This is a criteria value object to provide the criteria for querying Shipping Method Description, mainly the shipping charge and estimated delivery date for specific Shipping Method, shipping destination and shipping items combination. An enum indicating the ship location type. The possible values are "S" for store, and "C" for customer. The location id is the store id where the order items are going to be shipped provided the ship_loc_type is "S". Contains the shipping destination address. Contains a collection of shipping items. Specifies the locales for the shipping options results. code for shipping carrier such as USPS, FedEx etc. Code for shipping carrier service such as next day, overnight etc. a localized text string the locale of the text Specify shipping carrier code. The shipping carrier descriptions in one or more locales. Specify shipping carrier service code. The shipping carrier service descriptions in one or more locales. Shipping method detail description. The mandatory shipping method sequence number. Shipping carrier. Shipping carrier service such as next day, overnight etc. ISC currency code for ship price, such as USD and CAD. Shipping charge amount. Estimate delivery date. Description is not available. The ship item sequence number. The mandatory ship item id. The mandatory POS item id. The mandatory ship item quantity. Code of ship item unit of measure, such as UN, LF, PN. zprice (item unit price * item quantity). Item total extended discounted price (item unit discount price * quantity). Ship item weight. A unique retailer assigned code to designate the size of the ship item. A list of shipping items assigned to this shipping option. Ship item sequence numbers. The collection size. Shipping option description The mandatory shipping option sequence number An enum indicating the ship location type. The possible values are "S" for store, and "C" for customer. The location id is the store id where the order items are going to be shipped. The shipping destination address Shipping method collection description. A list of shipping items assigned to this shipping option. Estimate ready to ship date for ship to customer. Estimated arrive date for ship to store. This is the top level LocaleColDesc which is a collection of locale description A collection of tax. The collection size. It provides available shipping options for the shipping option search criteria. A collection of shipping options. The number of shipping options. Collection of shipping items. Shipping item description. The number of shipping items. ISO country code ISO language code Address used for mail, shipping or delivery Unique identifier for this address entry. The address type can be any of the enumerated values 'Home','Office','Billing','Shipping' Contains Address Line 1. Contains Address Line 2. Contains Address Line 3. Contains Address Line 4. Contains Address Line 5. Contains the city where the address is located. County where this address is located Contains the postal abbreviation for the state, province or territory in which the address is located. Indicates the state, province or territory name. Contains the postal abbreviation of the country in which the address is located Indicates the Country name For e.g Brazil,United States Contains the postal code for the address ID associated to the tax jurisdiction of the country-state relationship. Indicates the type of communications being sent to this address. Sample values are order information only, promotion info only, marketing material, no contact If the retailer integrates with an external system that does address validation at the time of adding this record, this flag is set to true. Absence of this element should indicate "false". This is the top level ShipOptionCriVo element which is used to communicate with an external shipping system to get shipping options. An enum indicating the ship location type. The possible values are "S" for store, and "C" for customer. The location id is the store id where the order items are going to be shipped. Contains the shipping destination address. Contains a collection of shipping items. Specifies the locales for the shipping options results. Collection of shipping methods A collection of shipping methods. The collection size of ShipMethodDesc. This is the top level LocaleColDesc A collection of tax. The collection size of LocaleTxtDesc. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Shipping service.