Item price header information. Item price identifier. Item price external identifier. The effective date of this item price. The end date of this item price. Item identifier The currency code of the current unit price. The current selling unit price. Selling unit of measure of the current price. The currency code of the new unit price. The new selling unit price. Selling unit of measure of the new unit price. The currency code of the multi unit price. The new multi unit price. Number of units involved in the multi unit pricing of the item. The unit of measure that applies to the multi unit price. True if a change was made to the multi-unit pricing for this item price, false if it only involves regular pricing. The currency code of the manufacturer's suggested retail price. The amount of the manufacturer's suggested retail price. Current status Valid values are APPROVED, PENDING, ACTIVE, COMPLETED, REJECTED, TICKET_LIST, NEW, DEFAULT, DELETED, NO_VALUE, UNKNOWN. Price type Valid values are CLEARANCE, PROMOTIONAL, PERMANENT, NO_VALUE, UNKNOWN. Promotion identifier A collection of item price header information A collection of item price header information Size of the collection. Query criteria to determine item price for a given item and store identifier. SIM store internal identifier Include prices with an effective date equal to or after this date. Include prices with an effective date equal to or before this date. Include price with an end date equal to or after this end date. Include price with an end date equal to or before this end date. Include prices with items in this merchandise hierarchy department identifier. Include prices with items in this merchandise hierarchy class identifier. Include prices with items in this merchandise hierarchy subclass identifier. Include only prices for this item. Current status Valid values are APPROVED, PENDING, ACTIVE, COMPLETED, REJECTED, TICKET_LIST, NEW, DEFAULT, DELETED, NO_VALUE, UNKNOWN. Price type Valid values are CLEARANCE, PROMOTIONAL, PERMANENT, NO_VALUE, UNKNOWN. Promotion identifier Maximum number of items to return from the query. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) Item Price service.