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Oracle® Retail Financial Integration for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management and Oracle Financials
Release 16.0
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4 Reviewing Process Integration for Inventory Valuation and Revenue Recognition Accounting Entries

This chapter provides an overview of the process integration for accounting entries from Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA), Retail Merchandising System (RMS), and Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM) to Oracle General Ledger (GL) and discusses how to:

Process Integration for Inventory Valuation and Revenue Recognition Accounting Entries Overview

The process integration for accounting entries enables you to record the financial impact of changes to sellable store and warehouse inventory. It also records the financial impact of sales and returns, cash reconciliation, and void transactions from stores.

The system sends sales audit and stock ledger data in Oracle Retail to Oracle GL through accounting entries. Similarly the system sends the prepaid invoice reversals and write-offs of aged receipts Oracle GL(EBS or PeopleSoft GL). RMS, ReIM, and ReSA are the source for accounting entry. After successful completion of data transfer, the system deletes the data from the source interface tables.

This integration uses the Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) application to transfer the data from the Oracle Retail applications to the Oracle GL application (EBS or PeopleSoft).

The process integration between Oracle Retail (RMS, ReSA, and ReIM) and Oracle GL supports the following integration flows:

  • Post stock ledger from RMS to Oracle GL

  • Post channel sales, cash, and deposits from ReSA to Oracle GL

  • Post write-offs (aged receipts, not invoiced to ledger) from RMS to Oracle GL

  • Post prepaid invoice reversals after receipt from ReIM to Oracle GL

Business Process Flow for the Integration of Accounting Entries

The overall process includes:

Table 4-1 Business Process Flow for the Integration of Accounting Entries

Oracle Retail Step1: Prepare the interface data

Integration Process(ODI)

Step2: Integration process will wait for the data to arrive in Retail staging tables.

Step3: Load and Transform retail data into E-Business Suite GL interface table.

Step4: Delete the data from the source staging tables.

OracleFinancials(EBS or PeopleSoft)

Step5: Launch journal import concurrent program to import data from interface table to journal transaction tables. An event will be raised after the concurrent program is completed. Then manually post to GL.


Before performing this process integration, ensure that:

The following Domain Value Maps (DVMs) have been entered on the RFI_XREF_DVM table:



    • The currency exchange rate is synchronized between Oracle Retail and Oracle Financials.

    • The journal category and source are set up if in Oracle Financials is E-Business Suite.

Facts and Constraints

Oracle Retail:

  1. RMS, ReSA, and ReIM are the source of the accounting entry flow.

  2. Oracle Retail populates one of the staging tables: STG_FIF_GL_DATA or IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE (depending on whether the RMS or ReIM package is running) on a scheduled basis.

  3. Data in the Oracle Retail staging tables is deleted after the ODI job completes successfully.

    Oracle GL:

    • Oracle GL has one interface table to receive data; GL_INTERFACE (EBS) / PS_ORT_ACT_ENTRY (PeopleSoft).

Performing Setup Tasks

This section discusses:

  • Setup Tasks Specific to Oracle Financials (General Ledger)

Setup Tasks Specific to Oracle Financials (General Ledger)

  • Synchronize currency exchange rate between Oracle Retail and Oracle Financials (EBS or PeopleSoft).

  • Set up journal category and source in EBS, if EBS is the financials system. This can be skipped if PeopleSoft is the financials application

  • The following DVMs/Xref have been entered on the RFI_XREF_DVM table:



    • TAX_DVM


  • The following email options have been entered in the RFI_XREF_DVM table:



Configuring and Generating Data in Oracle Retail

This section discusses:

  • Configuring the data in Oracle Retail

  • Generating the data in Oracle Retail

Configuring the Data in Oracle Retail

Before running any accounting data, perform these tasks in RMS and ReIM:

  • Set up general ledger (GL) account cross-reference

  • Define GL options.

For more information, see the RMS User Guide, version 16.0.0, "Financial Management," "Stock Ledger," "Maintain general ledger cross reference" and the ReIM User Guide, version 1 , "System Administration," "General Ledger Accounts".

Generating the Data in Oracle Retail

RMS stages GL data for subsequent upload into the integrated financial system. A set of batch processes gather and organize the data before using it to populate the related staging table.

These batch designs are included in this functional area




For more information, see the Chapter 13 General Ledger (GL) Batch in RMS Operations Guide, Volume 1, and Release 16.0.0

In ReIM, the batch process engages in these high-level steps:

  1. Performs any resolution actions (for example, initiate the creation of payment documents).

  2. Calls the posting process to write applicable financial accounting transactions to the financials staging table, IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE.

The processing occurs after discrepancies for documents have been resolved by resolution documents. Once all of the resolution documents for a matched invoice are built, and all of the RCA/RUA external processing has been confirmed, the process inserts financial accounting transactions to the financials staging table, to represent the resolution and consequent posting of the invoice. The process also inserts financial accounting transactions for the approved documents that are being handled.

Once all of the transactions have been written, the process switches the status of the current invoices or documents to "Posted", and then moves on to the next invoice or document. If a segment look-up fails, the failed record is written to a financials error table.

For more information, see the Chapter 9-26 Financial Posting Batch Design of the latest ReIM Operations Guide.

Picking Up and Transforming the Data

The process integration for accounting entries uses ODI to pick up the data from RMS, ReSA, and ReIM, transform it, and load it into the Oracle staging table for the GL Generator.

This flowchart illustrates the process:

Figure 4-1 Accounting entries load process

Surrounding text describes Figure 4-1 .

These tasks are performed as a part of the accounting entries load process:

  1. The system polls the STG_FIF_GL_DATA or IM_FINANCIALS_STAGE tables (depending on whether the RMS or ReIM package is running) until the data has been loaded in the tables.

  2. An ODI interface object is run to transform and map the data from the Retail table to the Oracle Financials(EBS or PeopleSoft) interface table.

  3. If the package has errors, an email is sent to the administrator indicating the error in the interface.

    The system deletes the processed data in the STG_FIF_GL_DATA and IM_FINANCIALS_STAG E tables.


If any of these steps fails, an error message is entered in RFI_ODI_LOGS table. The same information can be viewed using the RFI Administration UI screens. Data in Retail table is not deleted; saving it for another run after the error is fixed.

Configuring and Running the Process Integration for Accounting Entries

This section discusses how to:

  • Configure the process integration for accounting entries

  • Set up a schedule

  • Run the process integration for accounting entries

Configuring the Process Integration for Accounting Entries

This section discusses how to set up a schedule.

Setting Up a Schedule

This section covers the following topics:

  • Part I: Set Up Master Repository and Work Repository

  • Part II: Set up Domain Value

  • Part III: Set up EBS source

  • Part IV: Scenario test

Part I: Set Up Master Repository and Work Repository


If you haven't had a master and work repository created, you need to create it beforehand according to the sections F.3, F.4, F.5 and F.6 in Oracle Data Integrator Installation guide 12.2.4 or follow the steps given below. It is better to create master and work repository schema in server where ODI is installed.

Create master repository


  1. Create Database schemas for Master Repository and Work Repository. It is better to create master and work repository schema in server where ODI is installed.

  2. Make sure RFI_ODI_TEMP schema exists in Oracle Financials (EBS or PeopleSoft) suite database.

  3. Make sure RFI Infrastructure Database setup is completed.

  4. Give DBA privileges to schema "AP" in case of E-Business suite and "SYSADM in case of PeopleSoft database.

    Launch ODI Studio, Click File > New and select Master Repository Creation Wizard

    Figure 4-2 New Gallery screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-2 .

    Enter the Master Repository Database connection details and Click Next.

    1. Database Connection

      Enter valid Master Repository schema details.


      You have to enter sysdba credentials in DBA User and DBA Password fields.

    2. Repository Configuration

      Enter any Id other than 804, 805 in ID field.

      Figure 4-3 Master Repository Creation Wizard - Step 1 of 3

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-3 .

      Enter "SUPERVISOR" password and Click Next .

      Figure 4-4 Master Repository Creation Wizard - Step 2 of 3

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-4 .

      Click Next.

      Figure 4-5 Master Repository Creation Wizard - Step 3 of 3

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-5 .

      Click Finish.

      Figure 4-6 Information screen

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-6 .

RFI Create work repository

To create a work repository, take the following steps:

  1. Login to Master Repository in Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Studio to create a Work Repository.

  2. Select the ODI MenuàConnect option.

  3. Create Master Repository login credentials selecting the + button from a Oracle Data Integrator Login popup.

    Figure 4-7 Oracle Data Integrator Login screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-7 .
  4. Update Repository Connection Information as below:

    1. Oracle Data Integrator Connection

      Login Name: <Login Name>

      User: <Enter "SUPERVISOR" in this field>

      Password: <Which you had entered in step 2.4 from Create Master Repository section.>

    2. Database Connection (Master Repository)

      Enter Master Repository database credentials for User and Password fields.

      Select "Oracle JDBC Driver" from dropdown list for Driver List field.

      Enter Url field as below:

    3. Work Repository

      An option should be select as "Master Repository Only".

      Figure 4-8 Repository Connection Information screen

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-8 .
  5. Test your credentials information by using "Test" button. If it is successful then click OK.

    Figure 4-9 Information screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-9 .
  6. Select OK from Oracle Data Integrator Login popup.

    Figure 4-10 Oracle Data Integrator Login screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-10 .
  7. From Topology tab select Repositories, right click on the Work Repositories. Select the New Work Repository option.

    Figure 4-11 New Work Repository option

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-11 .
  8. Enter the work repository database credentials details.

    1. Test your credentials information with using "Test" button. If it is successful then click Next.

      Figure 4-12 Create Work Repository - Step 1 of 2

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-12 .
  9. 9. Update ODI Work Repository properties. Enter Name and Password (should be "SUPERVISOR" password) for work repository and click Finish.

    1. Figure 4-13 Create Work Repository - Step 2 of 2

      Surrounding text describes Figure 4-13 .
  10. Select Yes to create an ODI login for work repository.

    Figure 4-14 Confirmation screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-14 .
  11. Enter ODI work repository login name in the popup.

    Figure 4-15 Login Name screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-15 .
  12. Select the ODI Menu->Disconnect option to connect Work Repository.

    Figure 4-16 Disconnect option

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-16 .
  13. Select the ODI Menu->Connect option.

    1. ODI Login popup select Login Name from dropdown list (select which you had created in previous step7).

    2. Enter user as "SUPERVISOR".

    3. Enter "SUPERVISOR" password.

    4. Select edit option.

    Figure 4-17 Oracle Data Integrator Login screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-17 .
  14. Validate Repository Connection Information:

    1. Oracle Data Integrator Connection

      1. Login Name: <work repository login name>

      2. User: <"SUPERVISOR">

      3. Password: <SUPERVISOR Password>

    2. Database Connection (Master Repository)

      1. Validate Master Repository database details.

    3. Work Repository

      1. Select Work Repository option and select the repository which you had created in step 1.8.

        Figure 4-18 Repository Connection Information screen

        Surrounding text describes Figure 4-18 .
  15. Test your credentials information with using "Test" button. If it is successful then click OK.

    Figure 4-19 Information screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-19 .
  16. Select OK from Oracle Data Integrator Login popup.

    Figure 4-20 Oracle Data Integrator Login screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-20 .

Smart Import the ODI interfaces

  1. Import the ODI interface RMS to E-Business Account Entry or RMS to Peoplesoft Account Entry (Depends on the Oracle Financials System that is integrated to RFI).

    Figure 4-21 Import Selection screen

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-21 .
  2. Select SmartExport_RMS_EBS_Account_Entry.xml (EBS Integration) or SmartExport_RMS_PSFT_Account_Entry.xml(PeopleSoft Integration) file in the File Selection Field.

    Figure 4-22 Smart Import - Step 1 of 3

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-22 .
  3. Click Next.

    Figure 4-23 Smart Import - Step 2 of 3

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-23 .
  4. Click Next.

    Figure 4-24 Smart Import - Step 3 of 3

    Surrounding text describes Figure 4-24 .
  5. Click Finish.

    Similarly perform Smart Import for the other ODI Interfaces.

    • SmartExport_ReIM_EBS_Account_Entry.xml (EBS integration) Or SmartExport_ReIM_PSFT_Account_Entry.xml (PeopleSoft integration)

    • SmartExport_ReIM_EBS_Invoice_Entry.xml (EBS integration) Or SmartExport_ReIM_PSFT_Invoice_Entry.xml(PeopleSoft integration)

Update Connection Information

In Topology, under Physical Architecture, Technologies > Oracle, Update Database Connection detail in Physical Servers and Physical Schemas as given in the table below.

The below table shows the Topology Configurations, if the EBS is the Oracle Financials system that is integrated with:-

Table 4-2 Topology Configurations (EBS)

Physical Server (Data Server)

Physical Schema
Name Definition > Connection JDBC Schema (Schema) Schema (Work Schema)


User: <APPS Schema Name>

Password: <APPS Schema Password>

Update EBS JDBCUrl

APPS Schema



User: <APPS Schema Name>

Password: <AP Schema Password>

Update EBS JDBCUrl

AP Schema



User: <RMS User Schema Name>

Password: <RMS User Schema Password>

Update RMS JDBCUrl

RMS Schema Owner

RMS Schema Owner


User: <RFI Schema Name>

Password: <RFI Schema Password>

Update RFI JDBCUrl

RFI Schema

RFI Schema


User: <RFI Schema Name>

Password: <RFI Schema Password>

Update RFI JDBCUrl

RFI Schema

RFI Schema

In Physical Schema, make sure the context (Global and RETL_TO_EBIZ) is mapped to Logical Schemas as given in the table below. If some mapping is missing, map the Logical schemas as given in the table below:

Table 4-3 Physical and Logical Schema Mapping

Physical Schema Logical Schema











If integrating Oracle Financials application is PeopleSoft, Please validate the below details:-

The below table shows the Topology Configurations, if the PeopleSoft is the Oracle Financials system that is integrated with:-

Table 4-4 Topology Configurations (PeopleSoft)

Physical Server (Data Server)

Physical Schema
Name Definition > Connection JDBC Schema (Schema) Schema (Work Schema)


User: <SYSADM Schema Name>

Password: <SYSADM Schema Password>

Update EBS JDBCUrl




User: <RMS User Schema Name>

Password: <RMS User Schema Password>

Update RMS JDBCUrl

RMS Schema Owner

RMS Schema Owner


User: <RFI Schema Name>

Password: <RFI Schema Password>

Update RFI JDBCUrl

RFI Schema

RFI Schema


User: <RFI Schema Name>

Password: <RFI Schema Password>

Update RFI JDBCUrl

RFI Schema

RFI Schema

In Physical Schema, make sure the context (Global and (RETL_TO_PSFT) is mapped to Logical Schemas as given in the table below. If some mapping is missing, map the Logical schemas as given in the table below:

Table 4-5 Physical and Logical Schema Mapping

Physical Schema Logical Schema









Part II: Set Up Domain Value Maps

Enter appropriate values to the DVM table (RFI_XREF_DVM).


EXT_SYSTEM column mentioned below can have only one of the two values, either EBS or PSFT. It should not have any other value. On the same instance of RFI_XREF_DVM should not have both EBS and PSFT values in the EXT_SYSTEM COLUMN.

Table 4-6 DVM table values

DVM Name (CATEGORY_TYPE Column) Retail Value (RETL_ID column) Oracle Financials value (EXT_SYSTEM_ID column) EXT_SYSTEM column


Enter Retail Value for Business Unit

Enter EBS or PSFT Value for Business Unit



Enter Retail Value for Currency Code

Enter EBS or PSFT Value for Currency Code



Enter Retail Value for VAT Code

Enter EBS or PSFT Value for VAT Code


SUPPLIER_XREF (Inserted by Supplier Integration Adapter)

Retail Value for Supplier Id

EBS or PSFT Value for Supplier Id


Enter appropriate values for Mail option (RFI_XREF_DVM).

Table 4-7 Mail Option values

Name (CATEGORY_TYPE Column) Retail Value (RETL_ID column) E-Business suite value (EXT_SYSTEM_ID column) EXT_SYSTEM column



Enter the mail Subject for ODI Error Notification.




Enter the mail content for ODI Error Notification, Max length 240 chars




Enter the mail Subject for ODI Error Notification.




Enter the mail content for ODI Error Notification, Max length 240 chars


The FROM Email Address and TO Email Address List will be specified during RFI deployment.

Part III: Set up EBS source data

  1. Login to EBS self-service, navigate to General Ledger responsibility, Setup > Journals, launch Categories form, enter the following categories:

    Table 4-8 Category Form entries

    Category Key Desc






    Retail RMS

    Retail Invoices

    Retail Invoices

    Retail Invoices



    Retail ReSA

  2. Launch Sources form, enter the following sources:

    Table 4-9 Sources Form entries

    Source Key Desc



    Retail RMS



    Retail Write-offs



    Retail Prepayments

    Manual Payments

    Manual Payments

    Retail Manual Payments



    Retail ReSA

  3. Navigate to Payables responsibility, Setup > in the Lookups menu, launch Payables form.

    • Enter the following condition and search:

      • Type: SOURCE Application: Payables

      • In the result list, add the following line and save:

      Table 4-10 Result list

      Code Meaning Desc


      Retek ReIM

      Retek ReIM

Part IV: Scenario test

In this part, you need to do similar things to the three packages in this RFI. In this guide we only use package, Migrate RMS To EBIZ Acc Entry Package, for example.

Agents and Scenario

Oracle Data Integrator run-time Agents orchestrate the execution of jobs. The run-time agent functions as a listener and a scheduler agent. The agent executes jobs on demand (model reverses, packages, scenarios, interfaces, and so forth). The agent is also to start the execution of scenarios according to a schedule defined in Oracle Data Integrator. Schedules can be attached to scenarios and also to Load Plans. In ODI Topology, navigate to Physical Architecture > Agents.

Make sure the RFI_AGENT is available and default to port 20910.

Figure 4-25 Physical Architecture -> Agents screen

Surrounding text describes Figure 4-25 .

Run Agent Scheduler

  1. Modify odiparams file and set the following lines to connect them to the work repository. For example:

    In Windows OS (odiparams.bat),

    set ODI_MASTER_DRIVER=oracl.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    set ODI_MASTER_URL=<JDBC Connection URL to ODI>
    set ODI_MASTER_USER=<ODI Master Schema>
    set ODI_MASTER_ENCODED_PASS=< ODI Master Schema password>
    set ODI_SECU_WORK_REP=<ODI Work Repository name>

    In Linux/Unix OS (odiparams.sh),

    ODI_MASTER_URL=<JDBC Connection URL to ODI>
    ODI_MASTER_USER=<ODI Master Schema>
    ODI_MASTER_ENCODED_PASS=< ODI Master Schema password>
    ODI_SECU_WORK_REP=<ODI Work Repository name>

    You can use the following command to generate the encoded password:

    encode <password>

    Go to a CMD prompt and type

    agent "-NAME=<physical agent name>"

    For example

    agent "-NAME=RFI_AGENT"

    You should get a message that the agent is started successfully.

Generate scheduler

In ODI designer, navigate to Load Plans and Scenarios, select scenario MIGRATE_RMS_TO_EBIZ_ACC_ENTRY_PACKAGE (For EBS integration) or MIGRATE_RMS_TO_PSFT_ACC_ENTRY_PACKAGE (For PeopleSoft integration).

Select Existing Scheduling. Make sure the context is set to RETL_TO_EBIZ (For EBS integration) or RETL_TO_PSFT (For PeopleSoft integration) and agent is selected as RFI_AGENT.

Figure 4-26 Load Plans and Scenarios

Surrounding text describes Figure 4-26 .

Update schedule

Go back to Topology and find your Physical Agent, right click and update schedule.


The agent runs at a predefined execution time as given in the schedule. When it runs, you can check it in the Operator. You can also check the data in Oracle Financials side in the interface tables if the execution is successful and data has flown to Oracle Financials interface tables.

Run import program

When running the import program, enter the source name you set up in previous steps.

When the import program is complete, you can check the data in the Oracle Financials transaction tables.

Running the Process Integration for Accounting Entries

This process runs based on the schedules created for it. The integration between Oracle Retail and Oracle GL can be scheduled to occur automatically.


You can start or stop the scheduler agent whenever you want, which enables you to control the integration process. For more information about starting and stopping the scheduler agent, see Oracle Data Integrator Installation Guide 12.2.4, Section 3.2.6 "Starting the Standalone Agent" and section C.1.2 for "Stopping a Standalone Agent."