The complex type describes a customer order retail business object. The customer order id. The id from an external source that is linked to this order. This is used for integration purpose. The currency ISO code. The order's original receipt locale. The order description in its original receipt locale. A enum indicating the order status. The possible values are "NEW", "OPEN", "PARTIAL", "HELD", "SUSPENDED", "CANCELED", "COMPLETED", "FILLED", or "ERROR". A enum indicating the location type where the order is initiated. The possible values are "O" for online or "S" for store. The location id where the order is initiated. The country code where the order is initiated. The grand total order amount that includes discount, tax, and shipping charges. The subtotal order amount that does not include discount, tax, and shipping charges. Total amount of sales tax paid for this order Total amount of VAT tax paid for this order. The VAT tax is already included in the item price. The total amount of shipping charge paid for this order. The total amount of discount for this order. The total amount picked up or shipped for this order. The total amount cancelled for this order. The total amount returned for this order. The discount amount applied to order items that have been picked up or shipped. The discount amount applied to order items that have been cancelled. The discount amount applied to order items that have been returned. The tax amount applied to order items that have been picked up or shipped. The tax amount applied to order items that have been cancelled. The tax amount applied to order items that have been returned. The VAT tax amount applied to order items that have been picked up or shipped. The VAT tax amount applied to order items that have been cancelled. The VAT tax amount applied to order items that have been returned. The total paid amount for this order. The following formula holds true. paid_amount + rounding_adjustment = total payment from payment collection - refund_amount_offset_by_sale The rounding adjustment for this order. It can be positive or negative. The following formula holds true. paid_amount + rounding_adjustment = total payment from payment collection - refund_amount_offset_by_sale The refund amount offset by take with items purchased. This amount is always positive. The following formula holds true. paid_amount + rounding_adjustment = total payment from payment collection - refund_amount_offset_by_sale The customer that is assigned to this order. A boolean flag indicating if a gift receipt is assigned to this order. The possible values are "Y" or "N". The default gift registry id of the order if there is one. The birthday of the customer if the order has restrictive items. The order creation timestamp. The order update timestamp. A collection of order items. A collection of returns created on this order. A collection of order fulfillment details. A fulfullment detail defines how a group of items will be fulfilled: in store pick up or ship. A collection of order delivery records. A collection of order payments. This type can hold a string of max length of 3 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 14 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 48 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 120 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 360 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a number of digits count 20 and fraction digit count of 4.