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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 15.0.1
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1 Introduction

This manual details the installation of the Retail Integration Bus (RIB). Generally, a RIB installation contains the following components:

The RIB includes an optional component, the RIB Integration Gateway Services (IGS) that can be installed as a subsystem to the core RIB. The IGS should be installed after the core RIB components have been successfully installed and tested.


See the ”Integration Gateway Services” section in Chapter 3, ”Core Concepts,” in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide before attempting installation.

It is important to also follow all installation steps of the Oracle Retail Applications that are being connected to the RIB. Failure to follow these may result in a faulty RIB installation. See the installation guides for the relevant Oracle Retail applications for more information.


The instructions provided in this guide apply to a full installation of the RIB. The RIB 15.0.1 application cannot be installed over an existing version, such as 14.x.x.

RIB Installation Master Checklist

This list covers all of the sequential steps required to perform a full installation of the RIB, using either the GUI RIB Installer (strongly recommended) or a command line installation.

Task Notes
Prepare the Oracle WebLogic Servers for installation of the RIB Components. Prerequisite
Prepare the Oracle Database schemas that the RIB will use. Prerequisite
Prepare the JMS. Prerequisite
Verify the Applications to which RIB will be integrating are configured appropriately.
Information to gather for the Installation During the prerequisites steps, there is information that should be noted that will be used to configure the RIB during the installation process.
Install the RIB using one of these methods:Installation using the RIB Installer GUIorInstallation using the RIB App Builder Command Line Tools. It is strongly recommended that the RIB Installer GUI method be used.
Verify Application URL settings match RIB installation. RIB Functional Artifact URLJNDI URL
Complete the setup of RDMT using the same Information to Gather for the Installation. During either of the installation methods, one of the manual steps will have extracted the RDMT tools to the appropriate directory.
Verify the RIB installation using the RDMT tools.
Install RIHA. The RIB Hospital maintenance tool


See Appendix C, ”RIB Installation Checklists,” while performing the installation to minimize the chance of errors.

The RIB Integration Gateway Services (IGS) is an optional component and should be installed after the installation and verification of the RIB components.

Task Notes
Prepare the WebLogic application servers for installation of the IGS component. This is a mandatory prerequisite.
Information to gather for the Installation During the RIB component prerequisites steps, there is information that should be noted that will be used to configure the IGS during the installation process.
Install the IGS.
Verify the IGS installation using the Soap UI tool and test cases. See Chapter 4 of the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide.


See Appendix C, ”RIB Installation Check Lists,” while performing the installation to minimize the chance of errors.

Technical Specifications

The RIB and Integration Gateway Services have several dependencies on Oracle Retail Application installations, as well as on the Oracle WebLogic Servers. This section covers these requirements.

Requesting Infrastructure Software

If you are unable to find the necessary version of the required Oracle infrastructure software (database server, application server, WebLogic, etc.) on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, you should file a non-technical 'Contact Us' Service Request (SR) and request access to the media. For instructions on filing a non-technical SR, see My Oracle Support Note 1071023.1 - Requesting Physical Shipment or Download URL for Software Media.

Check Server Requirements


Oracle Retail assumes that the retailer has applied all required fixes for supported compatible technologies.

Supported On Versions Supported
Database Server OS OS certified with Oracle Database 12c (12.x) Enterprise Edition. Options are:
  • Oracle Linux 6 or 7 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine).

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7 for x86-64 (actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine)

  • IBM AIX 7.1 (actual hardware or LPARs)

  • Solaris 11.1 SPARC (actual hardware or logical domains)

  • HP-UX 11.31 Integrity (actual hardware, HPVM, or vPars)

Database Server 12cR1 Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12c (12.x) with the following specifications:


  • Oracle Partitioning

  • Examples CD

Other Components:

  • Perl interpreter 5.0 or later

  • X-Windows interface

  • JDK 1.7 with latest security updates

AQ JMS Server Oracle Database 12cR1
Application Server OS OS certified with Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.3. Options are:
  • Oracle Linux 6 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine).

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for x86-64 (actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine)

  • IBM AIX 7.1 (actual hardware or LPARs)

  • Solaris 11.1 Sparc (actual hardware or logical domains)

  • HP-UX 11.31 Integrity (actual hardware, HPVM, or vPars)

Application Server Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.3


  • Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3

Note: WebLogic 12c domain for RIB needs JRF to be installed. Choose the JRF option at the domain creation. JRF needs an RCU schema for its runtime. This schema must be created prior to domain creation using the RCU tool.


  • JDK 1.7.0+ 64 bit with latest security updates

Minimum required JAVA version for all operating systems Java:

JDK 1.7.0+ 64 bit with latest security updates


By default, JDK is at 1.6. After installing the rdbms binary, apply patch 19623450. Then follow the instructions on Oracle Database Java Developer's Guide 12c (12 x) Release 1 to change JDK to 1.7 with latest security updates. The document is available at:


Follow-through to complete the post-patch operation.


Use GNU Tar when installing on AIX as other utilities fail when extracting the RIB tarballs.


Bash shell is supported. Using other shells could have adverse effects.


If there is an existing WebLogic installation on the server, you must upgrade to WebLogic 12.1.3. All middleware components associated with WebLogic server should be upgraded to 12.1.3.

Back up the weblogic.policy file ($WLS_HOME/wlserver/server/lib) before upgrading your WebLogic server, because this file could be overwritten. Copy over the weblogic.policy backup file after the WebLogic upgrade is finished and the post patching installation steps are completed.

Additional Requirement if using Oracle RIB Hospital Administration (RIHA)

The RIHA model and view components require ADF runtime to run properly. Verify that ADF runtime 12.1.3 or higher is available in the WebLogic Application Server (12.1.3) and applied to the domain where RIHA will be installed.

Other Resources

For information about WebLogic Application Server 12.1.3, see the Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation Library:



See also the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide 12c (12.x) and the Oracle WebLogic Application Server 12.1.3 documentation.

RIB Integration Gateway Services (IGS) Supported Operating Systems

Supported On Version Supported
Oracle WebLogic Server OS OS certified with Oracle Fusion Middleware 12.1.3. Options are:
  • Oracle Linux 6 or 7 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7 for x86-64 (Actual hardware or Oracle virtual machine)

  • IBM AIX 7.1 (Actual hardware or LPARs)

  • Solaris 11.1 Sparc (Actual hardware or logical domains)

  • HP-UX 11.31 Integrity (Actual hardware or HPVM)

Oracle WebLogic Server Oracle WebLogic Server 12.1.3

Supported Oracle Retail Products

Supported On Version Supported
RWMS 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
RMS 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
RPM 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
SIM 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
AIP 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
RSB 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1
OMS 15.0.1 RIB 15.0.1

Supported Oracle Applications

Supported On Version Supported
Oracle E-Business Suite Financials Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.4 integration is supported using the Oracle Retail Financial Integration for Oracle Retail Merchandising Suite and Oracle E-Business Suite Financials.

See the Oracle® Retail Financial E-Business Suite Integration Solution Implementation/Operations Guide for specific version information.

RIB and Oracle Database Cluster (RAC)

In this release, rib-<app> uses Oracle Streams AQ as the JMS provider. Oracle Streams AQ is built on top of Oracle database system. Because AQ is hosted by the Oracle database system, RIB can take advantage of database RAC capability for its JMS provider. By using RAC AQ as RIB's JMS provider, you can scale RIB's JMS server vertically and horizontally to meet any retailer's scalability and high availability need.

At runtime, rib-<app> uses the database for keeping track of its RIB Hospital records. These RIB Hospital tables can be hosted by an Oracle RAC database providing high availability and scalability for these RIB Hospital records.

All rib-<app>s use the Oracle type 4 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver to connect to the RIB Hospital database and the AQ JMS server. When the RIB Hospital database and the AQ JMS servers are hosted by an Oracle RAC database, the only configuration change required in rib-<app> is the RAC JDBC connection URL.


RIB supports only the use of the Oracle Type 4 Thin Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver (ojdbc7.jar) for all JDBC connections, including RAC.

RIB and Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster

RIB uses JMS server for message transportation between the integrating retail applications. Because RIB must preserve the message publication and subscription ordering, rib-<app>s deployed in Oracle WebLogic Server cannot be configured in an active-active cluster mode. In active-active cluster mode, multiple subscribers and publishers will process messages simultaneously and there will be no way to preserve message ordering.

The rib-<app> can be deployed to a single instance of an Oracle WebLogic server that is clustered (active-passive). In this configuration, even though rib-<app> is deployed in a WebLogic cluster, multiple instances of the same rib-<app> are not running at the same time, as there is only one WebLogic instance where the rib-<app> is deployed. So RIB can still preserve message ordering.

To truly configure rib-<app>s for high availability, the only option is to configure it in active-passive mode.