Description is not available. Contains a number that uniquely identifies the freight terms. Contains a description of the freight terms used in the system. Indicates whether the freight terms are valid or invalid within the respective application. Valid values are 'Y'es or 'N'o. NOTE: if interface is from Oracle Financials, the Check_Enabled logic will be bypassed which means field would not be required. Indicates the date for assigning an active date to the Freight Terms. Indicates the date for assigning an inactive date to the Freight Terms. An external financial application publishes Freight Terms to identify various terms condition based on the freight associated to a supplier. Topic Name : etEXTFrtTerm Subcribers : FrtTerm_sub (RMS). This Operation invokes the publishing of "Create" event for the Freight Terms. FrtTermDesc RBO complies with the XML schema FrtTermDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs.