Enterprise Configuration for Sequence Numbers Used in Integration

Distribution numbers

A distribution number (or ‘Distro’ number) is a unique identifier of a distribution order that indicates the type of distribution. RWMS provides distro numbers when stock order status messages are published to the RIB.

  • RMS publishes the stock order message that instructs RDM to transfer merchandise from one location to another.
  • RWMS defines the status of the transfer by sending RMS a message that includes distro number for the stock order and the distribution type.
  • Distro numbers also pertain to allocations, customer orders, and movements of inventory initiated by the distribution center (RWMS).

Purging of appointments and purchase orders

RWMS generates appointment records to indicate the quantities of particular Items sent to various Locations within the system. In addition, the records indicate the specific document (Purchase Order, Transfer or Allocation) responsible for the movement of the Item. 

There is a parent-child relationship between RMS PO’s and RWMS Appointments. Due to this dependency, when purging PO’s and Appointments, RWMS must send a ‘delete appointments’ message to RMS before RMS attempts to delete the associated PO and send a ‘delete PO’ message to RWMS.

There are settings within each application indicating when the purge cycles should be run. In RWMS, the (scp.appt_purge_days) column in System Parameters displays the number of days after an Appointment has been closed that their purge process will delete associated Appointments. 

In RMS, the unit_options.order_history_months displays the number of months after a PO has been closed that the PO should be purged.  Do to the dependency between POs and appointments, the RWMS parameter needs to be a lesser number than the RMS parameter. If RMS purges closed POs before RWMS has deleted the associated appointments, foreign key violations will occur.

Integration Styles

Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB)

The Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB) is a fully distributed integration infrastructure that implements RIB using Asynchronous JMS Pub/Sub Fire-and-Forget.

Oracle Retail Service Backbone (RSB)

Oracle Retail Service Backbone (RSB) is the productization of a set of Web Services, ESBs and Security tools that standardize the deployment and run time of Web Service flows within Oracle Retail Suite of applications.

Oracle Retail Common Business Objects

The Oracle Retail Business Object (BO) is the name given to the logical representation of an Oracle Retail Business Entity. The definition of that object is in the form of an XML Schema (XSD).

The schema represents the common object definition for business concepts, such as account, supplier, purchase order, and item.