It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. Detailed information about the shelf replenishment. Shelf replenishment unique identifier. Store unique identifier Product group unique identifier for sales or capacity based replenishment. Department id for sales based replenishment. Class id for sales based replenishment. Subclass id for sales based replenishment. Shelf adjustment list unique identifier. Description or name of the shelf replenishment. Quantity to replenish. Status of the shelf replenishment. Valid values are NEW, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE, CANCELED, UNKNOWN. Type of the shelf replenishment. Valid values are CAPACITY, SALES, GAP, DISPLAY, UNKNOWN. Mode of the shelf replenishment. Valid values are END_OF_DAY, WITHIN_DAY, UNKNOWN. User name of the user who created the shelf replenishment. Date in GMT that the shelf replenishment was created. Date in GMT that the shelf replenishment was updated. Collection of shelf replenishment line items. Custom attributes associated to the shelf replenishment. Shelf replenishment line item. Line item unique identifier. SKU number. Pick from area in the store. Valid values are BACKROOM, DELIVERY_BAY, UNKNOWN. Quantity to be picked. Quantity actually picked. Case size associated with the item. SKU number of the original item. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold an enumerated string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 15 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 25 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 128 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 10. This type can hold a number of digits count 10 and fraction digit count of 2. This type can hold a number of digits count 12. This type can hold a number of digits count 15. This type can hold a number of digits count 20 and fraction digit count of 4.