Description is not available. Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is from. Contains the currency code that the rate exchange is to. This must match the primary RMS currency system option. Date on which the currency rate became or will become active. Contains the exchange rate for the specified currency/type/effective date combination. Incoming conversion type (e.g. Consolidation, Operational, etc.) is translated to an exchange type code (C, O, etc) by reading the fif_currency_xref table. An external system will publish a currency exchange rate onto the RIB system. RMS will subscribe to the currency exchange rate information and updates the database tables depending upon the validity of the records enclosed within the message. Topic Name : etEXTCurRate Subcribers : CurRate_sub (RMS). This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the Currency Exchange Rate. CurrRateDesc RBO complies with the XML schema CurrRateDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs.