Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.030 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:TsfShipCtnDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for TsfShipCtnDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
tsf_ship_carton_id number15 1 1 The unique transfer shipment container identifier. TSF_SHIP_CARTON ID NUMBER 15 Yes The unique identifier for the shipment carton/container
store_id number10 1 1 The unique store identifier from where shipment is created. TSF_SHIP_CARTON STORE_ID NUMBER 10 Yes The store id from which the Shipment is created
external_id varchar2128 0 1 The external identifier. TSF_SHIP_CARTON EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 128 No The external identifier
tsf_ship_id number15 1 1 The transfer shipment identifier. TSF_SHIP_CARTON TSF_SHIP_ID NUMBER 15 Yes The transfer shipment identifer the carton is associated to
status tsf_ship_ctn_status 1 1 The current status of the container. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, SHIPPED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. TSF_SHIP_CARTON STATUS NUMBER 4 Yes The status of theShipment carton. Valid values: 1- New, 2- In progress, 3- Completed, 4- Canceled
destination_type tsf_ship_dest_type 1 1 The destination type of the destination the transfer shipment is being shipped to. Valid values are FINISHER, STORE, WAREHOUSE, UNKNOWN. TSF_SHIP DESTINATION_TYPE RIB or/and RSB 2 Yes The shipment destination type. 1- Store, 3 Warehouse, 4 - Finisher
destination_name varchar2128 1 1 The destination name of the destination the transfer shipment is being shipped to. WAREHOUSE,PARTNER,STORE NAME VARCHAR2 150 , 240 Yes Shipment destination entity name.
hierarchy_level tsf_hierarchy_level 1 1 The container restricted hierarchy level. Valid values are NONE, DEPT, CLASS, SUBCLASS. TSF_SHIP_CARTON RESTRICTION_LEVEL NUMBER 4 Yes The hierarchy restriction level for items in a container
TsfShipCtnSize * 0 1 The container size.
weight number12_4 0 1 The weight of the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON WEIGHT NUMBER 12,4 No The weight of the container
weight_uom varchar24 0 1 The unit of measure of the weight of the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON WEIGHT_UOM VARCHAR2 4 No The UOM of the container
tracking_number varchar2128 0 1 The tracking number for the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON TRACKING_NUMBER VARCHAR2 128 No The Tracking number for the container
create_user varchar2128 1 1 The user who created the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON CREATE_USER VARCHAR2 128 Yes The user who created the Shipment carton
update_user varchar2128 0 1 The user who last updated the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON UPDATE_USER VARCHAR2 128 Yes The user who last updated the Shipment carton
approval_user varchar2128 0 1 The user who approved the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON APPROVAL_USER VARCHAR2 128 No The user who approved the Shipment
create_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The date the transfer shipment container was created. TSF_SHIP_CARTON. CREATE_DATE DATE Yes The create date of the Shipment carton
update_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The most recent date when the transfer shipment container was updated. TSF_SHIP_CARTON UPDATE_DATE DATE Yes The date when the Shipment carton was updated
approval_date xs:dateTime 0 1 The date when the transfer shipment container was approved. TSF_SHIP_CARTON APPROVAL_DATE DATE No The date when the Shipment was approved
use_available xs:boolean 1 1 True if container uses only available inventory. TSF_SHIP_CARTON USE_AVAILABLE VARCHAR2 1 Yes value of Y indicates carton will use only available inventory, N means carton will use unavailable inventory
order_related xs:boolean 1 1 Indicates if any customer orders are associated with the container. TSF_SHIP_CARTON CUSTOMER_ORDER_RELATED NUMBER 4 Yes Indicates if carton contains customer order items. 1 - all items customer order related; 2 - some items customer related; 3 - no items customer order related
TsfShipCtnItm * 0 5000 A collection of items in the container.

XML-Schema Name:TsfShipCtnSize Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for TsfShipCtnSize in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
id number15 1 1 The unique carton size identifier. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM ID NUMBER 12 Yes The shipment carton dimension identifier.
store_id number10 0 1 The unique store identifier. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM STORE_ID NUMBER 10 Yes Store identifier
description varchar2128 0 1 The description of the dimensions. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 120 Yes Description of shipment carton dimension
height number20_4 0 1 The height of the carton. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM HEIGHT NUMBER 12,4 Yes The height of the carton.
width number20_4 0 1 The width of the carton. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM WIDTH NUMBER 12,4 Yes The width of the carton
length number20_4 0 1 The length of the carton. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM LENGTH NUMBER 12,4 Yes length of the shipment carton
unit_of_measure varchar2128 1 1 Unit of measure for the measurements. SHIPMENT_CARTON_DIM UOM VARCHAR2 4 Yes Unit of measure

XML-Schema Name:TsfShipCtnItm Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for TsfShipCtnItm in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
line_item_id number15 1 1 The unique line item identifier. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM ID NUMBER 15 Yes The unique identifier for the line item
item_id varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier of the sku. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM ITEM_ID VARCHAR2 25 Yes The item identifier
description varchar2400 0 1 Description of the item. No Not used by SIM
case_size number10_2 0 1 Case size of the item. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM CASE_SIZE NUMBER 12,4 No Pack size of the item
quantity number10 1 1 Quantity to be shipped. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM QUANTITY NUMBER 20,4 Yes Quantity to be shipped
shipment_reason_id number15 0 1 The identifier of the reason for the item shipment. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM SHIPMENT_REASON_ID NUMBER 15 No The shipment reason identifier
transfer_id number12 1 1 The document id associated with this item and quantity. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM TSF_ID NUMBER 12 No The transfer identifier
cust_ord_ext_id varchar2128 0 1 The external identifier of a customer order if one is associated to the item. TSF CUST_ORD_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 128 No Customer order external identifier
ful_ord_ext_id varchar2128 0 1 The external identifier of a fulfillment order if one is associated to the item. TSF FUL_ORD_EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2 128 No Fulfillment order external identifier
uin_col varchar2128 0 5000 Collection of all the unique identifiers/serial numbers associated with the line item. ITEM_UIN UIN VARCHAR2 128 Yes Unique Identification Number
StrInvExtAttDesc:StrInvExtAttDesc * 0 999 Collection of extended attributes associated with the line item. NA NA NA NA NA NA

XML-Schema Name:StrInvExtAttDesc Version:16.0.030 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for StrInvExtAttDesc in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and BDI) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
barcode varchar2128 1 1 Barcode data representation of the associated GS1 international code standards and their values. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_ATT,TSF_DELV_LINE_ITEM_ATT,STOCK_COUNT_LINE_ITEM_ATT,RTV_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_ATT,INV_ADJUST_LINE_ITEM_ATT,FUL_ORD_DLV_LINE_ITEM_ATT,DSD_LINE_ITEM_ATT BARCODE VARCHAR2 128 Yes Extended attribute barcode.
quantity number10 1 1 Number of occurrences of the extended attribute scanned on the line item. TSF_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_ATT,TSF_DELV_LINE_ITEM_ATT,STOCK_COUNT_LINE_ITEM_ATT,RTV_SHIP_LINE_ITEM_ATT,INV_ADJUST_LINE_ITEM_ATT,FUL_ORD_DLV_LINE_ITEM_ATT,DSD_LINE_ITEM_ATT QUANTITY NUMBER 12 Yes Extended attribute quantity.
StrInvCodVal * 0 10 Collection of code-value pairs that contains the broken out information from within the barcode.