Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.030 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:ProdGrpModVo Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ProdGrpModVo in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
product_group_id number10 0 1 Product group identifier internal to SIM. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
group_type group_type 1 1 Includes only product group with this type. Valid values are STOCK_COUNT_UNIT, STOCK_COUNT_UNIT_AMOUNT, STOCK_COUNT_PROBLEM_LINE, STOCK_COUNT_WASTAGE, STOCK_COUNT_RMS_SYNC, SHELF_REPLENISHMENT, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. PRODUCT_GROUP TYPE NUMBER 3,0 Yes Indicates the type of product group that was created. 1 - Unit, 2 - Unit and Amount, 3 - Problem Line, 4 - Wastage, 5 - RMS Inventory Sync, 6 - Shelf Replenishment, 7 - Item Request
description varchar2250 0 1 Description. PRODUCT_GROUP DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 100 Yes the description of product group which is assigned by the user.
store_id number10 0 1 Store identifier PRODUCT_GROUP STORE_ID NUMBER 10,0 No the unique identifier of the store that this product group is for. if the all store option was selected when creating the product group this value will be blank.
status group_status 1 1 Status of the product group. Valid values are ACTIVE, CANCELED. PRODUCT_GROUP STATUS VARCHAR2 1 Yes the current status of the product group. valid values 0 - active 1 - canceled.
uom_mode uom_mode 1 1 Current unit of measure being used for this group. Valid values are STANDARD, CASES, PREFERRED. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
variance_count number12 0 1 Product group allowed variance count. PRODUCT_GROUP VARIANCE_COUNT NUMBER 12,4 No this field is used by unit, unit and amount, problem line and wastage type product groups. the number of units in the standard uom for an item to be considered discrepant, when comparing the system total soh inventory level with the quantity entered on the stock count by the user. an item is discrepant if it deviates + or ? over or equal to the variance count.
variance_percent number12_2 0 1 Product group allowed variance percent. PRODUCT_GROUP VARIANCE_PERCENT NUMBER 12,4 No this field is used by unit, unit and amount, problem line and wastage type product groups. the percentage of units counted for an item to be considered discrepant. the system will compare the soh inventory level with the quantity entered on the stock count by the user. an item is discrepant if it deviates + or ? over or equal to the variance %.
variance_value number12_2 0 1 Product group allowed variance value. PRODUCT_GROUP VARIANCE_VALUE NUMBER 12,4 No this field is only applicable for unit and amount type product groups. the variance value field allows the user to enter the threshold in terms of a dollar amount for an item to be considered discrepant for unit and amount stock counts. this will be a cash amount that will be compared to the number of discrepant units x unit retail of the goods. if the calculated value exceeds the variance value, then the item would be considered discrepant during the stock counting process. an item is discrepant if it deviates + or ? over or equal to the variance value.
counting_method counting_method 1 1 Counting method used only for a stock count product group. Valid values are GUIDED, UNGUIDED, THIRD_PARTY, AUTO, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. PRODUCT_GROUP COUNTING_METHOD NUMBER 2,0 Yes Stock counting method. 1 - Guided, 2 - Unguided, 3 - Third Party, 4 - Auto
breakdown_type breakdown_type 1 1 Breakdown type used only for the stock count product group. Valid values are DEPARTMENT, CLASS, SUBCLASS, LOCATION, NONE, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. PRODUCT_GROUP BREAKDOWN_TYPE NUMBER 2,0 Yes The breakdown types for a product group that represents a stock count. 1 - Department, 2 - Class, 3 - Subclass, 4 - Location, 5 - None
diff_type diff_type 1 1 Differentiator type used only for a shelf replenishment type product group. Valid values are DIFF1, DIFF2, DIFF3, DIFF4, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. PRODUCT_GROUP DIFF_TYPE NUMBER 2,0 Yes Diff type for display list shelf replenishment type. 0 - Diff1, 1 - Diff2, 2 - Diff3, 3 - Diff4.
all_items xs:boolean 0 1 True if the product group is for all items, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP ALL_ITEM VARCHAR2 1 No all items. ex - y or n
recount_active xs:boolean 0 1 True if a recount is required for this product group, false otherwise. Used only for stock counts. P DO_RECOUNT VARCHAR2 1 No this flag indicates if the stock count should be recounted is discrepancies are found. this flag is only valid for product groups wtih a type of unit, unit and amount or problem line. valid values are y - yes, a recount should be performed n - no, a recount should not be performed
auto_authorize xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should be automatically authorized, false otherwise. Used only for stock counts. PRODUCT_GROUP AUTO_AUTHORIZE VARCHAR2 1 No auto authorize. ex Y and N
pick_less_suggested xs:boolean 0 1 Indicates problem line should check action pick amount less than suggested amount, false otherwise. Used only for problem line stock counts. PRODUCT_GROUP PICK_LESS_SUGGESTED VARCHAR2 1 Yes pick list less than suggested. ex: pick_less_suggested y means include if pick list less than suggested pick_less_suggested n means exclude if pick list less than suggested
shelf_repl_less_suggested xs:boolean 0 1 Indicates problem line should check action pick amount less than suggested amount, false otherwise. Used only for problem line stock counts. PRODUCT_GROUP REPL_LESS_SUGGESTED VARCHAR2 1 No Shelf replenish less than suggested.
negative_available xs:boolean 0 1 Indicates problem line should include negative available inventory, false otherwise. Used only for problem line stock counts. PRODUCT_GROUP REPL_NEGATIVE_AVAILABLE VARCHAR2 1 No pick list negative available. ex pick_negative_available y means include if pick list negative available pick_negative_available n means exclude if pick list negative available
uin_discrepancy xs:boolean 0 1 Indicates problem line should include UIN discrepancies, false otherwise. Used only for problem line stock counts. PRODUCT_GROUP UIN_DISCREPANT VARCHAR2 1 No y or n. y indicates whether to write discrepancies to the problem line table.
include_active_items xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include active items, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP ACTIVE_ITEMS VARCHAR2 1 No active items. ex y or n
include_inactive_items xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include inactive items, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP INACTIVE_ITEMS VARCHAR2 1 No inactive items. ex y or n
include_discontinued_items xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include discontinued items, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP DISCONTINUED_ITEMS VARCHAR2 1 No discontinued items. ex y or n
include_deleted_items xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include deleted items, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP DELETED_ITEMS VARCHAR2 1 No deleted items. ex y or n
include_soh_zero xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include items whose stock on hand is zero, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP SOH_ZERO VARCHAR2 1 No zero stock on hand. ex soh_zeor y means include if soh is zero soh_zero n means exclude if soh is zero
include_soh_less_than_zero xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include items whose stock on hand is less than zero, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP SOH_NEGATIVE VARCHAR2 1 No negative stock on hand. ex soh_negative y means include if soh is negative soh_negative n means exclude if soh is negative
include_soh_greater_than_zero xs:boolean 0 1 True if the stock count should include items whose stock on hand is greater than zero, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP SOH_POSITIVE VARCHAR2 1 No positive stock on hand. ex soh_positive y means include if soh is positive soh_positive n means exclude if soh is positive
auto_replenishment xs:boolean 0 1 True of the product group supports auto replenishment via batch, false otherwise. PRODUCT_GROUP AUTO_REPLENISHMENT VARCHAR2 1 No Indicates if the product group is eligible for auto replenishment through scheduled batch run
days_to_expire_request number12 0 1 Days to expire automatically. Used only for item requests. PRODUCT_GROUP EXPIRATION_DAYS NUMBER 3,0 No this field is only used for item request type product groups. this number is used to determine the expiration date for the item request. this is an optional value for item request type product groups.
days_to_request_delivery number12 0 1 Days to request delivery after the creation of the item request. Used only for item requests. PRODUCT_GROUP REQUEST_DELIVERY_DAYS NUMBER 3,0 No this field is only used for item request type product groups. this number is used to determine the requested delivery date for the item request. this is an optional value for item request type product groups.
ProdGrpModHrchy * 0 1000 Replaces the entire list of product group hierarchies within the product group.
RemovedHrchy * 0 1000 Removed the entire list of product group hierarchies from the product group.
added_item_id_col varchar225 0 1000 Collection of added sku numbers Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
removed_item_id_col varchar225 0 1000 Collection of removed sku numbers Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:ProdGrpModHrchy Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ProdGrpModHrchy in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
department_id number12 0 1 Department identifier Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
class_id number10 0 1 Class identifier. ITEM CLASS_ID NUMBER 12,0 No hierarchy class id
subclass_id number10 0 1 Subclass identifier Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:RemovedHrchy Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for RemovedHrchy in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
department_id number12 0 1 Department identifier Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
class_id number10 0 1 Class identifier. ITEM CLASS_ID NUMBER 12,0 No hierarchy class id
subclass_id number10 0 1 Subclass identifier Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.