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Oracle® Retail Job Orchestration and Scheduler Oracle® Retail Job Orchestration and Scheduler
Release 16.0.023
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G Appendix G: Job Admin UI Screenshots

The screenshots in this appendix are part of the Job Admin User Interface.

About the Batch Summary

This tab shows the summary of the system and details about the latest batch job executions. It can be used to quickly find out whether the latest jobs are successful or not. The last section of this page displays the step summary of the selected job.

Figure G-1 Batch Summary Tab

Surrounding text describes Figure G-1 .

Manage Batch Jobs - Job Executions

This tab shows the executions of the selected jobs. It can be used to restart the failed executions of a job. The restart button is available only for restartable executions in the status column. When the user clicks the restart button, it is redirected to the job launch tab with restart option and pre-populated value of job parameters from last run of the execution. The user can edit the value of the existing parameters and enter new parameters in a comma separated format.


The URL is an infrastructure parameter. The user is not allowed to change its value.

Figure G-2 Job Executions Tab

Surrounding text describes Figure G-2 .

Manage Batch Jobs - Job Launch

This tab can be used to launch jobs. Job Parameters is an optional input from the user to launch the jobs. Multiple job parameters can be entered in a comma separated value format.

Figure G-3 Job Launch Tab

Job Launch Tab

Build version and date is displayed on the info icon when the user selects the same. The icon is on the extreme right top corner of the page.

Job Stop

The Job Stop tab allows users to stop a job gracefully. There is no guarantee that the job will stop as it depends on whether the job has implemented stop functionality properly.

Figure G-4 Job Stop Tab

Job Stop Tab

Manage Batch Jobs - Job Definition - Job Details

This tab shows the details of the selected job such as Job Description, Family, and REST Service URL.

Figure G-5 Job Details Tab

Surrounding text describes Figure G-5 .

Manage Batch Jobs - Job Definition - Job XML Content

This tab shows the details of the selected job XML content. Users can edit job XML content from this tab.

Figure G-6 Job XML Content Tab

Job XML Content Tab

Manage Configurations

This tab shows the system options from the BDI_SYSTEM_OPTIONS table. It allows the user to add, edit, and delete new system options as well as credentials.

Figure G-7 System Options Tab

System Options Tab

System Logs

This tab shows logs at the job and system level.

Figure G-8 System Logs Tab

Surrounding text describes Figure G-8 .