GiftListCreModVo is used while creating the Gift list as well as while updating the Gift list or Wish list. A Wish list is a sub set of Gift List with the following details: customer_id, published_flag, public_flag , GiftListItemsModVo and GiftListItemsDelVo. For a wish list, the public_flag and published_flag will always be set to false. 1. While creating the gift list if user wish to specify Gift list items then item info should be provided as part of GiftListItemsCreVo element. 2. If a user wishes to add an item to his/her Wish list then item information should be provided as part of GiftListItemsModVo element 3. If a user wishes to modify already added Gift list or Wish list item information then item modification detail should be provided as part of GiftListItemsModVo element. 4. If a user wishes to delete an existing item from Gift list or Wish list then item to be deleted info should be provided as part of GiftListItemsDelVo element. 5. While creating the gift list if user info is provided then it should be provided as part of GiftListOwnerCreVo. 6. If user wish to modify existing Gift list owner info in an existing Gift list then that information should be passed as part of GiftListOwnerModVo. 7. While creating Gift list, Shipping info should be provided as part of ShippingAddrCreVo element. 8. If user wish to modify shipping address information associated with an existing Gift list, then that information should be provided as part of ShippingAddrModVo. 9. If user wish to delete shipping information associated with an existing Gift list then that information should be provided as part of ShippingAddrDelVo element. 10. A Wish list may require only the customer id to uniquely identify a Wish list. Gift lists typically require only the Gift list id for identification. Both a Customer id and a Gift list id are provided since this object supports both Gift and Wish lists. Unique identifier for gift list. Identifier of the primary customer who is associated with the Gift list or Wish list. Event name of the gift list. Gift list's event type. The value of this event should be one of the enums in GiftListDesc's event_type. Contains the gift list event date. Indicates whether the gift list or wish list is published. For a wish list this flag will be set to false always. For a gift list this flag can be set to either true or false depending upon the customer choice. If this flag is set to true then this gift list can be searched by other users Indicates whether the gift list or wish list is public. For a wish list this flag will be set to false always. For a gift list this flag can be set to either true or false depending upon the customer choice. For a gift list this flag will be set to true by default. Identifier location where the gift list is created or modified. Comments on the gift list. Instructions for the gift list. Contains the URL of the image associated with the gift list . Gift list expiration date. Order identifier if the gift list is modified in by an order. Details of Gift list owner. This element will be populated when Gift list is being created. Owner details which needs to be modified for an existing gift list. This element will be populated when existing owner details needs modification. Details of gift list items. This element will be populated when Gift list is being created. Details of gift list or wish list items. This field will contain data 1. when we are trying to modify an existing item from gift list or wish list 2. when we are trying to add an item to wish list. Details of gift list or wish list items. This field will contain data when we are trying to remove an existing item from gift list or wish list. Shipping address details for this gift list. This field will contain data when we are trying to add a new shipping address to gift list. Shipping address details for this gift list. This field will contain data when we are trying to modify an existing shipping address of gift list. Shipping address details for this gift list. This field will contain data when we are trying to remove an existing shipping address of gift list. Associate gift list with a customer. The customer who owns the gift list. Associate gift list with a customer. The customer who owns the gift list. Value object for Shipping address creation. The shipping address for the gift item. Value object for Shipping address modification. The shipping address for the gift item. Value object for Shipping address deletion. Unique identifier for gift list. The shipping address for the gift item. This type can hold a string of max length of 40 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 254 characters. Description is not available.