Description is not available. Contains the location number of the stock order source location. Type of location in the dc_dest_id field. Valid values are: S = Store, W = Warehouse, E = Finisher. Indicates the store type of the dc_dest_id store. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. Indicates if the dc_dest_id store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. Contains the stock order number. This is either the transfer or allocation number in RMS. Specifies whether the stock order status pertains to an allocation 'A', or transfer 'T'. Types 'D'C Created Stock Order,'C'ustomer Order, and 'V'irtual Distro are also valid document types but will be ignored by the RMS API. Description is not available. This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to. Valid values are PROM and REPAIR. This field holds the value relating to the context type like promotion number. This field indicates if a transfer is made from the available or unavailable inventory. For a stock order associated with a customer order, this field holds the master customer order number from OMS. For a stock order associated with a customer order, this field holds the number from OMS related to the fulfillment details. One or more fulfillment orders could relate back to a single customer order in OMS. Description is not available. Contains the location number of the stock order receiving location. Type of location in the dest_id field. Valid values are: S = Store, W = Warehouse, E = Finisher. Indicates the store type of the dest_id store. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. Indicates if the dest_id store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. Unique identifier for the item. The ID of the item being replaced. Populated only when this record is for a substitute item on a customer order. Derived as ROWNUM. The difference beween the number of ITEM units shipped versus the receiving count for the given ITEM. This is subtracted from the document-line-item-unit-count to yield an over/under variance between what a supplier said was shipped and what was counted and received at by the store's staff. The status of the stock order. Valid values are: 'DS' - Details Selected, 'DU' - Details Un-Selected, 'NI' - Line Cancellation, 'PP' - Distributed, 'PU' - Un-Distributed, 'RS' - Return To Stock, 'EX' - Expired, 'SR' - Store Reassign, 'SC' - Store Cancellation. Description is not available. Description is not available. Successful message string.