Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.21 (Retail Warehouse Management System)
Application Retail Warehouse Management System
Target Name Space
Version 1.1
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:LocationDesc Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for LocationDesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 Description is not available. ship_dest dest_id varchar2 10 * A number which uniquely identifies a destination to which the DC delivers goods
dest_type varchar220 0 1 The dest_type field indicates if the location is a store, warehouse, or finisher. Values from RMS will be as follows: 'E', 'S', 'W'. When this value is consumed by RWMS it will be translated as follows: ('W' = 'WAREHOUSE') , ('E' = 'FINISHER'), (if 'S' and store_type = 'C' and stock_holding_ind = 'N' then 'VIRTUAL' else 'S' = 'STORE' ship_dest dest_type varchar2 'E', 'S', 'W'. When this value is consumed by RWMS it 13 will be translated as follows * Type of Ship Destination - Internal, DC, Store - Default is 'STORE' is 13 The dest_type field indicates if the location is a store, warehouse, or finisher. Values from RMS will be as follows
store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the location (dest_id). Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. ship_dest store_type varchar2 1 Yes This is a derived field based on above store_type definition above.
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the to_loc store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. ship_dest stockholding_ind varchar2 1 Yes This is a derived field based on above stockholding_ind definition above.
description varchar21000 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest description varchar2 120 * A general description field.
address1 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest address1 varchar2 240 * First line of a mailing address.
address2 varchar2240 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest address2 varchar2 240 * Second line of the mailing address.
city varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. shiip_dest city varchar2 120 * City of the ship destination.
state varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest state varchar2 3 * *
country_code varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest country_code varchar2 3 * Country Code of the dest id
zip varchar230 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest zip varchar2 30 * *
contact_person varchar2120 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest contact_person varchar2 120 * *
dest_fax varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest dest_fax varchar2 20 * The destination's facsimile machine telephone number
phone_nbr varchar220 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest phone_nbr varchar2 20 * *
currency_code varchar23 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest currency_code varchar2 3 * Designation for specific currencies to be used during ticketing
default_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest default_route varchar2 10 * Default value found in Ship_dest for the route
default_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest default_carrier_code varchar2 4 * Default value found in Ship_dest for the Carrier
default_service_code varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest default_service_code varchar2 6 * Default value found in Ship_dest for the service
expedite_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest expedite_route varchar2 10 * Alternate route code associated with the expedite carrier
expedite_carrier_code varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest expedite_carrier_code varchar2 4 * Alternate carrier code associated with the expedite carrier
expedite_service_code varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest expedite_service_code varchar2 6 * Alternate service code associated with the expedite carrier
bol_upload_type varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest bol_upload_type varchar2 4 * Indicate which data to upload. Values ITEM = item l; CONT = container, BOTH = both reports will print
bol_print_type varchar24 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest bol_print_type varchar2 4 * Indicate which report to print when a trailer is shipped. Values ITEM = item level printing; CONT = container manifest report, BOTH = both types of data will be sent.
lead_time number3 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest lead_time number 3 * The time, in hours, expected to elapse between a trailer's departure from the DC and it's arrival at the associated store.
distance_to_dest number4 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest distance_to_dest number 4 * Distance to the Destination
drop_trailers_accepted_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest drop_trailers_accepted_flag varchar2 1 * Indicates whether drop trailers are accepted at a destination. { Y ] N } - Default is 'Y'
rcv_dock_available_flag varchar21 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest rcv_dock_available_flag varchar2 1 * A flag that indicates whether a receiving dock is available at the associated destination. {Y / N} - Default is 'Y'
container_type varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest container_type varchar2 6 * Type of the container, used to supply default container dimensions.
mld_default_route varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest mld_default_route varchar2 10 * *
unit_pick_container_type varchar26 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest unit_pick_container_type varchar2 6 * Container type used for unit picking to this destination
dest_seq_nbr number4 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest dest_seq_nbr number 4 * Sequence number of the dest.
owning_dc varchar210 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest owning_dc varchar2 10 * Owning dc of the dest being download
email_to varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest email_to varchar2 500 * *
email_cc varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest email_cc varchar2 500 * *
email_bcc varchar2500 0 1 Description is not available. ship_dest email_bcc varchar2 500 * *
org_unit_id number15 0 1 This field holds the Org Unit id of the Location. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. * Not used in RWMS