



Return To Vendor Requests (RTVReq) messages are published by a merchandizing system (RMS) to return goods to the vendor. These messages are subscribed by the store inventory systems (SIM).


RTVReq_tafr filters the messages based on the routing info type to_phys_loc_type. If to_phys_loc_type is not equal to “s” the message will be filtered. Also, this TAFR does not validate for the message types.


In addition, this message is also responsible to “delete” items by setting them to a 0-shipped quantity.


Functional Requirements


routing info to_phys_loc: The routing information for the message is supposed to contain the to_phys_loc specification. The message is considered to be in error, if the message does not contain to_phys_loc specification in the routing info.


routing info detail value: The routing info of the input message, contains a routing info detail with a dtl_name equals “TO_PHYS_LOC_TYPE” and value equals “s”. The message will not be published if the routing info detail value is not “s”.



Disclaimer: This document is a general data mapping and reference guide for data coming in and out of Oracle Retail application systems via RIB messages; it is not meant to give detailed information about every possible data scenario.