Oracle Retail Enterprise Integration 

There is no one integration approach that addresses all criteria equally well. Therefore, multiple approaches for integrating applications have evolved over time. Oracle Retail has focused on three main integration styles.

  1. Asynchronous JMS Pub/Sub Fire-and-Forget (RIB-RIB)
  2. Request/Response (Web Services-RSB)
  3. Bulk Data (BDI)

Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) is a certified SaaS offering on the Oracle Cloud for Industries (OCI) and is a GA offering of the cloud deployment of the full Enterprise Integration Products (RIB, RSB, BDI, RFI) and out-of-box GA application integration flows.

New in Version 16.0.030

Decoupled RICS from the Merchandise Foundation Cloud Service (MFCS)

    -- RICS has been  in production with Merchandise Foundation Cloud Assembly since 16.0.1 (Jan 2017).
    -- In .030 we are decoupling the RICS assembly from Merchandise Foundation Cloud Assembly (MFCS)
    -- RICS RIB will communicate with MFCS using services instead of JDBC

New RICS Components included in RICS 16.0.030

    -- OmniChannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) to support Foundation & Item integration (ORDS, RIB and BDI) to OmniChannel Applications - OMS, CE, and Xstore CS.

    -- Oracle Cloud Financial integration to Oracle Cloud Financials (RFI, ODI, BDI).
    -- Service Mapper (enhancements to the on-premise versions of Payload Mapper for cloud services)
    -- RICS Data Service (RICS DS) provides REST APIs to query integration data.

Enhancements to integration flows (no new architecture) that will be included in RICS 16.0.030

    -- RGBU Planning Apps (RPAS) Foundation Data & Item integration flows (New BDI flows)
    -- New Store Inventory CS services (New RIB, RSB, BDI flows)
    -- Merchandise Cloud Retail Pricing integration flows (New BDI Flows)


Supported Products

Note that there  some products that are not in this release but may be present in the Integration Guide. The information about them is presented for reference purposes only.

Enterprise Integration Guide

Oracle® Retail Enterprise Integration 

Release 16.0.03x