Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.21 (Retail Warehouse Management System)
Application Retail Warehouse Management System
Target Name Space
Version 1.1
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:ASNInDesc Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInDesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
schedule_nbr number8 0 1 Contains the Schedule identifier number. SCHEDULE SCHD_NBR varchar2 8 Yes Subscriber uses the schedule number published by RFM. Not used by RWMS Publisher.
auto_receive varchar21 0 1 Contains the flag to enable auto receiving at SIM. n/a n/a n/a 1 No Not used by RWMS.
to_location varchar210 0 1 Contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. RWMS does not utilize this field. transshipment_setup dc_dest_id varchar2 10 Yes Used to derive RWMS facility id for subscribe. For publisher transshipment_setup.dc_dest_id
to_loc_type varchar21 0 1 This field contains the location type of the to_location field. Valid values are 'S' = store, 'E' = finisher, and 'W' = warehouse. RWMS does not utilize this field. NA NA RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in subscribe. Publisher populates with NULL
to_store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the to_location. This will only be populated if to_loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. RWMS does not utilize this field. NA NA RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL
to_stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the to_location is stockholding or not. Only populated if to_loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. RWMS does not utilize this. field. NA NA RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL
from_location varchar210 1 1 For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced. RWMS does not utilize this field. ship_dest or transshipment_setup dest_id or dc_dest_id varchar2 10 Yes Used to derive ship_dest.dest_type for subscribe - Use transshipment_setup.dc_dest_id for publish
from_loc_type varchar21 0 1 This field contains the location type of the from_location field. Valid values are 'S' = store and 'W' = warehouse. RWMS does not utilize this field. ship_dest dest_type varchar2 20 Yes Derived from dest_id and dest type of Ship Destination - Finisher, DC, Store, Virtual for subscriber. Always W for publisher.
from_store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the from_location. This will only be populated if from_location is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. RWMS does not utilize this field. NA NA RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not Used in Subscribe - Populated with NULL in publish
from_stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the from_location is stockholding or not. Only populated if from_location is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. RWMS does not utilize this field. NA NA RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not Used in Subscribe - Populated with NULL in publish
asn_nbr varchar230 1 1 Holds the advance shipping notice number associated with a shipment. asn and asn_upload asn_nbr varchar2 30 Yes Advance ship notice number
asn_type varchar21 1 1 This field is used to determine the ship origin. If asn_type is 'C', ship_origin will be set to '6' (ASN UCC-128) upon insert to the SHIPMENT table. Otherwise, SHIP_ORIGIN is defaulted to '0' (ASN Shipment). asn and asn_upload asn_type varchar2 1 Yes Notes ASN type to receive. Value C = container and value P = PO
container_qty number6 1 1 Description is not available. asn and asn_upload container_qty number 6 Yes Number of containers of this unit. Will be 1 normally, but greater than 1 to represent unlabeled containers. E.g. unit_qty= 100, container qty= 10 means 10 unlabeled (not in the container table) containers of casepack 10.
bol_nbr varchar217 0 1 Holds the transaction sequence number on the input message from the receiving PO or transfer process. asn and asn_upload bol_nbr varchar2 17 No The bill of lading number on the asn.
shipment_date xs:dateTime 1 1 This field contains the date the transfer or PO was shipped. n/a n/a * * Yes Not used by RWMS.
est_arr_date xs:dateTime 0 1 This field contains the estimated arrival date of a vendor PO shipment. It is updated by EDIUP856. It is used for vendor/lead time analysis. n/a n/a RIBDate * No Not used by RWMS. Pulisher populates with NULL
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_address4 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_address5 varchar2240 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_city varchar2120 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_state varchar23 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_zip varchar230 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ship_country_id varchar23 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
trailer_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a varchar2 12 No Not used by RWMS.
seal_nbr varchar212 0 1 Not used in RWMS. n/a n/a * * No Not used in RWMS.
carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Contains the courier that will deliver the shipment. asn and asn_upload carrier_code varchar2 4 No A code which uniquely identifies a carrier.
carrier_service_code varchar26 0 1 Contains the service level code for the courier that will deliver the shipment. N/a n/a n/a * No N/A.
vendor_nbr varchar210 1 1 Contains the supplier who will provide the merchandise specified in the order. This element is used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The order number must be in the table ORDHEAD, in either the ORDER_NO column or VENDOR_ORDER_NO column. po and asn_upload vendor_nbr varchar2 10 Yes An identifier that uniquely identifies a vendor.
ship_pay_method varchar22 0 1 Indicates the payment terms for freight charges associated with the order. Used to validate the order number(s) in ASNInPO (ASNInPO.po_nbr). The ship_pay_method in the message must match the value of the order's SHIP_PAY_METHOD in RMS (ORDHEAD table.) If the message field is blank, the ORDHEAD value must be NULL. n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ASNInPO * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comments about the shipment. n/a n/a * * No Not used in RWMS - Pulisher populates with NULL

XML-Schema Name:ASNInPO Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInPO in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
po_nbr varchar212 1 1 Identifies the order number which relates to the goods delivered in the shipment. Validated against the ORDHEAD table, and also the SHIPMENT table if the message applies to an existing shipment. po and asn_po_upload po_nbr varchar2 12 Yes Unique Purchase Order identifier.
doc_type varchar21 1 1 Description is not available. po and asn_po_upload doc_type varchar2 1 Yes Valid Document Type - Default is 'P'
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Contains the last date that delivery of the order will be accepted. po and asn_po_upload deliv_not_after_date and not_after_date RIBDate * No The latest date on which the delivery of an order is to be made.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comments about the shipment. n/a n/a * * No Not used by Subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL
ASNInCtn * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
ASNInItem * 0 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInCtn Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInCtn in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 This will be the final destination of the carton. For a cross-dock order this will be the allocation location, otherwise it will be the direct to order location. asn_item and asn_item_upload dest_id and final_location varchar2 10 Yes Assigned final location for container Id
container_id varchar220 1 1 Holds the UCC-128 carton number. container and asn_cont_upload container_id varchar2 20 Yes Unique identifier for a container. A container is a generic thing that can hold merchandise or other containers. This could be carton, pallet, tote, trolley, laundry basket, etc.
container_weight number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload container_weight number 12 No Weight of a container (dimensionless) .
container_length number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. container container_length number 6 No The length of a container ( dimensionless)
container_width number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload container_width number 6 No Width of a container (dimensionless) .
container_height number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload container_height number 6 No Height of a container (dimensionless).
container_cube number12_2 0 1 Description is not available. container container_cube number 12 No Dimension derived for the multiplied numbers of length, width, and height
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload expedite_flag varchar2 1 No If NULL defaults to 'N'
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload in_store_date RIBDate * No Date the container is to be in the store.
carrier_shipment_nbr varchar2120 0 1 This field represents the shipment number that manifest systems use to group multi-container shipments for a carrier. Typically a 1 of 4 type message. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in RWMS
tracking_nbr varchar2120 0 1 This is a unique tracking number that is used to track containers through carriers system. asn_cont_upload tracking_nbr varchar2 25 No Not populated in RWMS by Subscriber.
freight_charge number12_4 0 1 Description is not available. container and asn_cont_upload freight_charge number 8 No Carton Freight Charges
master_container_id varchar220 0 1 Not used in RWMS n/a n/a * * No Not used by RWMS.
ASNInItem * 1 unbounded Description is not available.
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comments about the shipment container. * * varchar2 2000 * Not used by RWMS. Publisher populates with NULL

XML-Schema Name:ASNInItem Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInItem in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location. asn_item and asn_item_upload dest_id and final_location varchar2 10 Yes Assigned final location for container Id
item_id varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. po_detail and asn_item_upload item_id varchar2 25 Yes Uniquely identifies the item. May consist of some combination of SKU, style, color, size, etc.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination. asn_item and asn_item_upload unit_qty number 12 Yes Number of individual units.
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. container_item and asn_item_upload priority_level number 1 No Priority level of the item on the container.
vpn varchar230 0 1 Used to find the item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. asn_item_upload vpn varchar2 30 * Vendor Product Number Used in Subscriber to derive item_id and item_upc. Used by Publisher.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. asn_item_upload order_line_nbr number 3 No Order detail information Referenced in Subscriber but not used. Used by Publisher.
lot_nbr varchar220 0 1 Not used in RWMS. asn_item_upload lot_nbr varchar2 20 Yes The number or identifier of the lot the goods were manufactured in. Referenced in Subscriber but not used. Used by Publisher.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. asn_item_upload ref_item varchar2 25 No Reference number associated to the number. Used in Subscriber to derive item_id if both item_id or VPN are NULL in message. Used by Publisher.
distro_nbr varchar212 1 1 Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton. container_item and asn_item_upload distro_nbr varchar2 12 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a distribution order.
consumer_direct varchar21 0 1 This is a Y or N indicator to inform the consuming application if the distro is for a consmer direct order or not. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL
cust_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 This is the customer order number that was generated by OMS and contains multiple fulfillment numbers. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in Subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL.
fulfill_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 Based on a customer order - OMS will generate fulfillments to specific locations based on availability. RMS will generate Transfers based on the fulfillment request. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in Subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL.
distro_doc_type varchar21 0 1 Valid Document Type asn_item_upload distro_doc_type varchar2 1 No Referenced in subscriber but not used. Publisher populates.
container_qty number6 0 1 Description is not available. container_item container_qty number 6 No Publisher populates with NULL
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comment about the item in the shipment. * * varchar2 2000 * Not used by RWMS. Publisher populates with NULL
ASNInUIN * 0 unbounded Collection of Universal Identification Numbers.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInUIN Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInUIN in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
uin varchar2128 1 1 Universal Identification Number Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInItem Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInItem in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
final_location varchar210 1 1 Required if the order's pre_mark_ind is 'Y'. Validated against the ALLOC_DETAIL table. There needs to be at least one allocation with the same ORDER_NO that is in the ASNIn message, and the same TO_LOC as the final_location. asn_item and asn_item_upload dest_id and final_location varchar2 10 Yes Assigned final location for container Id
item_id varchar225 0 1 Unique identifier for the item. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. po_detail and asn_item_upload item_id varchar2 25 Yes Uniquely identifies the item. May consist of some combination of SKU, style, color, size, etc.
unit_qty number12_4 1 1 Contains the number of items expected to be received based on the supplier's ASN for this Item/Shipment combination. asn_item and asn_item_upload unit_qty number 12 Yes Number of individual units.
priority_level number1 0 1 Description is not available. container_item and asn_item_upload priority_level number 1 No Priority level of the item on the container.
vpn varchar230 0 1 Used to find the item number, found on the ITEM_SUPPLIER table. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. asn_item_upload vpn varchar2 30 * Vendor Product Number Used in Subscriber to derive item_id and item_upc. Used by Publisher.
order_line_nbr number4 0 1 Not used in RWMS. asn_item_upload order_line_nbr number 3 No Order detail information Referenced in Subscriber but not used. Used by Publisher.
lot_nbr varchar220 0 1 Not used in RWMS. asn_item_upload lot_nbr varchar2 20 Yes The number or identifier of the lot the goods were manufactured in. Referenced in Subscriber but not used. Used by Publisher.
ref_item varchar225 0 1 Contains a reference item to the item field. Either vpn, item_id, or ref_item must be specified in the message. asn_item_upload ref_item varchar2 25 No Reference number associated to the number. Used in Subscriber to derive item_id if both item_id or VPN are NULL in message. Used by Publisher.
distro_nbr varchar212 1 1 Specifies the transfer or allocation number associated with the shipment/item/carton. container_item and asn_item_upload distro_nbr varchar2 12 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a distribution order.
consumer_direct varchar21 0 1 This is a Y or N indicator to inform the consuming application if the distro is for a consmer direct order or not. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL
cust_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 This is the customer order number that was generated by OMS and contains multiple fulfillment numbers. n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in Subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL.
fulfill_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 Based on a customer order - OMS will generate fulfillments to specific locations based on availability. RMS will generate Transfers based on the fulfillment request. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in Subscriber. Publisher populates with NULL.
distro_doc_type varchar21 0 1 Valid Document Type asn_item_upload distro_doc_type varchar2 1 No Referenced in subscriber but not used. Publisher populates.
container_qty number6 0 1 Description is not available. container_item container_qty number 6 No Publisher populates with NULL
comments varchar22000 0 1 Contains any comment about the item in the shipment. * * varchar2 2000 * Not used by RWMS. Publisher populates with NULL
ASNInUIN * 0 unbounded Collection of Universal Identification Numbers.

XML-Schema Name:ASNInUIN Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInUIN in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
uin varchar2128 1 1 Universal Identification Number Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.