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Oracle® Retail Bulk Data Integration Implementation Guide
Release 16.0.023
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13 Job Admin REST Endpoints

Batch service is a RESTful service that provides various endpoints to manage batch jobs in Job Admin.

The endpoint "discover" can be used to identify all endpoints provided by Job Admin.

REST Resource HTTP Method Description
/discover GET Lists all available endpoints in Job Admin
/batch/jobs GET Gets all available batch jobs
/batch/jobs/{jobName} GET Gets all instances for a job
/batch/jobs/{jobName}/executions GET Gets all executions for a job
/batch/jobs/executions GET Gets all executions
/batch/jobs/currently-running-jobs GET Gets currently running jobs
/batch/jobs/{jobName}/{jobInstanceId}/executions GET Gets job executions for a job instance
/batch/jobs/{jobName}/{jobExecutionId} GET Gets job instance and execution for a job execution id
/batch/jobs/{jobName} POST Starts a job asynchronously
/batch/jobs/executions/{jobExecutionId} POST Restarts a stopped or failed job
/batch/jobs/executions DELETE Stops all running job executions
/batch/jobs/executions/{jobExecutionId} DELETE Stops a job execution
/batch/jobs/executions/{jobExecutionId} GET Gets execution steps with details
/batch/jobs/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps GET Gets execution steps
/batch/jobs/executions/{jobExecutionId}/steps/{stepExecutionId} GET Gets step details
/batch/jobs/job-def-xml-files GET Gets all job xml files
/telemetry/jobs GET Returns runtime job metrics between fromTime and toTime