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Oracle® Retail Dynamic Data Service Guide
Release 16.0.030
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1 Introduction

This chapter gives a brief introduction to the Dynamic Data Service Web Application.

What is DDS?

Dynamic Data Service (DDS) is a cloud based web application with functionality to remotely interact with databases. It has the ability to interact with many schemas at once in a database. The functionality also has the ability to interact with different databases as well.

Data can be viewed and modified through the application. It also has security built into it to restrict data access and modification.

Dynamic Data Service provides access to data in a database through RESTful services. Users can perform CRUD operations on the data using RESTful services. From a security perspective, access to data can be restricted to users at the table, column and row level.

Dynamic Data Service allows users to access data from any configured databases the time of install. Dynamic Data Service UI provides functionality to setup the security and perform CRUD operations on the data.

Need for DDS

DDS is useful for exposing data in a schema with data that is not directly visible to the user. Good examples for this would be a back-end schema of other Oracle applications. Any data that is not exposed by these applications can be viewed using DDS because users cannot connect to database schemas, from a cloud environment, using standard database tools without proper permissions.

Functionality Offered

DDS offers various functionality regarding databases. It can connect to various database connections. The application then discovers the schema inside the databases and allows the user to work and interact with the tables and data within the tables. The high level list of functionalities offered:

  • Schema Discovery

  • Viewing Table Definition

  • Querying table data

  • Creation, modification and deletion of records

  • Bulk Updates and Deletion of data in tables

  • Security setup for limiting data access and modification