Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.030 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This object is used to communicate customer order fulfillment details from OMS to RMS and SIM.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:FulfilOrdColDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for FulfilOrdColDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
collection_size number4 1 1 Number of items in the collection. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB n/a Yes Fill this description.
FulfilOrdDesc:FulfilOrdDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:FulfilOrdDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for FulfilOrdDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
customer_order_no varchar248 1 1 Holds the master customer order number from OMS. FUL_ORD CUST_ORDER_ID VARCHAR2 128 Yes External identifier of the customer order being fulfilled.
fulfill_order_no varchar248 1 1 Unique number from OMS related to the fulfillment details. One or more fulfillment orders could relate back to a single customer order in OMS. FUL_ORD EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 128 Yes External identifier for the fulfillment order.
source_loc_type source_loc_type 0 1 This would be either 'SU' for supplier, 'ST' for store, or 'WH' for warehouse. This would only be populated for vendor, warehouse or multi-site fulfillment orders. No not used in SIM
source_loc_id number10 0 1 Indicates the supplier, store or warehouse number associated with sourcing the customer order. Only populated for vendor, warehouse or multi-site fulfillment orders. No not used in SIM
fulfill_loc_type fulfill_loc_type 1 1 This would be either 'S' (for physical store) or 'V' (for virtual store). No not used in SIM
fulfill_loc_id number10 1 1 Indicates the store or warehouse number associated with fulfilling the customer order. For this release, this should always be populated with a virtual or physical store number. FUL_ORD STORE_ID NUMBER 10,0 Yes Store identifier at which this order is being fulfilled.
partial_delivery_ind yes_no_ind 1 1 Indicates if the order can be picked and shipped partially ('N') or if it should be shipped only when complete ('Y'). FUL_ORD ALLOW_PARTIAL_DELIVERY VARCHAR2 1 Yes Indicator whether all items on the order must be there to be delivered.
delivery_type delivery_type 0 1 Indicates the fulfillment method - ship to customer or store pickup. Expected values are 'S' (ship direct) and 'C' (customer pickup). FUL_ORD DELIVERY_TYPE NUMBER 4,0 Yes Identifier that represents the type of delivery for this order.
carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Indicates the carrier the order is to be shipped with, if specified on the order. SHIPMENT_CARRIER CODE VARCHAR2 4 Yes Unique code identifier for a carrier
carrier_service_code varchar26 0 1 Indicates the method that was selected for shipping by the customer placing the order (e.g. Standard Shipping, Overnight, etc.). SHIPMENT_CARRIER_SERVICE CODE VARCHAR2 6 Yes Unique identifier that represents the delivery service
consumer_delivery_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Indicates the desired date the delivery is required by the customer. This will be the GMT time. FUL_ORD DELIVERY_DATE DATE Yes The date in which the fulfillment order is to be delivered.
consumer_delivery_time xs:dateTime 0 1 Indicates the desired time the delivery is required by the customer. This will be the GMT time. FUL_ORD DELIVERY_DATE DATE Yes Delivery time is set to Delivery_date column
delivery_charges number20_4 0 1 Contains the delivery charges on drop ship. Mostly relevant for Brazil. FUL_ORD SHIP_COST_VALUE Number 12,4 No The shipment cost for this order.
delivery_charges_curr varchar23 0 1 Contains the currency of the delivery charges. FUL_ORD SHIP_COST_CURRENCY VARCHAR2 3 No The currency in which the delivery charge is represented.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Any comments sent by OMS about the order. FUL_ORD COMMENTS VARCHAR2 2000 No Comments defined by the external system for this order.
FulfilOrdCustDesc:FulfilOrdCustDesc * 0 1 Referenced object for customer information related to the order. NA NA NA NA NA NA
FulfilOrdDtl:FulfilOrdDtl * 1 unbounded References a collection of customer order fulfillment details. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:FulfilOrdCustDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for FulfilOrdCustDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
customer_no varchar214 0 1 Indicates the number that uniquely identifies the customer in OMS. FUL_ORD CUSTOMER_ID VARCHAR2 14 No Customer identifier for this fulfillment order.
deliver_first_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the first name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_phonetic_first varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic first name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_last_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the last name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_phonetic_last varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic last name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_preferred_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the preferred name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_company_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the company name for the delivery address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_add1 varchar2240 0 1 First line of the delivery address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_add2 varchar2240 0 1 Second line of the delivery address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_add3 varchar2240 0 1 Third line of the delivery address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_county varchar2250 0 1 County portion of the delivery address. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_city varchar2120 0 1 City portion of the delivery address. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_state varchar23 0 1 State portion of the delivery address. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_country_id varchar23 0 1 Country portion of the delivery address. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_post varchar230 0 1 Postal code portion of the delivery address. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_jurisdiction varchar210 0 1 Identifies the jurisdiction code for the delivery country-state relationship. No not used in SIM
deliver_phone varchar220 0 1 Contains the delivery phone number. No Not used in SIM.
deliver_email varchar2120 0 1 Contains the delivery email. No Not used in SIM.
bill_first_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the first name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_phonetic_first varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic first name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_last_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the last name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_phonetic_last varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic last name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_preferred_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the preferred name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_company_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the company name for the billing address on the order. No Not used in SIM.
bill_add1 varchar2240 0 1 First line of the billing address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
bill_add2 varchar2240 0 1 Second line of the billing address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
bill_add3 varchar2240 0 1 Third line of the billing address for the customer. No Not used in SIM.
bill_county varchar2250 0 1 County portion of the billing address. No
bill_city varchar2120 0 1 City portion of the billing address. No Not used in SIM.
bill_state varchar23 0 1 State portion of the billing address. No Not used in SIM.
bill_country_id varchar23 0 1 Country portion of the billing address. No Not used in SIM.
bill_post varchar230 0 1 Postal code portion of the billing address. No Not used in SIM.
bill_jurisdiction varchar210 0 1 Identifies the jurisdiction code for the billing country-state relationship. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes not used in SIM
bill_phone varchar220 0 1 Contains the billing phone number. No Not used in SIM.
bill_email varchar2120 0 1 Contains the billing email. No Not used in SIM.
LocOfFulfilOrdCustDesc:LocOfFulfilOrdCustDesc * 0 1 References a collection of localization extension. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:LocOfFulfilOrdCustDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocOfFulfilOrdCustDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
BrFulfilOrdCustDesc:BrFulfilOrdCustDesc * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:FulfilOrdDtl Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for FulfilOrdDtl in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
item varchar225 1 1 Indicates the item ordered by the customer. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM ITEM_ID VARCHAR2 25 Yes Item identifier for this line item.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Indicates the reference item ordered by the customer. Used only if a specific UPC is ordered. This is supported for vendor drop-ships orders only as we don't support transfer requests for a specific reference item. No not used in SIM
order_qty_suom number12_4 1 1 Indicates the quantity of the item ordered by the customer in item's standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_ORDERED Number 12,4 Yes The quantity ordered of this line item.
standard_uom varchar24 1 1 Indicates item's standard unit of measure. ITEM UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 4 Yes unit of measure which the stock for this item is tracked at the coporate level.
transaction_uom varchar24 1 1 Indicates the original transaction unit of measure the order is placed in. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM PREFERRED_UOM VARCHAR2 4 No Preferred unit of measure of this line item.
substitute_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates if substitutes are allowed on a customer order. This will only be used by orders passed to SIM. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM ALLOW_SUBSTITUTION VARCHAR2 1 Yes Flag to denote if item substitution is allowed.
unit_retail number20_4 0 1 Indicates the unit sales retail of item on the customer order. This will only be used by Brazil orders in case of Warehouse Fulfillment or vendor sourced POs shipped directly to the customer. It is needed for Sales NF generation. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM UNIT_COST_VALUE NUMBER 20,4 No The unit cost of the line item.
retail_curr varchar23 0 1 Indicates currency of unit retail and total retail. This will only be used by Brazil orders in case of Warehouse Fulfillment or vendor sourced POs shipped directly to the customer. It is needed for Sales NF generation. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM UNIT_COST_CURRENCY VARCHAR2 3 No The currency in which the unit cost is represented.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Used to indicate any special instructions for the item, such as services (monograms, engrave, etc). FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM COMMENTS VARCHAR2 2000 No Comments on this line item defined by an external system.