is done for AIP orders. Default value is N. Indicates the supplier order quantity level - 'CA' for cases, 'EA' for eaches. Provide an extension hook to customize SupAttr. Provide an extension hook to localize SupAttr. Description is not available. Description is not available. Unique identifying number for a supplier within the system. The user determines this number when a new supplier is first added to the system. Description is not available. Description is not available. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize SupSite. Provide an extension hook to localize SupSite. Description is not available. This column contains a unique number used to distinguish between different addresses. This column contains a unique number used to distinguish between different addresses. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteAddr. Provide an extension hook to localize SupSiteAddr. Description is not available. This column holds the oracle organizational unit ID Primary payment site indicator. Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteOrgUnit. Provide an extension hook to localize SupSiteOrgUnit. Description is not available. This column holds the ID for the supplier used in the external financial system. It is populated by the integration that brings suppliers from external financial systems into RMS. This ID and the supplier site ID can be used to join to information about the supplier in the external system. Unique identifying number for a supplier within the system. The user determines this number when a new supplier is first added to the system. Description is not available. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierDesc. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierDesc. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. Provide an extension hook to customize Addr Provide an extension hook to customize SupAttr Provide an extension hook to customize SupSite Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteAddr Provide an extension hook to customize SupSiteOrgUnit Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierDesc Description is not available. This column holds the ID for the supplier used in the external financial system. It is populated by the integration that brings suppliers from external financial systems into RMS. This ID and the supplier site ID can be used to join to information about the supplier in the external system. Unique identifying number for a supplier within the system. The user determines this number when a new supplier is first added to the system. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierRef. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierRef. Description is not available. Description is not available. Unique identifying number for a supplier within the system. The user determines this number when a new supplier is first added to the system. Description is not available. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSite. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierSite. Description is not available. This column contains a unique number used to distinguish between different addresses. This column contains a unique number used to distinguish between different addresses. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSiteAddress. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierSiteAddress. Description is not available. Description is not available. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierCollectionDesc. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierCollectionDesc. India Localization. Brazil Localization. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierRef Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSite Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSiteAddr India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. India Localization. Brazil Localization. Description is not available. Description is not available. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierCollectionRef. Provide an extension hook to localize SupplierCollectionRef. Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierColRef Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierColDesc Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierRef Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSite Provide an extension hook to customize SupplierSiteAddr Create new supplier. This includes creation of parent supplier info, Supplier sites info, org unit association and Addresses. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. SupplierRef object consists of information about the newly created Supplier.This includes parent supplier Ids, Supplier site ids,Address ids,Supplier Xref keys.The AIA Integration layer stores the supplier xref keys along with supplier Ids for reference. Throw this exception when the Supplier object already exists. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Create a new SupplierSite.This includes creation of Supplier site info, org unit association and Addresses. Parent Supplier already exists in the system for these supplier sites. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. SupplierRef object consists of information about the newly created Supplier.This includes parent supplier Ids, Supplier site ids,Address ids,Supplier Xref keys.The AIA Integration layer stores the supplier xref keys along with supplier Ids for reference. Throw this exception when the supplier site object already exists. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Create a new SupplierSite address.This includes creation of supplier site Addresses. Parent Supplier, supplier site and org unit associations already exists in the system for these supplier sites. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. SupplierRef object consists of information about the newly created Supplier.This includes parent supplier Ids, Supplier site ids,Address ids,Supplier Xref keys.The AIA Integration layer stores the supplier xref keys along with supplier Ids for reference. Throw this exception when the supplier site address object already exists. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Update Supplier.This includes updates to parent supplier info, Supplier sites info, org unit associations and Addresses. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. The output object returns updated SupplierDesc object consists of parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Update SupSite Using SupplierDesc.This includes updates to supplier sites info, org unit associations and Addresses. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. The output object returns updated SupplierDesc object consists of parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier site object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Update OrgUnit Using SupplierDesc.This includes updates to org unit associations especially the primary pay site information. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. The output object returns updated SupplierDesc object consists of parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier org unit object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Update SupSite Address Using SupplierDesc.This includes updates to supplier site Addresses. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. The output object returns updated SupplierDesc object consists of parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier site address object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Find SupplierDesc. SupplierRef object consists of input information for finding the Supplier.This includes parent supplier Ids or Supplier site ids. SupplierDesc object consists of inputs to parent supplier, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc also contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Create new supplier collection. This includes creation of collection of parent supplier info, Supplier site info, org unit association and Addresses. SupplierCollectionDesc object consists of inputs to collection of parent suppliers, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. SupplierCollectionRef object consists of collection of information about the newly created Supplier.This includes collection of parent supplier Ids, Supplier site ids,Address ids,Supplier Xref keys.The AIA Integration layer stores the supplier xref keys along with supplier Ids for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Update Supplier collection.This includes updates to parent supplier info, Supplier sites info, org unit associations and Addresses within the collection of the suppliers. SupplierCollectionDesc object consists of inputs to collection of parent suppliers, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The supplierDesc contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. The output object returns updated SupplierCollectionDesc object consists of collection of parent suppliers, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses.The SupplierCollectionDesc contains the supplier xref keys that are used in the AIA integration layer for reference. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Find Collection of SupplierDesc. SupplierCollectionRef object consists of input information for finding the collection of suppliers.This includes parent supplier Ids or Supplier site ids. SupplierCollectionDesc object consists of collection of parent suppliers, supplier sites, org unit associations and addresses. Throw this exception when a "soap:Client" side message problem occurs. Throw this exception when the supplier object does not exist. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs.