Collection of vendor delivery headers. Collection of vendor delivery headers. Size of the collection. Collection of vendor delivery headers. Collection of vendor delivery headers. Size of the collection. Collection of vendor delivery customer orders. Collection of vendor delivery customer orders. Size of the collection. Vendor delivery query criteria. Include only deliveries for this store. Include only deliveries with the date related to their status either at or after this date. Include only deliveries with the date related to their status either at or before this date. Include only deliveries for the purchase order with this external identifier. Include only deliveries matching this origin type. Valid values are ASN, DEXNEX, MANUAL, PO, NO_VALUE. Include only deliveries with this invoice number. Include only deliveries with this ASN external identifier. Include only deliveries containing this item SKU. Include only deliveries for the customer order with this external identifier. Include only deliveries for the fulfillment order with this external identifier. Include only deliveries for any fulfillment order. Ignored if customer/fulfillment order external identifiers are set. Include only deliveries for this supplier. Include only deliveries matching this status. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, RECEIVED, CANCELED, REJECTED, NO_VALUE. Include only deliveries last updated by this user. Vendor delivery Customer orders. Container identifier. Container external identifier. Customer order external identifier. Fulfillment Order external identifier. Fulfillment Order status. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Total number of line item in customer order. Fulfillment order comments. Vendor delivery header. Delivery identifier. Store identifier. Supplier identifier. Supplier name. External identifier of the ASN for the delivery. Originating type of delivery. Valid values are ASN, DEXNEX, MANUAL, PO, UNKNOWN. Status of the delivery. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, RECEIVED, CANCELED, REJECTED, UNKNOWN. The date the delivery is expected to arrive. Total number of cartons on the delivery. Total number of line items received on the delivery. Indicate if delivery has missing cartons. Indicate if delivery related to customer order. Vendor delivery carton detail. Carton identifier. Store identifier. Carton external identifier. Carton reference identifier. Delivery identifier. Status of the carton. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, SUBMITTED, RECEIVED, DAMAGED, MISSING, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Carton is related to customer order. Valid values are YES, MIX, NO. Carton damaged reason. Carton serial code. Carton tracking number. The date the carton was created. The user that created the carton. The date the carton was last updated. The user that last updated the carton. The date the carton was received. The user that received the carton. Indicates the carton is currently being adjusted. Indicates if carton was externally created. Indicates quality control is still required for the carton. Indicates that all remaining quantities not received should be considered damage on confirmation. Indicate if inventory should be received on shop floor. Collection of line items in the container. Vendor delivery line item detail. Vendor delivery detail line internal identifier. Item SKU. The vendor product number Case size for the line item. Amount of the unit cost for the line item. Amount of the unit cost for the line item. Expected quantity for the line item in units. Remaining quantity for the line item in units. Received quantity for the line item in units. Damaged quantity for the line item in units. Overage received quantity for the line item in units. Ovarage damaged quantity for the line item in units. Purchase order identifier. Purchase order external identifier Customer order identifier. Fulfillment order identifier. Preferred unit of measure of the line item. Collection of item uins. Collection of extended attributes for the line item. Vendor delivery unique identifier number modification. Unique identifier number. Indicates if the item uin is shipped. Indicates if the item uin is received. Indicates if the item uin is damaged. Vendor delivery header detail. This does not include containers or items. Delivery identifier. Store identifier. Supplier identifier. Supplier name. Originating type of delivery. Valid values are ASN, DEXNEX, MANUAL, PO, UNKNOWN. Status of the delivery. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, RECEIVED, CANCELED, REJECTED, UNKNOWN. External identifier of the ASN for the delivery. Identifier of the purchase order for the delivery. Identifier of the customer order for the delivery. Identifier of the fulfillment order for the delivery. Invoice number for the delivery. Invoice date for the delivery. Invoice cost for the delivery. Carrier type of the delivery. Valid values are CORPORATE, THIRD_PARTY, NO_VALUE. Name of the carrier Carrier code of carrier responsible for vendor delivery License plate of the delivery The address of source sending delivery. The Freight identifier. Bill of Lading external identifier. Currency code of the unit cost for the line item. The country code. The date the delivery is expected to arrive. The date the delivery was created. The date the delivery was last updated. The date the delivery was received. The user that created the delivery. The user that last updated the delivery. The user that received the delivery. Total number of cartons on the delivery. Total number of items on the delivery. Total numbers of documents associated with delivery. Notes associated to the vendor shipment. Notes attached to a vendor delivery. Note associated to the vendor delivery. Vendor delivery container reference. Vendor Delivery Container identifier. Vendor delivery reference. Delivery identifier. Vendor delivery line item modification. Vendor delivery detail line internal identifier. If left empty, indicates adding a new delivery item. Store identifier. Item SKU. This value cannot be altered on update. Case size for the line item. Amount of the unit cost override for the line item. Received quantity for the line item in units. Damaged quantity for the line item in units. Collection of unique identifier numbers to remove from the line item. Collection of unique identifier numbers to add or update for the line item. Collection of extended attributes associated to the line item, either added or updated external attributes. Contains barcodes associated to the extended attribute scan to be deleted. All occurrences will be deleted. Notes attached to a vendor delivery. Note associated to the vendor delivery. Information to update a vendor delivery container. Container identifier of the container to update. Container reference identifier. Container damaged reason. Container serial code. Container tracking number. Indicates if all remaining quantities in the container should be marked as damaged on confirmation. Indicate if inventory should be received on shop floor. Collection of container line item identifiers to remove from the delivery. Collection of line items. Notes associated to the vendor delivery. Vendor delivery unique identifier number modification. Unique identifier number. Indicates if the item uin is received. Indicates if the item uin is also damaged. Information to create a vendor delivery. Store identifier. Supplier identifier. Identifier of the purchase order for the delivery. Notes attached to a vendor delivery. Note associated to the vendor delivery. Information to update a vendor delivery. Delivery identifier. Invoice number for the delivery. Invoice date for the delivery. Invoice cost for the delivery. Name of the carrier Carrier type of the delivery. Valid values are CORPORATE, THIRD_PARTY, NO_VALUE. Carrier code of carrier responsible for vendor delivery. License plate of the delivery The address of source sending delivery. Freight identifier. Bill of Lading external identifier. Notes associated to the vendor delivery. Vendor delivery carton header detail. Delivery identifier. Store identifier. Carton identifier. Carton external identifier. Status of the carton. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, SUBMITTED, RECEIVED, DAMAGED, MISSING, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Total number of line items. total number of documents. Indicates how delivery related to customer order. Valid values are YES, MIX, NO. Indicates if carton quantities are discrepant. True if UINs are required for the item. Detailed information about a single GS1 code/value pairing. GS1 Attribute Identifier The value associated to the attribute. Details information about a line item extended attribute. Barcode data representation of the associated GS1 international code standards and their values. Number of occurrences of the extended attribute scanned on the line item. Collection of code-value pairs that contains the broken out information from within the barcode. Successful message string. Information to create a vendor delivery container. Delivery identifier. Store identifier. This service describes the Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) Vendor Store Delivery service.