Description is not available. The identifier of the location trait. Though the node is optional, this field is required if the node is included. The node can not be populated on the store create message. Description is not available. The unique identifier of the address being deleted. For address delete messages that are interfaced into RMS, it will hold the external store system's address ID. For address delete messages published out of RMS, it will hold RMS's address ID. Description is not available. The unique identifier of the store. The name of the store. The one character abbreviation of the store type. The ten character abbreviation of the store name. The three character abbreviation of the store name. The code of the class of which the store is a member. The name of the store manager. The date on which the store opened. The date on which the store closed. The date on which the store was acquired. The date on which the store was remodeled. This type can hold a number of digits count mber. This type can hold a number of digits count number. The email address of the store. The total square footage of the store. The total square footage of the store's selling area. The total merchandise space of the store. Indicates if the store can hold stock. This field cannot be modified. The identifier of the channel. This value must be predefined on the CHANNELS table. In a multichannel environment this field is required. The code of the store format of the store. This value must be predefined on the STORE_FORMAT table. The name of the mall in which the store is located. The number of the district of which the store is a member. This value must be predefined on the DISTRICT table. Field not used. The transfer zone in which the store is located. This value must be predefined on the TSFZONE table. The default warehouse for the store. This value must be predefined on the WH table. The number of days before the store close date that the store will stop accepting orders. The number of days before the store open date that the store will begin accepting orders. The code of the currency under which the store operates. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table. It cannot be modified. The code of the language used at the store. This value must be predefined on the LANG table. The character code corresponding to the Language used at the store Indicates whether the store's POS is integrated. This type can hold a number of digits count umber. The Dun and Bradstreet number to identify the location. Indicates if the like store's delivery schedule information should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. Indicates if the like store's closing date schedule should be copied to the new store. This value cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. The store from which pricing information will be copied to the new store. The pricing store does not need the same currency as the new store. This value is not required on a create message and should not be populated on a modify message. The location from which to copy cost information to the new store. This field should only be populated on store create messages. This value must be predefined on the WH or STORE table. This value cannot be modified. Indicates whether retail prices for the store will contain VAT. The vat region of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the VAT_REGION table. It is required if VAT is on in the system. The store from which the new store will have item\locations copied. This value must be predefined on the STORE table. It cannot be modified and will only be populated on a create message. Indicates whether replenishment information should be copied from the like store to the new store. This field cannot be modified. It will only be populated on a store create message. The transfer entity of which the store is a part. This value must be predefined on the TSF_ENTITY table. If the system allows intercompany transfers this field is required. The store which will be used to relate historical data to the new store. This value must be predefined on the STORE table. The level at which unique POS transaction numbers are generated. The county in which the store is located. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. TimeZone name. Customer ID associated with the WF Store. Column will contain the organizational unit ID value. Secondary name of the store. This field can only be populated when system_options.secondary_desc_ind = Y. Customer order location indicator. This field can have Y or N. Description is not available. Indicates the City Id or Code. Indicates the State name. Indicates the Country Name. For e.g Brazil,United States This field holds the unique address ID from the source system. For addresses that are interfaced into RMS, it will hold the external system's address ID. For addresses published out of RMS, it will hold RMS's address ID. Indicates the type for the address. Valid values (e.g. 01-business, 02-postal) are in the add_type table. Description is not available. Indicates whether this address is the primary address for this address type Contains the first line of the address Contains the second line of the address. Contains the thirdline of the address. Contains the name of the city that is associated with the address. Contains the postal abbreviation for the state in which the warehouse is located. Contains the country where the address exists. Contains the zip code for the address. Contains the name of the contact for the supplier at this address. Contains the phone number of the contact person at this address. Contains the telex number of the partner or suppliers representative contact. Contains the fax number of the contact person at this address. Contains the email address of the partner or suppliers representative contact. The unique identifier of this address in the Oracle Financials systems, if used. Contains the county name for the location. ID associated to the tax jurisdiction of the country-state relationship. Description is not available. A walk through store of the store being modified. Though the node is optional, if it is included this field is required. This node can not be populated on a store create message. Description is not available. The store number being deleted, or for which a location trait or walk through store is being disassociated. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. An external application publishes Store information onto the RIB.RMS provides the API to obtain various events viz Create, Modify and Delete associated to an externally generated Store. Topic Name : etXStore Subcribers : XStore_sub (RMS). This Operation invokes the publishing of "Delete" event for the XStore. XStoreRef RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreRef.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the XStore Loc Trt. XStoreDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Delete" event for the Store Loc Trt. XStoreRef RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreRef.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Modify" event for the XStore. XStoreDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the XStore. XStoreDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the XStoreWT. XStoreDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs. This Operation invokes the publishing of "Delete" event for the XStoreWT. XStoreRef RBO complies with the XML schema XStoreRef.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs.