Product group query criteria Returns only product groups that match this unique identifier. Results will be limited to a single product group. Returns only product groups that match this store. Returns only product groups that match this group type. Valid values are STOCK_COUNT_UNIT, STOCK_COUNT_UNIT_AMOUNT, STOCK_COUNT_PROBLEM_LINE, STOCK_COUNT_WASTAGE, STOCK_COUNT_RMS_SYNC, SHELF_REPLENISHMENT, UNKNOWN, NO_VALUE. Returns only product groups that contain this text in its description. Returns only product groups that contains this sku number. Include only product groups with this merchandise hierarchy department identifier. Include only product groups items with this merchandise hierarchy class identifier. Include only product groups items with this merchandise hierarchy subclass identifier This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 40 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10.