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Oracle® Retail Integration Console User Guide
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4 Configuration and Deployment

This chapter provides an overview of RIC modes and provides instructions for configuring and installing RIC. The RIC installation steps differ for different RIC modes. RIC can be deployed in three modes in this release, the following table shows RIC modes:

Supported Models Description When to use? Settings in the deployment file
RIB ONLY RIC is configured to collect and display only RIB data. If RIB is in-scope and RSB is out-of-scope for your integration. "ribEnable":"true",



RSB ONLY RIC is configured to collect and display only RSB data. If RSB is in-scope and RIB is out-of-scope for your integration "ribEnable":"false",



DUAL (RIB+RSB) RIC is configured to collect and display both RIB and RSB data. If both RIB and RSB are in-scope for your integration. "ribEnable":"true",



How do you decide the mode in which you should run RIC?

Retailer's site -specific integration topology must drive this decision. Customers that use both RIB and RSB must configure the RIC to run with Dual (RIB + RSB) mode. This configuration yields maximum visibility of integration system and is the recommended mode. Customers that use only messaging infrastructure for integration (RIB) must configure RIC with RIB_ONLY mode. Lastly, when only service oriented integration (RSB) is used then, you must configure RIC with RSB_ONLY mode.

BDI is enabled by default in all RIC modes, irrespective of the value of bdiEnable flag in the configuration file.

The value of the properties ribEnable and rsbEnable in the ric configuration file ric-deployment-env-info.json inside ric-home/conf/ folder decides RIC mode.

Configuring RIC

Take the following steps to configure RIC:

  1. Edit the ric-deployment-env-info.json as follows:

    cd ric-home/conf/

    vi ric-deployment-env-info.json

    The following is an example configuration:

  2. Modify the DataSourceDef, the MiddlewareServerDef, and the IntegrationProduct with information that is specific to your environment.

  3. In order to hide host and port wherever exposed in RIC, set the below java option to TRUE in the Weblogic instance startup.

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -DMaskServerInfo.appServerHostPort=true"
  4. For the masking of the jdbc url in RIC, set the below java option to TRUE in the Weblogic instance startup.

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -DMaskServerInfo.db=true"

Installing RIC

After configuring the RIC, follow the installation steps according to the selected RIC mode.

RIB Only Mode

Install the RIC in the RIB only mode to provide visibility into the RIB. The following pre-requisites must be met:

  1. RIB must be deployed.

  2. JMS Console must be deployed from the rib-home/tools-home/.

  3. rib-home must be accessible to ric-home, that is both must reside in the same file system.

  4. The rib-deployment-env-info.xml must have a correct notification configuration for every rib-app in scope. RIC will use this email address to send notifications related to RIB.

  5. Configure a new mail session as below on the Weblogic server where you deploy RIC. This is for RIC to send notification emails on exceeding the error thresholds.

    1. Login to the Weblogic admin console.

    2. Navigate to Admin Console > Services > Mail Sessions.

    3. Create a new mail session with the JNDI Name as "mail/RicMailSession".

    4. Add the below JavaMail properties:

      • mail.smtp.ssl.enable=true

      • mail.smtp.auth=true

      • mail.smtp.ssl.trust=example.com

      • mail.smtp.port=465

      • mail.transport.protocol=smtps

      • mail.smtp.host=example.com

      • mail.from=admin@example.com

        Create a New Mail Session

Take the following steps to deploy the RIC in RIB only mode:

  1. Download RicKernel16.0.023ForAll16.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip to a location (for example, RIC-APP-BUILDER) on the computer which has your rib-home.

  2. Edit the ric-deployment-env-info.json configuration file located in the ric-home/conf/ folder.

  3. Modify MiddlewareServerDef and IntegrationProduct with information that is specific to your environment.

    1. Set the value of the ribEnable property in the configuration file to True.

    2. Set the value of the ribHome property in the configuration file to point to rib-home.

  4. Set the value of the RicAppServer fields to point to the environment where you want to deploy RIC.

  5. Go to the ric-home/bin/ folder and run the compiler to update the RIC ear as follows: $ sh ric-app-compiler.sh -setup-credentials.

    1. When prompted by the compiler, enter the user name and password for WebLogic server and RIC admin user. The RIC admin user is used to log in to the RIC.

  6. From the same folder, run the deployer script to create the user and group and deploy RIC on the WebLogic server as follows: $ sh ric-app-deployer.sh –deploy-ric-app.

    Restrict access to the $RIC-HOME folder:

    cd $RIC-HOME

    chmod -R 700 .

RSB Only Mode

Install the RIC in the RSB only mode to provide visibility into the RSB. The following pre-requisites must be met:

  1. RSB must be deployed.

  2. rsb-home must be accessible to ric-home, in other words both reside in the same file system.


If the RIB is already installed, we recommend configuring the RIC in a DUAL mode which provides visibility into the RIB and RSB systems. For more information, see DUAL Mode (RIB and RSB).

Take the following steps to deploy the RIC in a RSB only mode:

  1. Download RicKernel16.0.023ForAll16x.xApps_eng_ga.zip to a location (for example, RIC-APP-BUILDER) on your computer which has your rsb-home.

  2. Edit the ric-deployment-env-info.json configuration file located in the ric-home/conf/ folder.

  3. Modify the DataSourceDef, MiddlewareServerDef, and the IntegrationProduct with information that is specific to your environment.

    1. Set the value of the rsbEnable property in the configuration file to True.

    2. Set the value of the rsbHome property in the configuration file to point to rsb-home.

    3. Set the value of the bdiHome property in the configuration file to point to rsb-home.

    4. Set the value of the RicDataSource : jdbcUrl property to the same as that of the service-infrastructure-db.jdbc-url property in rsb-home/deployment-home/conf/rsb-deployment-env-info.properties.

    5. Set the value of the RicAppServer fields to point to the environment where you want to deploy the RIC.


    make sure RicDataSource and RsbDataSource point to the same database schema.

  4. Go to the ric-home/bin/ folder and run the compiler to update the RIC ear as follows: $ sh ric-app-compiler.sh -setup-credentials.

    1. When prompted by the compiler, enter the user name and password for WebLogic server, RicDataSource, and the RIC admin user. The RIC admin user is used to log in to the RIC.

  5. From the same folder, run the deployer script to create the user and group and deploy the RIC on the WebLogic server as follows: $ sh ric-app-deployer.sh –deploy-ric-app.

    Restrict access to the $RIC-HOME folder:

    cd $RIC-HOME

    chmod -R 700 .

DUAL Mode (RIB and RSB)

Install the RIC in the DUAL mode to provide visibility into both RIB and RSB. The following pre-requisites must be met:

  1. RIB must be deployed.

  2. JMS Console must be deployed from the rib-home/tools-home/.

  3. RSB must be deployed.

  4. rib-home and rsb-home must be accessible to ric-home, in other words both must reside in the same file system.

Take the following steps to deploy RIC in DUAL mode:

  1. Download RicKernel16.0.023ForAll16.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip to a location (for example, RIC-APP-BUILDER) on the computer which contains the rib-home and rsb-home.

  2. Edit the ric-deployment-env-info.json configuration file located in the ric-home/conf/ folder.

  3. Modify the DataSourceDef, MiddlewareServerDef, and the IntegrationProduct with information that is specific to your environment.

    1. Set the value of ribEnable and rsbEnable property in the configuration file to True.

    2. Set the value of ribHome property in the configuration file to point to rib-home.

    3. Set the value of rsbHome property in the configuration file to point to rsb-home.

    4. Set the value of bdiHome property in the configuration file to point to rsb-home.

    5. Set the value of RicDataSource : jdbcUrl property to the same as that of the service-infrastructure-db.jdbc-url property in rsb-home/deployment-home/conf/rsb-deployment-env-info.properties.

    6. Set the value of the RicAppServer fields to point to the environment where you want to deploy the RIC.


    make sure RicDataSource and RsbDataSource point to the same database schema.

  4. Go to the ric-home/bin/ folder and run the compiler to update the RIC ear as follows: $ sh ric-app-compiler.sh -setup-credentials.

    1. When prompted by the compiler, enter the user name and password for WebLogic server, RicDataSource, and RIC admin user. The RIC admin user is used to log in to the RIC.

  5. From the same folder, run the deployer script to create the user and group and deploy the RIC on the WebLogic server as follows: $ sh ric-app-deployer.sh –deploy-ric-app.

    Restrict access to the $RIC-HOME folder:

    cd $RIC-HOME

    chmod -R 700 .

Testing the Deployment

After you deploy the RIC successfully on the WebLogic server, you can access it using the following URL: http://<server>:<port>/rsb-admin.