This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements. Description is not available. Unique alphanumeric value that identifies the item to be requested. The quantity for the item being requested. This field is stored in the standard unit of measure. Unit of Purchase - used for conversion, since NEED_QTY is being stored in the standard unit of measure. The date that the store needs the item by. Specifies when the store requested quantity is needed at the store. Description is not available. Used to build an error record when necessary. The store ID which is requesting the item. Defines the request type. Valid values are - 'IR' (inventory request) and 'SO' (store order). Description is not available. This type can hold a number of digits count 12 and fraction digit count of 4. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 6 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 6 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 15 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10.