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Oracle® Retail Integration Console User Guide
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A Appendix: RIC Installation Checklist

Property Name in the JSON file Description Editable? Sample Value

dataSourceName Name of the datasource, the installer will create to connect to the database NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
dataSourceClass DataSource class, the installer will use to configure the data source NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
dataSourceJndiName JNDI name used by RIC application to connect to the database NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
jdbcUrl JDBC URL used by RIC application to connect to the database Yes jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbserver.example.com:1521/pdb
jdbcUserAlias JDBC User Alias used by RIC application to connect to the database NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
jdbcUser JDBC User Name used by RIC application to connect to the database NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
jdbcPassword JDBC Password used by RIC application to connect to the database NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE


weblogicDomainName Name of the Weblogic domain on which RIC application will be deployed Yes ric_domain
weblogicDomainHome Absolute path to the Weblogic domain Yes /user/local/Oracle/Middleware_home/Weblogic12.1.3/user_projects/domains/ric_domain
weblogicDomainAdminServerUrl Weblogic Admin Server URL of the domain being used for deployment of the app. Yes t3://example.com:7001
weblogicDomainAdminServerProtocol Weblogic Domain Admin Server Protocol, the protocols used for the deployment of the app. Yes t3/t3s
weblogicDomainAdminServerHost Name of the host machine where Weblogic server is installed. Yes example.com
weblogicDomainAdminServerPort Weblogic Domain Admin Server Port Yes 7001
weblogicDomainAdminServerUserAlias Weblogic Domain User Alias, installer will use to bind the user to the Weblogic server admin user NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
weblogicDomainTargetManagedServerName Weblogic Domain Managed Server Name, the name of the managed server on which RIC application will be deployed Yes ric-server
ricUiUrl RIC UI URL, URL to access RIC application GUI Yes http://example:7002/rsb-admin
ricUiUserGroup RIC UI User Group, the name of the User Group authorized to access RIC GUI NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
ricUiUserAlias RIC UI User Alias, installer will use the alias to bind the user with the application NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
ricUiUser RIC UI User, installer will retrieve the username from wallet and create the user on Weblogic. This user name should be used to login to the app. NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
ricUiPassword RIC UI Password, installer will retrieve the password from wallet and create the user on Weblogic. This password should be used to login to the app. NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE


ribEnable Flag to enable or disable RIB for RIC. Edit this property to change RIB mode Yes true/false
rsbEnable Flag to enable or disable RSB for RIC. Edit this property to change RSB mode Yes true/false
ddiEnable Flag to enable or disable DDI for RIC. This property value is not used in current version of RIC. By default, true. NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE
ribHome RIB home path, this property should point to valid rib-home on the same machine if ribEnable is set to true. The value should be in the specified format in sample value. Yes user@example.com:/user/local/integration/rib-home
rsbHome RSB home path, this property should point to valid rsb-home on the same machine if rsbEnable is set to true. The value should be in the specified format in sample value. Yes user@example.com:/user/local/integration/rsb-home
ddiHome DDI home path, this property should point to valid ddi-home on the same machine if ddiEnable is set to true. The value should be in the specified format in sample value. By default, can be same as rsbHome.This property value is not used in current version of RIC. NO N/A - DO NOT CHANGE THE DEFAULT VALUE