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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 16.0.023
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4 Run the RIB Application Installer

This chapter provides instructions for running the RIB Application Installer.


If there is an existing WebLogic installation on the server, you must upgrade to WebLogic All middleware components associated with WebLogic server should be upgraded to

Back up the weblogic.policy file ($WLS_HOME/wlserver/server/lib) before upgrading your WebLogic server, because this file could be overwritten. Copy over the weblogic.policy backup file after the WebLogic upgrade is finished and the post patching installation steps are completed.

RIB Application Installer Tasks

The RIB application installer can be used to perform any of the tasks below. For a new installation, all tasks are recommended.

  • Run the Preparation Phase to unpack files, prepare the workspace, and perform preinstallation verifications.

  • Generate the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file, which configures the RIB installation.

  • Run the Assembly Phase to build the EAR and WAR files for the rib-<app> applications.

  • Configure the Advanced Queuing JMS topics for RIB.

  • Run the Deployment Phase to deploy the EAR and WAR files to the application servers.

  • Restart the WebLogic server.

For more information about the Preparation, Assembly and Deployment Phases, see the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide.

How to Run the RIB Application Installer

To run the RIB application installer, do the following.

  1. Undeploy all old rib-apps and completely remove them from the AdminServer upload directory as follows.

    1. Shut down all the rib-* servers.

    2. Delete all rib-* apps from the deployments menu in WebLogic.


      Be sure to remove ONLY the rib-* apps and no others. If other applications are removed, their deployments will break.

    3. Remove them from the upload directory if they exist:

      cd [RIB_DOMAIN]/servers/AdminServer/uploadrm -rf rib-*
    4. Start the rib-servers up again before starting the installer.

  2. Expand the RIB Kernel distribution as described in Expand the RIB Kernel Distribution.


    For RIB installations using AIX, xerces libraries may encounter an issue at runtime, causing rib-<app> to go a 'Warning' state and be non-functional.

    If the rib-home and deployed rib-<app> are both going to be on AIX, then no action is required. The RIB compiler will prepare the rib-<app> with the correct AIX-specific configurations.

    If the rib-home is located on any non-AIX platform but the rib-<app> is going to be deployed to AIX, then execute the following instructions:

    1. Locate the rib-app-compiler.sh file in rib-home


    2. Edit the rib-app-compiler.sh script to include a system property rib.runtime.os.name="AIX" as shown below.

      exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Drib.runtime.os.name="AIX" -Dsave.generated.files=false -cp "../../:../../deployment-home/conf:../../application-assembly-home/conf:../../integration-lib/xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar:../../integration-lib/*:../rib-func-artifacts/rib-func-artifact${CURRENT_VERSION}.war" oracle.retail.rib.compiler.Main $*

    If the rib-home is located on an AIX platform but the rib-<app> is going to be deployed to any non-AIX platform, then execute the following instructions:

    1. 1. Locate the rib-app-compiler.sh file in rib-home


    2. Edit the rib-app-compiler.sh script to include a system property rib.runtime.os.name="[OS Name]" where [OS Name] is HP, Solaris or OL, as shown below.

      exec "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Drib.runtime.os.name="[OS Name]" -Dsave.generated.files=false -cp "../../:../../deployment-home/conf:../../application-assembly-home/conf:../../integration-lib/xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar:../../integration-lib/*:../rib-func-artifacts/rib-func-artifact${CURRENT_VERSION}.war" oracle.retail.rib.compiler.Main $*

  3. Download the RIB Functional Artifacts distribution (RibFuncArtifact16.0.023ForAll16.0.023Apps_eng_ga.tar), and copy it into the <RIB_HOME>/download-home/rib-func-artifacts directory. Do not untar the file.

  4. Download the tar file distributions for each rib-<app> application (RibPak16.0.023For<app>16.0.023_eng_ga.tar) that you will install. Copy the files into the <RIB_HOME>/download-home/all-rib-apps directory. Do not untar the files.

  5. Download the RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools (RDMT) package (Rdmt16.0.023ForAll16.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar) and untar it into the <RIB_HOME>/tools-home directory. Several files will be placed under the rdmt directory when you untar the package. This allows the installer to run the <RIB_HOME>/tools-home/rdmt/configbuilder.sh script as part of the RIB installation.

  6. For multiple JMS servers only: If your RIB installation includes more than one JMS server, you must complete the additional preinstallation steps in the section, Preinstallation Steps for Multiple JMS Server Setup.

  7. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. The JAVA_HOME must be set to a JDK 1.8.0+ 64 bit with latest security updates, within the 1.8 code line. 64 bit. For Linux and Solaris OS only.

  8. Be sure there are no pre-existing instances of ANT in your path:

    $ unset ANT_HOME

    $ unset ANT_CONTRIB

    $ unset CLASSPATH

    The following command should not find the ant executable:$ which ant

  9. If you are using an X server, such as Exceed, set the DISPLAY environment variable so that you can run the installer in GUI mode (recommended). If you are not using an X server, or the GUI is too slow over your network, unset DISPLAY for text mode.

  10. Make sure that all WebLogic instances that you intend to deploy to are currently running.

  11. Give execute permissions to rib-home:

    For example, chmod -R 700 rib-home.

  12. Change directories to the <RIB_HOME> directory.

  13. Run the rib-installer.sh script. The RIB installer appears.


    See Appendix A, "Appendix: RIB Application Installer Screens" for details about every screen and input field in the installer.

  14. Restart the rib-<app>-server. During the installation process a shared library is created that contains the JDBC Driver update. For PL/SQL applications, it is necessary to bounce the WebLogic managed server instance.

  15. If the installer finds the configbuilder.sh script, it will attempt to run it. However, if the installer is unable to run the RDMT script or if the RDMT setup failed for some reason, manually run the RDMT at this time to verify the installation.

Check the Log Files to Ensure Installation was Successful

To check log files, do the following.

  1. Check the log files in <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/log to ensure that all RIB applications deployed successfully.

  2. If errors are encountered, verify that the installer inputs were correct.

  3. If all installer inputs were correct, it may be necessary to rerun the installer with the existing <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/rib-deployment-env-info.xml file. Running the installer multiple times usually resolves any extraneous errors.

Preinstallation Steps for Multiple JMS Server Setup


Using multiple JMS servers allows for the isolation of flows for performance and operational QoS. For more information, see "JMS Provider Management" section in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide.

If your RIB installation will include multiple JMS servers, additional steps are required before you can run the installer.


Do not follow these steps if you are using only one JMS server.

  1. Determine the family that must be configured for multiple JMS.

  2. Locate the rib-integration-flows.xml inside the rib-func-artifacts.war.

    Examine the rib-integration-flows.xml to identify all the RIB applications participating in the integration flows that must be configured with multiple JMS.

  3. Ensure that a new AQ JMS database server (not a schema) is set up. For information see "Prepare Oracle AQ JMS Provider" in this guide.

  4. Ensure that any additional AQ JMS are not in the same database server. Each new AQ JMS requires a new database server.


    If this is a first-time installation (or if you are using the installer to rewrite the rib-deployment-env-info.xml) you do not need to complete Step 6.

  5. Add JMS servers by updating rib-deployment-env-info.xml.

  6. In the rib-home, modify the appropriate files for each of the rib-<apps> that participate in the integration flow. Point the adapters to the right JMS server. The following applies to this step:

    • rib-<app>-adapters.xml

    • rib-<app>-adapter-resources.properties


      For more information on this step, see the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide.

  7. Once Step 6 is finished, the installer tool does the following to complete preinstallation activities:


    This step is not required if this is a first time installation or when the installer is used for installation.

    • Compiles all rib apps

    • Runs prepare-jms for the newly-created JMS server
      ($RIB_HOME/deployment-home/bin/rib-app-deployer.sh -prepare-jms<jms2>). This step configures additional JMS servers.

    • Deploys ($RIB_HOME/deployment-home/bin/rib-app-deployer.sh rib-<app>).

  8. Restart the WebLogic managed servers.

Preinstallation Steps for Configuring rib-ext

Rib-Ext is a new component added for external apps/3rd party integration with RIB. The RIB-EXT app organizes all publishers and subscribers adapters required by an external system and makes it easy to integrate from thirdparty systems. The list of publisher and subscriber adapters are defined by the customer's implementation team.

Following are the steps required to enable customer's specific integration flows:

  1. The install tarball(RibPak16.0.023ForExt16.0.023_eng_ga) includes a version of the configuration file with all adapters enable as well as a copy of the file based on the customer's configuration..

    • rib-ext-adapters.xml (undesired flows can be commented out)

    • rib-ext-adapters_gap.xml (flows have been pre-determined)

  2. Copy rib-ext-adapters_gap.xml to rib-ext-adapters.xml.

  3. Proceed with rib installation.

Preinstallation Steps for Enabling Dynamic Adapter Selection Feature for rib-<app>

This is new feature introduced in this release wherein user can pick a set of adapters at runtime from list of all available adapters for rib-<app>. This feature is enabled by default for rib-ext as it has a big list of adapters.

The following steps are required for enabling the dynamic adapter selection feature in all other rib-<app>:

  1. The install tarball(RibPak16.0.023For<app>16.0.023_eng_ga) includes a properties file.

    • rib-<app>.properties (eg- rib-sim.properties)

  2. Edit rib-<app>.properties file to add below flag

  3. Proceed with RIB installation.

Run RDMT to Verify the Installation

The RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools (RDMT) should be used at this time to verify the RIB installation. See "Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide for how to configure and use the RDMT tools.

Backups and Logs Created by the Installer

The RIB application installer creates the following backup and log files:

  • Each time the installer is used to generate a new rib-deployment-env-info.xml, a backup of the existing file will be created in: <RIB_HOME>/deployment-home/conf/archive/rib-deployment-env-info.xml.

  • Each time the installer is run, the output of the installer script will be written to a log file. The installer's log file will be located in:

  • Each time the installer is run, the user inputs will be recorded in: <RIB_HOME/.retail-installer/rib/log/ant.install.properties.<timestamp>. This file should only be used during troubleshooting to verify the exact inputs that were given to the installer. Modifying the file is not recommended, as it is a record of the inputs at the time the installer was run.

Resolving Installation Errors

If an error is encountered while running the installer, the cause of the error must be corrected before making another attempt to run the installer. The installer's log file may contain helpful information for determining the cause of the error. After you have examined the log files, see "Appendix: RIB Installer Common Errors" for a list of commonly encountered errors.

When you are ready to attempt another installation, keep in mind that you may be able to avoid re-entering all your inputs if the previous installation process was far enough along to configure the rib-deployment-env-info.xml. If the installer has already generated the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file, or if you have manually edited the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file, then it is not necessary to re-enter all the inputs in the installer. Verify that the rib-deployment-env-info.xml contains the correct settings, and run the installer with the Use existing rib-deployment-env-info.xml option.