Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.030 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:StrFordDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrFordDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
int_fulfillment_order_id number12 1 1 Internal fulfillment order identifier FUL_ORD ID NUMBER 12,0 Yes Unique SIM identifier.
ext_fulfillment_order_id varchar2128 1 1 External fulfillment order identifier FUL_ORD EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 128 No External identifier for the fulfillment order.
customer_order_id varchar2128 1 1 Customer order identifier FUL_ORD CUST_ORDER_ID varchar2 128 Yes External identifier of the customer order being fulfilled.
order_type str_ford_type 1 1 Type of order Valid values are LAYAWAY, PICKUP_AND_DELIVERY, CUSTOMER_ORDER, PENDING_PURCHASE, SPECIAL_ORDER, WEB_ORDER, UNKNOWN. FUL_ORD ORDER_TYPE NUMBER 4,0 Yes The type of fulfillment order. Valid values are 1- Layaway, 2- Pickup and Delivery Orders, 3- Customer Order, 4- Pending Purchase, 5- Special Order, 6- Web Order
status str_ford_status 1 1 Current status Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. FUL_ORD STATUS NUMBER 4,0 Yes Indicates the status of the fulfillment order. Valid values are 0 - New, 1 - In Progress, 2 - Completed, 3 - Canceled, 4- Active
create_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Date the fulfillment order was created FUL_ORD CREATE_DATE DATE Yes The date this fulfillment order was created in SIM.
release_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date the fulfillment order is to be released FUL_ORD RELEASE_DATE DATE Fill column length. No The date in which the fulfillment order must be shipped or picked up in the store.
delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Date the fulfillment order is to be delivered FUL_ORD DELIVERY_DATE DATE Fill column length. No The date in which the fulfillment order is to be delivered.
delivery_type str_ford_delivery_type 1 1 Delivery type Valid values are PICKUP, SHIPMENT, UNKNOWN. FUL_ORD DELIVERY_TYPE NUMBER 4,0 Yes Identifier that represents the type of delivery for this order. Valid values are 1- Customer Pickup 2- Ship to Customer
delivery_carrier_code varchar2128 0 1 Delivery carrier code SHIPMENT_CARRIER CODE VARCHAR2 4 Yes Unique code identifier for a carrier
delivery_service_code varchar2128 0 1 Delivery carrier service code SHIPMENT_CARRIER_SERVICE CODE VARCHAR2 6 Yes Unique identifier that represents the delivery service
allow_partial_delivery xs:boolean 1 1 True if the order allows for partial delivery, false otherwise, FUL_ORD ALLOW_PARTIAL_DELIVERY VARCHAR2 1 Yes Indicator whether all items on the order must be there to be delivered.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Comments about the fulfillment order. FUL_ORD COMMENTS VARCHAR2 2000 No Comments defined by the external system for this order.
customer_id varchar214 0 1 Customer identifier FUL_ORD CUSTOMER_ID VARCHAR2 14 No Customer identifier for this fulfillment order.
StrFordItm * 0 unbounded Collection of fulfillment order line items

XML-Schema Name:StrFordItm Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrFordItm in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
line_id number12 1 1 Line identifier FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM ID NUMBER 12,0 Yes Unique SIM identifier.
item_id varchar225 1 1 SKU number FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM ITEM_ID VARCHAR2 25 Yes Item identifier for this line item.
description varchar2250 0 1 Description of this item STORE_ITEM SHORT_DESCRIPTION, LONG_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 255, 400 No long/ short description of the item
substitute_item_id varchar225 0 1 SKU for substituted item FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM SUBSTITUTE_LINE_ITEM_ID NUMBER 12,0 No Identifier of the line item this line item was substituted for.
preferred_uom varchar240 1 1 Preferred unit of measure FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM PREFERRED_UOM VARCHAR2 4 No Preferred unit of measure of this line item.
standard_uom varchar240 1 1 Standard unit of measure ITEM UNIT_OF_MEASURE VARCHAR2 4 Yes unit of measure which the stock for this item is tracked at the coporate level.
order_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity ordered in standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_ORDERED NUMBER 12,4 Yes The quantity ordered of this line item.
picked_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity picked in standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_PICKED NUMBER 12,4 Yes The quantity picked of this line item.
delivered_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity delivered in standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_DELIVERED NUMBER 12,4 Yes The quantity delivered of this line item.
canceled_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity canceled in standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_CANCELED NUMBER 12,4 Yes The quantity canceled of this line item.
remaining_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity remaining/unfulfilled in standard unit of measure FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_PICKED, QUANTITY_DELIVERED NUMBER 12,4 Yes picked quantity subtract delivered quantity
reserved_qty number9_2 1 1 Quantity reserved in standard unit of measure. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY_RESERVED NUMBER 12,4 Yes QUANTITY RESERVED
allow_substitution xs:boolean 1 1 True if this item allows substitutions, false if it does not. FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM ALLOW_SUBSTITUTION VARCHAR2 1 Yes True if this item allows substitutions, false if it does not.
create_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Date this line item was created FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM CREATE_DATE DATE Yes The date this line item was created.
last_update_date xs:dateTime 1 1 Date this line item was last updated FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM UPDATE_DATE DATE Yes The date this line item was last modified.
comments varchar2512 0 1 Comments about this line item FUL_ORD_LINE_ITEM COMMENTS VARCHAR2 2000 No Comments on this line item defined by an external system.