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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Integration Overview Guide – RICS
Release 16.0.040
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4 RICS Operations Support, Management, and Monitoring

RICS exposes UI's for the customer and for the Oracle Support Team that provide configuration and run time information as well as logs for operational insights and troubleshooting. This section introduces the primary tools.

This is not an exhaustive list. Please see the Resources Section.

Customer Access to RICS Operation

RICS is fully instrumented and exposes metrics via UI's for full operational visibility.

Figure 4-1 Customer Access to RICS Operation

Customer Access to RICS Operation

Retail Integration Console (RIC) Overview

RIC is the consolidated Enterprise Integration Monitoring tool and provides full visibility to the Oracle Retail Integration System in a unified view. The audiences for the tool are business analysts, operations people, and integration administrators.

Data is presented in graphical and tabular forms along with business context, so it is more easily understood by business analysts and technical personnel.

RIC directly integrates with the Integration Guide via contextual hyperlinks.

Figure 4-2 Retail Integration Console

Retail Integration Console

JMS Console

The JMS Console is an administration tool to monitor and manage the RIB's JMS Servers.

Figure 4-3 JMS Console Workflow

JMS Console Workflow

The JMS Admin provides an operational view point of RIB's JMS server.

  • Monitor - Unattended view of the JMS system.

  • Browse - Discover and Drill down into various aspects of the JMS Server.

  • Manage - Provide JMS Server operation management functionality.

JMS Admin – Live Monitoring

Figure 4-4 JMS Console

JMS Console

The Live Monitor tab is the landing page of the JMS Console Application. It provides an unattended high-level view of the JMS Server.

Live Monitoring also provides

  • Current message volume information.

  • Provides most recent activity details.

  • Identify problematic JMS topics and bring to user notice.

  • Display a full view of all message activities on all topics.

  • Generate alerts based on set thresholds.

  • Show visual clues on problematic topics.

  • Gives an aggregated view of the system.

The Browse and Manage Tabs provide more specific data metrics and ability to manage messages on the JMS topics.

JMS Browse

The Browse Tab allows you to discover and drill into the internals of JMS Servers.

  • Discover all topics and get a listing of them from the server.

  • Drill into each topic and discover all subscribers.

  • Drill into each subscriber and get message count information.

  • Browse message content inside JMS server

  • Browse message headers inside JMS server

JMS Manage

The Manage tab allows you to interact with the JMS server with some core messaging system functionality.

  • Publish messages to JMS topics easily

  • Dump messages to files from topics

  • Drain messages from topics

  • Configure preference for threshold and alerts

RIB Hospital Administrator (RIHA)

Figure 4-5 RIB Hospital Administrator

RIB Hospital Administrator

Oracle Retail Integration Bus Hospital Administration or RIB Hospital Administration (RIHA) is a tool to manage RIB messages in the RIB hospital error tables.

RIHA can search for hospital records, stop a message from being retried, retry a message for which maximum system-set retries have been tried, and delete a message from the tables. RIHA can insert new records into Hospital tables. You can also update existing Hospital records and message payloads.

Using RIHA is the recommended way to perform all RIB Hospital error table operations.

RIHA Operations

  • Delete a Message

  • Stop a Message

  • Retry a Message

  • View and Edit a Message

  • Save a Message Locally

  • Import a New Hospital Record to Hospital Tables

  • Update an Existing Hospital Record

RIBForXXX Administrator User Interface

Each of the RIB components (RIB-RMS, RIB-LGF, and so on) has its own UI that exposes run-time and configuration details. The Administrator UI provides operations to turn on or off RIB adapters, control logging levels and to see logs.

Figure 4-6 RIBForXXX Administrator User Interface

RIBForXXX Administrator User Interface