Store item inventory query criteria for groupings (such as transfer zones and buddy stores) Collection of sku numbers Store identifier Type of unit of measure to attempt to return quantities. Will default to STANDARD if unable to perform a unit of measure conversion. Valid values are STANDARD, SELLING. Collection of store item inventory information. Collection of store item inventory information. Size of the collection. Store future item inventory Sku number Store identifier Location type of the source of the delivery. Valid values are STORE, WAREHOUSE, FINISHER, UNKNOWN. Identifier of the source of the delivery. Type of delivery. Valid values are ALLOCATION, PURCHASE_ORDER, TRANSFER, UNKNOWN. The date the inventory is expected to arrive. Amount of inventory inbound on delivery. Amount of inventory on order. Store item inventory query criteria Collection of sku numbers Collection of store identifiers Type of unit of measure to attempt to return quantities. Will default to STANDARD if unable to perform a unit of measure conversion. Valid values are STANDARD, SELLING. Inventory information for an item at a location. The item identifier. Location where the item is to be found. This field may contain a store or a warehouse. Type of location. Valid values are 'S' (store) and 'W' (warehouse). Channel identifier of the warehouse. If the location is store, channel will be blank. If the location is warehouse, this is optional based on the input criteria. Contains the available quantity for the item/location in standard unit of measure. Contains the unit of measure for available quantity. The date at which this quantity of inventory is available. Valid for pack item only. Indicate if the pack item available quantity is actual held value ('N') or calculated using pack component ('Y'). Calculated pack quantity should be treated as an estimate value. Gives the distance of the location from the center of Search Area. Store item inventory Sku number Store identifier True if item has inventory at the store, otherwise false. True if pack item's inventory was estimated from component inventory, otherwise false. Unit of measure code of the quantities. Default case size of the item. Stock on hand quantity Quantity in the back room area Quantity on the shop floor Quantity in delivery bay Available quantity Unavailable quantity Total non-sellable quantity In transit quantity Customer reserved quantity Transfer reserved quantity Vendor return quantity Collection of non-sellable quantities by specific non-sellable reason. Store inventory non-sellable quantity (sub-value of total non-sellable quantity) SIM internal non-sellable quantity type identifier Quantity This is a description object to hold distance information. It is currently used in conjunction with a SearchAreaDesc object to identify nearby stores for inventory availability lookup. But it can be used whenever a need arises to bring in distance information between two places on the geographical map. The numerical value of distance. The unit of distance. Store item inventory Sku number Store identifier Available quantity Unit of measure code of the quantities. Collection of inventory availability records. A collection of InvAvailDesc objects. Number of items in the collection. Address used for mail, shipping or delivery Unique identifier for this address entry. The address type can be any of the enumerated values 'Home','Office','Billing','Shipping' Contains Address Line 1. Contains Address Line 2. Contains Address Line 3. Contains Address Line 4. Contains Address Line 5. Contains the city where the address is located. County where this address is located Contains the postal abbreviation for the state, province or territory in which the address is located. Indicates the state, province or territory name. Contains the postal abbreviation of the country in which the address is located Indicates the Country name For e.g Brazil,United States Contains the postal code for the address ID associated to the tax jurisdiction of the country-state relationship. Indicates the type of communications being sent to this address. Sample values are order information only, promotion info only, marketing material, no contact If the retailer integrates with an external system that does address validation at the time of adding this record, this flag is set to true. Absence of this element should indicate "false". Store item inventory query criteria Sku number Origin point for which nearby stores within the specified range need to be found. Can either be a customer specified address or a store ID. Customer specified address. Not used when a store id is specified. ID of the store, for which other stores which are in its proximity, need to be found.Not used when an address is specified. Location search query criteria for Inventory available-to-promise. Requesting customer specified address or a store ID. Used for calculating nearby stores located within the specified distance. Used for proximity calculation. Holds the distance with unit. Collection of store item fture inventory information. Collection of store item fture inventory information. Size of the collection. Store item future inventory query criteria Sku number Store identifier Inventory availability query criteria. Contains the transaction level item numbers for which to check inventory. Contains the locations at which to check inventory. Used for proximity calculation. This defines the criteria to identify the inventory locations. Not used when request specifies inventory locations. Indicates if the inventory availability lookup is for general purpose or specific for store pickup. Valid values are 'Y' (store pickup) and 'N' (others). This field will be used for routing the input request. A location at which inventory can be held. The location at which to check item inventory. Type of item inventory location. Valid values are 'S' (store) and 'W' (warehouse). Only used when a physical WH is passed. If a channel is passed the results will be limited by the passed in channel. Collection of store item inventory information. Collection of store item inventory information. Size of the collection. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) Inventory service.