Contains the phone information. Unique identified for the phone Phone number Phone type. For ORPOS if the field is not populated will default to value "HOME". Contains the phone extension Indicates whether this phone is the primary contact phone Indicates the type of communications that this phone is being used for. Sample values: order information only, promotion info only, marketing, no phone contact Tracking information about a shipment manifest. Type of transaction that was manifested. Valid values are FULFILLMENT_ORDER_DELIVERY, RETURN, TRANSFER. Identifier of transaction that was manifested. This field represents the shipment number that manifest systems use to group multi-container shipments for a carrier. Typically a 1 of 4 type message. Identifier of the container. Carrier selected. Service to be used by the carrier. This is a unique tracking number that is used to track containers through carriers system. Information about where this shipment is being billed to. Contact information for this address. Address fields. Information about a shipment being sent to the manifesting system. Identifier of the source of the shipment. This will be a store identifier, warehouse identifier or other entity id representing a shipper. Type of transaction that is the source of the manifest or shipment. Valid values are FULFILLMENT_ORDER_DELIVERY, RETURN, TRANSFER. Identifier of transaction that is the source of the manifest or shipment. Identifier of the customer order that is the source of this shipment. If this attribute exists, the transaction involved should be a customer delivery. The value of shipping cost. The currency of the shipping cost. Identifies a specific carrier requested for this shipment. Identifiers a specific carrier service requested for this shipment. The height of the package measured by package_uom. The width of the package measured by package_uom. The length of the package measured by package_uom. The unit of measure of the package measurements. The weight of the package measured by package_weight_uom. The unit of measure of the package weight. Date by which the customer wants to receive the delivery. Uniform resource identifier of the printer that labels should be printed on. Number of labels to print for this shipment. User requesting this shipment. Information about the source location of the shipment. Information about the destination for this shipment. Billing address for this shipment. Detailed item information for the items included in this shipment. Information about where the shipment is being sent from. Contact information for this address. Code for the type of address this is. Address fields. Detail-level information about a shipment being sent to the manifesting system. Item identifier. Description of this item. Quantity of the item for this detail. Unit of measure this detail's quantity is represented in. Currency code of the retail unit cost for this item. Only used with customer orders. Retail unit cost for this item. Only used with customer orders. Information about where the shipment is being sent from. Contact information for this address. Code for the type of address this is. Address fields. Address used for mail, shipping or delivery Unique identifier for this address entry. The address type can be any of the enumerated values 'Home','Office','Billing','Shipping' Contains Address Line 1. Contains Address Line 2. Contains Address Line 3. Contains Address Line 4. Contains Address Line 5. Contains the city where the address is located. County where this address is located Contains the postal abbreviation for the state, province or territory in which the address is located. Indicates the state, province or territory name. Contains the postal abbreviation of the country in which the address is located Indicates the Country name For e.g Brazil,United States Contains the postal code for the address ID associated to the tax jurisdiction of the country-state relationship. Indicates the type of communications being sent to this address. Sample values are order information only, promotion info only, marketing material, no contact If the retailer integrates with an external system that does address validation at the time of adding this record, this flag is set to true. Absence of this element should indicate "false". Contains the contact information for a customer Unique identifier for this contact Contact first name. ORPOS Usage - For regular customers that are fed into ORPOS from an external customer system, if this field is not populated, ORPOS will prompt for a value. For Customers created by ORPOS, this field needs to be populated. Contact last name. ORPOS Usage - For regular customers that are fed into ORPOS, if this field is not populated, ORPOS will prompt for a value. For Customers created by ORPOS, this field needs to be populated. Contact middle name Contact preferred name Contains the full name for a regular customer. A Title placed before a name. Example Ms, Mr The name suffix, can be academic, honorary, professional or generational. Example: PhD, MBA, PMP, Sr, Jr, JDA Fax number for this contact Contains the name of a business/ organization. List of phones for this contact address. List of emails for this contact address Contains a list of emails for this contact address Contact Email. Contains a list of phones for this contact address Phone information Contains the email information Unique identifier for the email Contains the email type. For ORPOS if the field is not populated, will default to "HOME". Indicates whether this email is the primary contact email address. Defaults to false. Contains the email address. Contains the format for the email for example TEXT or HTML. Indicates the type of communications being sent to this email address. Sample values: order information only, promotion info only, marketing, no contact If the retailer integrates with an external system that does email validation at the time of adding this record, this flag is set to true. Absence of this element should indicate "false". This describes the services a third-party shipment manifesting system must implement in order for Oracle to integrate with it.