This schema defines the Return Authorizaton result message. This is the Response from the Return Authorization Authority ReturnResponse.returnTicketID - This is the compound ID made of the component parts of the Return ticket id ItemReturnResponse.responseCode - This is the 3 digit response code that is calculated by the returns engine the values for this are in the Database. ItemReturnResponse.itemDispositionCode - This is from the Disposition code for how the Item should be handled after return. This is from the ARTS Schema see ID_DPSN_CD.DE_SHRT_CD Return Response Information. Generated Return ticket ID. Response approve deny code. Available customer service overrides. Receipt Message number. Receipt message description. Item return response. Receipt Message description. Contains store languages information. Item Return Response information. Approved quantity. Response code. Approve deny code. Response Description. Receipt Message number. Receipt Message Description. Refund Tenders. Item disposition code. Restocking fee. Flag to determine if customer information is required. Refund Tenders information. Tender Type information. Response description. Short Response description. Long Response description. Short Response description. Contains description for the all the store languages. Long response description. Contains description for the all the store languages. This type can hold a string of max length of 10 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 30 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 11. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a number of digits count 15.