This complex type defines a customer order criteria value object Location where the order search request is initiated. Type of location where the order search request is initiated. The possible value is only "S" for store as of today. This element defines the query criteria for order search This element defines what needs to be returned in an order search result. This complex type defines an order query criteria The type of order search to perform Based on the search type, either a customer order id, a customer criteria, or a credit debit card criteria must be specified for order search. Based on the search type, either a customer order id, a customer criteria, or a credit debit card criteria must be specified for order search. Based on the search type, either a customer order id, a customer criteria, or a credit debit card criteria must be specified for order search. This complex type defines customer query criteria Either customer info or customer id must be set for order search by customer. Either customer info or customer id must be set for order search by customer. This complex type defines customer info query criteria customer first name customer last name customer company name customer postal code customer phone number The complex type defines credit/debit query criteria Either a card token or a masked card number must be set for order search by credit/debit card. Either a card token or a masked card number must be set for order search by credit/debit card. An item id in the order A date range This complex type defines a masked card number The first 6 digits of the card number The last 4 digits of the card number The complex type defines an order query request that describes what order information must be returned in an order search result. A boolean flag indicating if order header information must be returned. The possible values are "Y" or "N". A flag indicating if order items must be returned. The possible values are "NONE", "FIRST" (first item only), or "ALL". A boolean flag indicating if order fulfillment detail must be returned. The possible values are "Y" or "N". A boolean flag indicating if order delivery detail must be returned. The possible values are "Y" or "N". A boolean flag indicating if order payment information must be returned. The possible values are "Y" or "N". This element defines what needs to be returned for an order item. It is required only if the return_order_item_flag is "FIRST" or "ALL". This complex type defines what needs to be returned for an order item A boolean flag indicating if order item header info must be returned. The possible values are "Y" or "N". A boolean flag indicating if discount line items must be returned for an order item. The possible values are "Y" or "N". A boolean flag indicating if tax line items must be returned for an order item. The possible values are "Y" or "N". the start date the end date This simple type defines all the location types supported. This simple type defines all the search types supported. This simple type defines the return order items flag. This type can hold a string of max length of 4 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 6 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 14 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 30 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 48 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 100 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 120 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10.