Detailed information about an item ticket format. Unique identifier of the format. Unique identifier of the store. Logical name of the format. Further description of the format. The URL of the template for printing the format. The ticket type associated with the format. Valid values are SHELF_LABEL, ITEM_TICKET, AGSN, UNKNOWN. Collection of item ticket formats. Collection of item ticket formats. Size of the collection. Item ticket batch request reference. SIM internal Item ticket batch request unique identifier. Item ticket format query criteria. Include only formats valid for this store. A single item ticket to be printed. Sku number Number of tickets to be printed for this item. The print format to associate to the item ticket. Price to be printed on the ticket. Retail currency code. A standardized 3 character code defined in ISO-4217. Unique identifier of the purchase order that triggered the creation of item tickets. Unique identifier of the promotion that triggered the creation of item tickets. The date that the ticket price becomes active. The multi units of the item ticket. The multi unit price for the multi unit selling of measure. Multi label currency code. A standardized 3 character code defined in ISO-4217. True if the multi unit was changed as part of the request, false otherwise. Contains the country of manufacture of the item. The sequence or order in which the tickets should be printed. Collection of all the unique identifiers/serial numbers associated with the line item. Collection of user defined attributes associated with the line item. A user defined attribute. The label of the user defined attribute. The value of the user defined attribute. Item ticket batch request information Unique identifier of the store. Unique identifier of the event or transaction within the external system. Unique identifier of the event or transaction that produced the tickets within SIM. If source is internal, the logical name of the printer to use for printing. If source is external, identifying information about the external printer. Either internal or external. Valid values are INTERNAL, EXTERNAL. The date the item tickets are scheduled to be printed. The type of ticket to be printed for all item tickets within the batch. Valid values are SHELF_LABEL, ITEM_TICKET, AGSN, UNKNOWN. The reason for creating the item ticket batch request. Valid values are DIRECT_DELIVERY, TICKET_GENERAL, TRANSFER, WAREHOUSE_DELIVERY, PRICE_CLEARANCE, PRICE_CHANGE, PRICE_PROMOTION, PURCHASE_ORDER, UNKNOWN. True if stock on hand is to be used to determined quantity, false otherwise. A collection of item tickets to print. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) Item Ticket service.