Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.030 (Retail Price Management)
Application Retail Price Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:PrcChgDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for PrcChgDesc in RPM application.
RPM's Table Name RPM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) RPM's Column Length Is Column Required in RPM's API? RPM's API Description
PrcChg * 1 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:PrcChg Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for PrcChg in RPM application.
RPM's Table Name RPM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) RPM's Column Length Is Column Required in RPM's API? RPM's API Description
location number10 1 1 Location Number RPM_PRICE_CHANGE LOCATION NUMBER 10 Yes Location ID
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Location Type RPM_PRICE_CHANGE ZONE_NODE_TYPE NUMBER 6 Yes Location Type
item varchar225 1 1 Unique Identification of the Item RPM_PRICE_CHANGE ITEM VARCHAR2 25 Yes Item ID
change_type varchar26 1 1 Price Event Type - Price Change, Clearance or Promotion N/A N/A VARCHAR2 N/A Yes Valid values are PE (Regular), CL (Clearance) and PR (Promotion for Simple Promo only)
PrcChgDtl * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
PrcChgRef * 0 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:PrcChgDtl Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for PrcChgDtl in RPM application.
RPM's Table Name RPM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) RPM's Column Length Is Column Required in RPM's API? RPM's API Description
unit_retail number20_4 0 1 Selling Unit Retail RPM_PRICE_CHANGE CHANGE_AMOUNT NUMBER 20,4 Yes Fixed Amount Value - New Selling Unit Retail
new_uom varchar24 0 1 Unit of Measure RPM_PRICE_CHANGE CHANGE_SELLING_UOM VARCHAR2 4 Yes Change Selling Unit Of Measure
effective_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date the price event will start RPM_PRICE_CHANGE EFFECTIVE_DATE DATE Fill column length. Yes The date the price event will take effect
end_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date the promotion will end or the reset date for clearance RPM_PROMO_DTL END_DATE DATE Fill column length. No The date the promotion will end

XML-Schema Name:PrcChgRef Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for PrcChgRef in RPM application.
RPM's Table Name RPM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) RPM's Column Length Is Column Required in RPM's API? RPM's API Description
change_id number15 1 1 Promotion Component Detail ID or Price Change ID or Clearance ID if the price event type is a promotion or price change or clearance, respectively RPM_PRICE_CHANGE PRICE_CHANGE_ID NUMBER 15 Yes Price Change ID
promo_comp_id number10 0 1 Promotion Component ID if the price event type is a promotion RPM_PROMO_COMP PROMO_COMP_ID NUMBER 10 No Promotion Component ID
promo_id number10 0 1 Promotion ID if the price event type is a promotion RPM_PROMO PROMO_ID NUMBER 10 No Promotion ID if the price event type is a promotion