The object is the search criteria for querying targeted items, in other words what other items that the merchant believes the shopper would be interested in based upon profile targeting rules and cross-sell/up-sell relationships. If LocationRef is present, it should either contain a retail store id in its dest_id element or it should contain a physical address. This is the location for which the targeting service provider system should consider as context when determining targeted items. If CustomerRef is present, it will contain the customer id of the shopper that is executing a purchase. The targeting service provider system should consider this customer for context when determining targeted items. If ItemColRef is present, it should contains the items that are already added to the shopper's cart. The targeting service provider system should consider this list of items for context when determining targeted items as well as cross-sell and up-sell items. Maximum number of targeted items to retrieve for the query. If not specified, all results will be returned. Maximum number of cross-sell items to retrieve for the query. If not specified, all results will be returned. Maximum number of up-sell items to retrieve for the query. If not specified, all results will be returned.