Vendor shipment header which does not contain detailed line item information. Unique identifier Store identifier Supplier identifier. Authorization code Date after which the vendor shipment in no longer valid Current status Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, SUBMITTED, SHIPPED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Number of line items on the vendor shipment. Vendor shipment container header which does not contain detailed line item information. Shipment unique identifier Container unique identifier. Store unique identifier The identifier used to print a barcode or label for the container. Current status of the container Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. The weight of the package measured by package_weight_uom. The unit of measure of the package weight. Container Tracking number Package type of the container. Restriction level of the container. Valid values are DEPT, CLASS, SUBCLASS, NONE, UNKNOWN. User who created this shipment container. Date on which the shipment container was created in GMT timezone. User who last updated this shipment container. Date on which the shipment container was last updated in GMT timezone. User who approved this shipment container. Date on which the shipment container was approved in GMT timezone. Collection of items within the container. Detailed information about an item on the container Line item unique identifier An identifier assigned by an external system when requesting SIM ship the item. SKU number Description of the item Return reason unique identifier. Unit of measure of the quantities Case size associated with the item. Quantity to be shipped. Collection of all the Unique Identification Numbers associated with the line item Collection of extended attributes for the line item. Bill of lading attached to the vendor shipment. Bill of lading unique identifier Motive identifier Tax identifier Date pickup is requested Type of carrier used for shipment Valid values are SENDER, RECEIVER, THIRD_PARTY, UNKNOWN. Carrier code of carrier responsible for shipment Service code of shipment service being used Name of the carrier Address of the carrier Address type of the destination address Valid values are BUSINESS, POSTAL, RETURNS, ORDER, INVOICE, REMITTANCE, BILLING, DELIVERY, UNKNOWN. Alternate ship to address if substituted for normal address Container shipment info. Container shipment info. Container identifier (shipping number). Container label (barcode). The weight of the package measured by package weight uom. The unit of measure of the package weight. Tracking number assigned to the container by the carrier. Package type of the container. This defines the general size of the package. Detailed information about a vendor shipment. Unique identifier Store identifier of store that is returning the stock Supplier identifier. Current status Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, SUBMITTED, SHIPPED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. A context for the return. Valid values are INVALID_DELIVERY, SEASONAL, DAMAGED, NONE, UNKNOWN. Authorization code Date after which the vendor shipment in no longer valid Vendor return document unique identifier External system identifier of the vendor return document Date the vendor shipment was created in GMT timezone Create user of the vendor shipment Update the vendor shipment was dispatched in GMT timezone Update user of the vendor shipment Date the vendor shipment was submitted in GMT timezone Submit user of the vendor shipment Date the vendor shipment was dispatched in GMT timezone Dispatch user of the vendor shipment Bill of lading associated to the vendor shipment. Notes associated to the vendor shipment. Notes attached to a vendor shipment. Note associated to the vendor shipment. Vendor shipment container reference Unique container identifier Collection of vendor shipment container headers. Collection of vendor shipment container headers. Size of the collection. Detailed information about an item on the container Line item unique identifier An identifier assigned by an external system when requesting SIM ship the item. SKU number Return reason unique identifier. Case size associated with the item. Quantity to be shipped. Unique Identifier Numbers to add to the line item. Unique Identifier Numbers to remove from the line item. Collection of extended attributes associated to the line item, either added or updated external attributes. Contains barcodes associated to the extended attribute scan to be deleted. All occurrences will be deleted. Detailed information about a created or modified vendor shipment. Shipment unique identifier Container unique identifier. If left empty, indicates creating new container, otherwise will attempt to modify container based on identifier. Store unique identifier The identifier used to print a barcode or label for the container. The weight of the package measured by package_weight_uom. The unit of measure of the package weight. Container Tracking number Package type of the container. Restriction level of the container. Valid values are DEPT, CLASS, SUBCLASS, NONE. Collection of items within the container. Vendor shipment reference Unique identifier Collection of vendor shipment headers. Collection of vendor shipment headers. Size of the collection. Vendor shipment container header which does not contain detailed line item information. Shipment unique identifier Container unique identifier. Store unique identifier The identifier used to print a barcode or label for the container. Current status of the container Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Number of line items on the vendor shipment container. Detailed information about a single GS1 code/value pairing. GS1 Attribute Identifier The value associated to the attribute. Details information about a line item extended attribute. Barcode data representation of the associated GS1 international code standards and their values. Number of occurrences of the extended attribute scanned on the line item. Collection of code-value pairs that contains the broken out information from within the barcode. Vendor shipment query criteria. Include only vendor shipments created for this store Include only vendor shipments with this identifier. This will limit the response to a single vendor shipment. Include only vendor shipments with this identifier. Include only vendor shipments containing this sku number Include only vendor shipments with this authorization code. Include only vendor shipments with this status. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, SUBMITTED, SHIPPED, CANCELED, ACTIVE, NO_VALUE. Include only vendor shipments with at least one line item containing this reason code identifier Successful message string. Modified information about a bill of lading associated to a vendor shipment. Motive identifier Tax identifier Date pickup is requested Type of carrier used for shipment Valid values are SENDER, RECEIVER, THIRD_PARTY. Carrier code of carrier responsible for shipment Service code of shipment service being used Name of the carrier Address of the carrier Address type of the destination address Valid values are BUSINESS, POSTAL, RETURNS, ORDER, INVOICE, REMITTANCE, BILLING, DELIVERY. Alternate ship to address if substituted for normal address Information about notes to attach to the vendor shipment. Note associated to the vendor shipment. Detailed information about a created or modified vendor shipment. Vendor shipment identifier. If left empty, indicates creating new vendor shipment, otherwise will attempt to modify shipment based on identifier. Store identifier of store that is returning the stock. Supplier identifier of the supplier being returned to. A context for the return. Valid values are INVALID_DELIVERY, SEASONAL, DAMAGED, NONE. Authorization code. This value may be required depending on system settings. Date after which the vendor shipment is no longer valid. Information about bill of lading for the vendor shipment. Collection of vendor shipment notes that will be added to the vendor shipment. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) Vendor Shipment service.