This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements. It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. Description is not available. The date the item should first be sold at the location. Value will be downloaded to the POS. No internal processing occurs from this field. Determines whether the qty key on a POS should be used for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added to the code type Determines whether the price can/should be entered manually on a POS for this item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RPO'. Current values include 'R - required', 'P - Prohibited', and 'O - Optional'. Additional values can be added. Indicates whether a deposit is associated with this item at the location. Values are in the code_type 'DEPO'. The only processing in RMS is downloading it to the POS Indicates whether the item is approved for food stamps at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. Indicates whether the item is approved for WIC at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. For items sold by weight, this is the proportion of the total weight of a unit of an item that is packaging. Holds the weight of the packaging in items sold by weight at the location; i.e. if the tare item is bulk candy, this is weight of the bag and twist tie). The only processing RMS does is to download it to POS. Holds the unit of measure value associated with the tare value. The only processing RMS does involving the fixed tare value and UOM is downloading it to the POS. Fixed tare is not subtracted from items sold by weight when sales are uploaded to RMS, etc Holds whether the item is legally valid for various types of bonus point/award programs at the location. This value will be downloaded to the POS. Holds the nationally branded item to which you would like to compare the current item. This nationally branded item must exist as an item in RMS (i.e. on the item_master table). The return policy for the item at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'RETP'. This value will be downloaded to the POS. Indicates that sale of the item should be stopped immediately at the location (i.e. in case of recall etc). This value will be downloaded to the POS. Code for the marketing clubs to which the item belongs at the location. Valid values are in the code_type 'MTKC'. Code to determine which reports the location should run. Values are in the code type 'REPC'. Holds the required shelf life for an item on selection in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it. Holds the required shelf life for an item on receipt in days. This field is not required. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing The Investment Buy-specific shelf life for the item/location A code (Y or N) to indicate whether the store may re-order the item. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems. Indicates the rack size that should be used for the item. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'RACK'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems. A code (Y or N) to indicate whether a store must reorder an item in full pallets only. Will default to N. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate to external systems. The in store market basket code for this item/location. Valid values for the field are in the code_type 'STMB'. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems. Holds the current storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing. Holds the preferred alternate storage location or bin number for the item at the location. No RMS processing is based on the value in this field. It is clients responsibility to communicate this value to external systems that may need it for processing This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be returned to the location This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item is refundable at the location. This field will contain a value of 'Y'es when the item can be back ordered to the location The the time and date of record creation. The user id of the last user to update the record. The time and date of the last update of the record. Description is not available. The same value as in the hier_level field. The primary supplier for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary supplier on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. The primary country for the item at the location. If not populated on a create message this will default from the primary country on the ITEM_SUPP_COUNTRY table. Local description for the item at the location. If not populated on the message this will default from the ITEM_MASTER table. The status of the item at the location. This value must be 'A' (active) on a create message. On a modify messge it can be 'I' (inactive), 'C' (discontinued), or 'D' (deleted). The unit type of the item shipped from the warehouse to the location. Valid values are C (cases), I (inners), and E (eaches). Eaches will default if left null on a create message. The unit in which the warehouse will receive goods. Valid values are E (eaches) and P (pack). This field only applies to buyer packs. If the item is not a buyer pack this field should be null. Indicates if the item is taxable at the location. Valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. If not populated on the message it will default to 'Y'. Number of shipping units (cases) that make up one tier of a pallet. Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet. Number of tiers that make up a complete pallet (height). Multiply TI x HI to get total number of cases for a pallet. Average percentage lost from inventory on a daily basis due to natural wastage. The local short description of the item. Will default to the item's short description. Will be downloaded to the POS. Child node. This attribute will contain the type of the unique identification number (UIN) used to identify instances of the item at the location. Valid values for this attribute should be user-definable on the RMS code tables. This attribute should be nullable. This attribute will contain the label for the UIN when displayed in SIM. Valid values should be user-definable on the RMS code tables. This attribute should be nullable but a value is required when a UIN Type is specified. This attribute will indicate when the UIN should be captured for an item during transaction processing. There are 2 valid values for this field which should be stored on the RMS code tables: Sale and Store Receiving. This attribute should be nullable. This Yes/No indicator indicates if UIN is being generated in the external system (e.g. SIM). This value will always be N (no) when the Capture Time attribute is set to Sale. Determines the source method for a requested item at a store. Valid values: 'W'(warehouse) and 'S'(supplier), default value is 'S'. If the source_method is 'W', this field contains the source warehouse for fulfilling item requests at a store. References a collection of customer flexible attributes. The current corporate unit cost for the item in the location's currency. This field will only be used to establish the item\supplier\country\loc unit cost; it cannot be modified. Unit of measure associated with the item cost. It is held to allow costs to be managed in a separate UOM from the standard UOM. This contains a code to indicate whether the item is normal merchandise (i.e. owned by the retailer), consignment stock or a concession item. Valid values are 0 - Owned, 1 - Consignment, 2 - Concession. This indicates if the cost for the consignment/concession item will be managed either based on cost per unit or as a percentage of retail. Valid values are C - Cost per Unit, P - Purchase Rate. This column contains the percentage of the retail price which will determnie the cost paid to the supplier for a consignment or concession item. This field will indicates,if the item can be included on promotions or not. This indicates if the item is RFID tagged or not. Valid values are Yes (Y) and No (N). Description is not available. The identifier for the item. The level of the organizational hierarchy to which the hier_value field pertains. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), and W (warehouse). Child node. This type can hold a number of digits count 12 and fraction digit count of 4. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 30 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 3 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 6 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 2 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 4 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 120 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 4. This type can hold a string of max length of 7 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a string of max length of 1 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 20 and fraction digit count of 4.