Description is not available. The item to which the cost change applies. It can be a parent item, but its item level cannot be greater than its transaction level. This cannot be a buyer pack. The number of the supplier that sources the items the cost change affects. This value must be predefined on the SUPS table. This can be a primary or non-primary supplier. The identifier of the origin country of the item\supplier to which the cost change will apply. This value must be predefined on the COUNTRIES table. This can be the primary or a non-primary country. The identifier for a differentiator. This can be used with a parent or grandparent item. The cost change will "explode" to all the parent's transaction level items with the differentiator. This value must be predefined on the DIFF_IDS table. The new unit cost of the item in the currency specified on the message. Tables item_supp_country_loc, item_loc_soh, and ordloc can also be updated, depending on the values in tags hier_level and hier_value. This field will indicate if orders in approved status for items on the cost change will be recalculated with the new cost. Valid values will be Y (yes) and N (no). The currency code of the unit cost. This value must be predefined on the CURRENCIES table and must be the currency of the supplier. The hierarchy level of the hierarchy value. This field will indicate the level of the organizational hierarchy to which the cost change applies. Valid values are CH (chain), AR (area), RE (region), DI (district), S (store), W (warehouse). Description is not available. Description is not available. The hierarchy value at the specified level of the hierarchy which encompasses the locations affected by the cost change. An external application publishes Cost change information onto the RIB.RMS provides an API to obtain various events associated with Cost change there by updating the unit costs, cost history. Topic Name : etXCostChg Subcribers = XCostChg_sub (RMS). This Operation invokes the publishing of "Modify" event for the XCost Change. XCostChgDesc RBO complies with the XML schema XCostChgDesc.xsd, for more information on RBO structure and semantics please refer to the associated XSD. ServiceOpStatus object represents the acknowledgment from the service. It encloses the information about the Successful or Failed stataus of the publish event. Throw this exception when an unknown "soap:Server" side problem occurs. Throw this exception when a "soap:Server" side publish problem occurs.