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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 14.1.1
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A Appendix: RIB Application Installer Screens

You will need the following details about your environment for the installer to successfully deploy the RIB applications. Depending on the options you select, you may not see some screens.

Screen: Define Scope

Field Title Which installation phases do you wish to run?
Field Description Used by the installer's build.xml to determine which phases to run during the installation. Each installation phase will run a different command-line tool.Preparation Phase:check-version-and-unpack.shAssembly Phase:rib-app-compiler.shDeployment Phase: -deploy-rib-func-artifact-warand/ -deploy-rib-app-ear rib-<app>

Field Title Configure JMS topics for RIB?
Field Description Used by the installer's build.xml to determine whether to configure the JMS topics.Will run the command-line -prepare-jms

Screen: Provide Inputs to Installer?

Field Title Generate new config file?
Field Description Used by the installer to determine whether to prompt user for inputs needed to generate the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file. Also used by the installer's build.xml to determine whether or not to actually generate the new file.

Screen: JMS Server Configuration

Field Title JMS Server Configuration
Field Description Used by the installer to determine how many sets of JMS server inputs should be collected from the user.

Screen: Prerequisites for Multiple JMS Server Configuration

Screen: Number of JMS Servers

Field Title Total Number of JMS Servers
Field Description Used by the installer to determine how many sets of JMS server inputs should be collected from the user.
Example 5

Screen: JMS Server 1


The installer will request input for as many JMS servers as were chosen on the previous screen. There will be one input screen for each JMS server.

Field Title JMS Server ID
Field Description The name of the JMS server.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example jms1

Screen: JMS Server 1 Details


The installer will request input for as many JMS Servers as were chosen on the previous screen. There will be one input screen for each JMS server.

Field Title AQ1 JMS Server Home
Field Description The AQ1 JMS server home
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example oracle@myhost:/u01/oradata

Field Title AQ1 JMS URL
Field Description The AQ1 JMS URL
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title AQ1 JMS Port
Field Description The AQ1 JMS port
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 1521

Field Title AQ1 JMS User
Field Description The AQ1 JMS user
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title AQ1 JMS Password
Field Description The AQ1 JMS password.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title AQ1 JMS Alias
Field Description The alias is used by the application to access user names and passwords in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: Security Details

Field Title Enable SSL for RIB
Field Description Option to deploy RIB to a secured environment, by selecting enable SSL flag to YES and providing SSL port while configuring wls. RIB deployed to SSL enabled WebLogic server.

By setting Enable SSL for RIB to No, RIB will be deployed to a non SSL environment
Example YES/NO

Screen: Number of WebLogic Installations

Field Title Total Number of Oracle WebLogic Server Installations
Field Description The number of different WebLogic Servers to which your rib-<app> applications will be installed. The installer uses this information to determine how many Oracle WebLogic servers it must request input for.
Example 1

Screen: WebLogic Instance <X> Details


The installer will request input for as many Oracle WebLogic servers as were chosen on the previous screen. There will be one input screen for each Oracle WebLogic server.

Field Title WebLogic Domain Name
Field Description Your App Server's domain name.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib_domain

Field Title WebLogic Domain Home
Field Description The format should be:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>where<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the installed domain.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost:/path/to/weblogic/domain/home

Field Title WebLogic Admin User
Field Description The WebLogic admin user for this WebLogic instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title WebLogic Admin Password
Field Description The WebLogic admin password for this WebLogic instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title WebLogic Admin Alias
Field Description The alias is used by the application to access user names and passwords in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example weblogic-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Field Title WebLogic Admin Port
Field Description The port used to access the AdminServer for this domain. It is found in $WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME/config/config.xml.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7001

Field Title Java Home
Field Description The JDK in the ORACLE_HOME.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example /path/to/jdk

Screen: Choose Apps to Install

Field Title Install rib-<app>
Field Description Used by the installer's build.xml to determine which applications to deploy during the Deployment Phase. This screen may also be shown if you have chosen not to run the Deployment Phase, but have chosen to generate a new rib-deployment-env-info.xml file. In this case, it is used by the installer to determine the input to request from the user to create the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: Choose App Server for rib-<app>


The screen capture above shows rib-sim. There are similar screens for rib-func-artifacts and for each other rib-<app> that you have chosen to install.

Field Title Select the App Server where rib-<app> will be installed
Field Description Used by the installer's build.xml to determine the application server with which to associate the rib-<app>'s WLS instance.
Note: The installer requests this information for rib-func-artifact, even if you have chosen to install rib-func-artifact at this time. The reason is that the rib-func-artifact inputs must exist in the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file to deploy any rib-<app:>.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: Set Email Defaults

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description If you are going to use the same email host for multiple rib <app> applications, you can enter it here.

Field Title Email server port
Field Description If you are going to use the same email port for multiple rib-<app> applications you can enter it here.
Example 25

Field Title From email address
Field Description If you are going to use the same email originator address for multiple rib-<app> applications you can enter it here.

Field Title To email addresses
Field Description If you are going to use the same email recipients list for multiple rib-<app> applications you can enter it here.

Screen: rib-<app> WLS Details


The screen capture above shows the WLS details input screen for rib-sim. Depending on which rib-<app> applications you are installing, the installer may display one or more input screens for each rib-<app>.

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-sim-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-sim-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Field Title rib-<app> WLS User
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Password
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Alias
Field Description The alias is used by the application to access user names and passwords in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: <app> Details


The screen capture above shows the Details screen for SIM. Depending on which rib-<app> applications you are installing, you will see different details input screens. For some of the Oracle Retail applications, these inputs may appear on separate installer screens rather than all on one screen.

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Example SIM_USER

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Field Title <app> JNDI URL
Field Description URL used by rib-<app> to connect to the <app> application.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example t3://myhost:7111

Field Title <app> JAAS User
Field Description When rib-<app> authenticates to the <app> JNDI naming service through the URL in the previous field, it will provide this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Example weblogic

Field Title <app> JAAS Password
Field Description The password for the <app> JAAS user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> JAAS Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> JAAS user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination <rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example sim-jaas-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-<app> Admin GUI Details


The screen capture above shows the Admin GUI Details screen for rib-sim. The installer may show similar screens for other rib-<app>, depending on which rib-<app> applications you are currently installing.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Example weblogic

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example sim-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-<app> Email Notification Details


The screen capture above shows the Email Notification Details screen for rib-sim. The installer may show similar screens for other rib-<app>, depending on which rib-<app> applications you are currently installing.

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app>email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-oms WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-oms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows: <user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-oms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: OMS Details

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Field Title <app> Endpoint url
Field Description The application url of the oms application
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes The url of the oms application server with the port number assigned for oms.

Screen: Select a Policy for OMS

Field Title Select the Policy name for OMS installation
Field Description Policy that need to selected.
Notes Appropriate policy need to be selected for non-secure / secure environment /message encryption. E.g: none/PolicyA/PolicyB

Screen: OMS Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example oms-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-oms Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-rpm WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example Rib-rpm-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-rpm-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: RPM Details

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Field Title <app> JNDI URL
Field Description URL used by rib-<app> to connect to the <app> application.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example t3://myhost:7111

Field Title <app> JAAS User
Field Description When rib-<app> authenticates to the <app> JNDI naming service through the URL in the previous field, it will provide this user name. This should be the user name of the RPM application.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> JAAS Password
Field Description The password for the <app> JAAS user. This should be the password of the RPM application.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> JAAS Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> JAAS user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rpm-jaas-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: RPM Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rpm-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-rpm Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-rms WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-rms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-rms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: RMS Datasources

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: RMS Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rms-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-rms Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-tafr WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-oms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-oms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: TAFR Datasources

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: TAFR Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example tafr-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-tafr Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-aip WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-aip-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-aip-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: AIP Details

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Field Title <app> JNDI URL
Field Description URL used by rib-<app> to connect to the <app> application.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example t3://myhost:7111

Field Title <app> JAAS User
Field Description When rib-<app> authenticates to the <app> JNDI naming service through the URL in the previous field, it will provide this user name. This should be the user name of the AIP application.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> JAAS Password
Field Description The password for the <app> JAAS user. This should be the password of the AIP application.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> JAAS Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> JAAS user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination <rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example aip-jaas-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: AIP Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example aip-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-aip Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: rib-func-artifacts WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-func-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-func-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: rib-rwms WLS Details

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Name
Field Description The name of the WebLogic managed server instance where the rib-<app> will be deployed.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rib-rwms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance Home
Field Description The format should be as follows:<user>@<host>:<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers /<wls-instance>where:<user> is the user who owns the files in the ORACLE_HOME<host> is the name or IP address of the server where the App Server is installed<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> is the filesystem path to the WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME<wls-instance> is the WebLogic managed server instance name
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example myuser@myhost://<WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/rib-rwms-wls-instance

Field Title rib-<app> WLS Instance port number
Field Description The port number used by this WebLogic managed server instance.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 7011

Screen: RWMS Datasources

Field Title <app> database URL
Field Description JDBC URL for the database
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example single instance thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydb

Field Title <app> database schema User
Field Description Database user where the <app> database schema was installed
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema password
Field Description Password for the <app> database schema user
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> database schema alias
Field Description Alias for the <app> database schema user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.

Screen: rib-rwms Email Notification Details

Field Title Email server host (SMTP)
Field Description The SMTP server that will be used to send notification emails from RIB.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title Email server port
Field Description The port for outgoing emails
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example 25

Field Title From address
Field Description The email address from which the rib-<app> email notifications will originate.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Field Title To addresses
Field Description List of recipients for rib-<app> email notifications.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml

Screen: RWMS Admin GUI Details

Field Title <app> Admin GUI User
Field Description When logging in to the admin GUI for rib-<app>, use this user name.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Password
Field Description The password for the <app> Admin GUI user.
Destination <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/security/cwallet.sso
Notes For WLS 10.3.x, passwords must include at least one numeral.

Field Title <app> Admin GUI Alias
Field Description The alias for the <app> Admin GUI user stored in the wallet file cwallet.sso.
Destination rib-deployment-env-info.xml
Example rwms-admin-gui-alias
Notes This alias must be unique. Do not use the same value for any other alias fields in the installer. If the same alias is used, entries in the wallet can override each other and cause problems with the application.