Product Group Schedule Modify Value Object. Schedule unique identifier. If this exists, the schedule will be updated. If no id is included, the schedule will be created. Description of the schedule. Schedule Status. Valid values are OPEN, CLOSED, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. Unique identifier of product group associated with the schedule. Description of product group associated with the schedule. This value cannot be altered on an update. Type of product group associated with the schedule. This value cannot be altered on an update. Valid values are STOCK_COUNT_UNIT, STOCK_COUNT_UNIT_AMOUNT, STOCK_COUNT_PROBLEM_LINE, STOCK_COUNT_WASTAGE, STOCK_COUNT_RMS_SYNC, SHELF_REPLENISHMENT, ITEM_REQUEST, AUTO_TICKET_PRINT, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. Collection of store identifiers. Schedule Details. Schedule Details contains the details as per which SIM will create a schedule for the group selected. Parameter needs to be set depending on the schedule type selected. "DAILY" schedule set values to "daily_frequency" only. "DAILY_BY_WEEKDAY" schedule no parameters to be set. "WEEKLY" set values to "weekly_frequency" and "days_of_week". Allows multiple values for "days_of_week". "MONTHLY_BY_DAY" set values to "monthly_frequency" and "day_of_month". "MONTHLY_BY_WEEK" set values to "monthly_frequency", "week_of_month" and "days_of_week". Single value expected in "days_of_week" for this schedule type. "YEARLY_BY_DAY" set values to "month_of_year" and "day_of_month". "YEARLY_BY_WEEK" set values to "month_of_year", "week_of_month" and "days_of_week". Single value expected in "days_of_week" for this schedule type. Schedule Type. Valid values are DAILY, DAILY_BY_WEEKDAY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY_BY_DAY, MONTHLY_BY_WEEK, YEARLY_BY_DAY, YEARLY_BY_WEEK, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. Schedule Start Date. Schedule End Date. Daily frequency of schedule. Value expected should be in range of 1 to 999999. Weekly frequency of schedule. Value expected should be in range of 1 to 9999. Monthly frequency of schedule. Value expected should be in range of 1 to 99999. Collection of days of week. Single or multiple values expected depending on schedule type selected. Each value denoted a day of the week. Day of month. Value expected should be in range of 1-31 as per the calendar dates for the month. Week of month. Value expected should be in range of 1 to 5. Month of year. Each value denotes a month of the year. Valid values are JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. Day of week Day of week Valid values are SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 24 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 100 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 1. This type can hold a number of digits count 4. This type can hold a number of digits count 5. This type can hold a number of digits count 6. This type can hold a number of digits count 8. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a number of digits count 12.