Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.21 (Integrated Gateway Services)
Application Integrated Gateway Services
Target Name Space
Version 1.1
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:XItemRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
item varchar225 1 1 The unique identifier for the item. RMS.item_master item varchar2 25 Yes The unique identifier for the item.
hier_level varchar22 0 1 The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are; Chain, Area, Region, District RMS.n/a n/a varchar2 2 No The level of the Organizational Hierarchy of the message. Valid values are Chain, Area, Region, and District.
XItemCtryRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemSupRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemVATRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemImageRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemSeasonRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemUDARef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.
XItemBOMRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
system_ind varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* system_ind varchar2 1 No Not used by RMS
upc_supplement number5 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* upc_supplement number 5 No Not used in RMS
LangOfXItemRef * 0 unbounded Child node.

XML-Schema Name:XItemCtryRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemCtryRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
country_id varchar23 1 1 Id of the country associated with the item. RMS.item_country country_id varchar2 3 Yes Contains the unique code that identifies the country.

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSupRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
supplier varchar210 1 1 Item Supplier affected by the deletion activity. RMS.item_supplier supplier number 10 Yes Item Supplier affected by the deletion activity.
delete_children_ind varchar21 1 1 Indicates whether the deletion should be applied to all associated item/supplier records below the item level of the item specified on the deletion message. RMS.* * null null Yes Indicates whether the deletion should be applied to all associated item/supplier records below the item level of the item specified on the deletion message.
XItemSupCtyRef * 0 unbounded Child node.
XItemSupCtyMfrRef:XItemSupCtyMfrRef * 0 unbounded It's a referenced element. For detailed description, please refer referenced element doc. NA NA NA NA NA NA
LangOfXItemSupRef * 0 unbounded Child node.

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSupCtyRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
origin_country_id varchar23 1 1 The supplier country affected by the deletion activity. RMS.item_supp_country origin_country_id varchar2 3 Yes The supplier country affected by the deletion activity.
XISCLocRef * 0 unbounded Child node
XItemCostRef * 0 unbounded Child node
XISCDimRef * 0 unbounded Child node that is not used.

XML-Schema Name:XISCLocRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XISCLocRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
hier_id number10 1 1 The id of the location hierarchy level affected by the message. RMS.* * null null Yes The ID of the location hierarchy level affected by the message.

XML-Schema Name:XItemCostRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemCostRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
delivery_country_id varchar23 1 1 Country where the Item will be delivered. RMS.item_cost_head, item_cost_detail delivery_country_id varchar2 3 Yes Country to which the item will be delivered to.

XML-Schema Name:XISCDimRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XISCDimRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
dim_object varchar26 1 1 This node is not used. RMS.* * null null No This node is not used.

XML-Schema Name:XItemSupCtyMfrRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSupCtyMfrRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
manufacturer_ctry_id varchar23 1 1 Country ID of manufacturer. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:LangOfXItemSupRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LangOfXItemSupRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
lang number6 1 1 The language ID. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:XItemVATRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemVATRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
vat_type varchar21 1 1 The vat type of the vat item info to be deleted. RMS.vat_item vat_type varchar2 1 Yes The VAT type of the VAT item information to be deleted.
vat_region number6 1 1 The vat region of the vat item info to be deleted. RMS.vat_item vat_region number 4 Yes The VAT region of the VAT item information to be deleted.
vat_code varchar26 1 1 The vat code of the vat item info to be deleted. RMS.vat_item vat_code varchar2 6 Yes The VAT code of the VAT item information to be deleted.
active_date xs:dateTime 1 1 The active date of the vat item info to be deleted. RMS.vat_item active_date date null Yes The active date of the VAT item information to be deleted.

XML-Schema Name:XItemImageRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemImageRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
image_name varchar2120 1 1 This node is not used. RMS.* * null null No This node is not used.
LangOfXItemImageRef * 0 unbounded Child node.

XML-Schema Name:LangOfXItemImageRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LangOfXItemImageRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
lang number6 1 1 The language ID. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:XItemSeasonRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemSeasonRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
season_id number3 1 1 This node is not used. RMS.* * null null No This node is not used.
phase_id number3 1 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
diff_id varchar210 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
color number4 0 1 Description is not available. RMS.* color number 4 No Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:XItemUDARef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemUDARef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
uda_id number5 1 1 This node is not used. RMS.* * null null No This node is not used.
display_type varchar22 1 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.
uda_value varchar230 0 1 Not used. RMS.* * null null No Not used by RMS.

XML-Schema Name:XItemBOMRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for XItemBOMRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
component_item varchar225 1 1 The pack item to be deleted. RMS.packitem item null null Yes The pack item to be deleted.

XML-Schema Name:LangOfXItemRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LangOfXItemRef in IGS application.
IGS's Table Name IGS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) IGS's Column Length Is Column Required in IGS's API? IGS's API Description
lang number6 1 1 The language ID. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.