Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.21 (Retail Warehouse Management System)
Application Retail Warehouse Management System
Target Name Space
Version 1.3
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:SODesc Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for SODesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
distro_nbr varchar212 1 1 mapped to DO_CTL_INV.ID_ICD as well.Not Yet Available stock_order distro_nbr varchar2 12 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a distribution order.
document_type varchar21 1 1 NA stock_order document_type varchar2 1 No Valid Document Type - If Null sent then populated with 'D'
dc_dest_id varchar210 1 1 mapped to DO_CTL_INV.ID_PRTY_TO_ICD as well. Not Yet Available transshipment_setup dc_dest_id varchar2 10 Yes *
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Type of location in the dc_dest_id field. Valid values are: S = Store, W = Warehouse, E = Finisher. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the dc_dest_id store. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the dc_dest_id store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
order_type varchar29 0 1 NA stock_order order_type varchar2 9 No Default = 'MANUAL'
pick_not_before_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not Yet Available stock_order pick_not_before_date RIBDate * Yes The earliest date on which the order may be picked.
pick_not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Not Yet Available stock_order pick_not_after_date RIBDate * Yes The last date on which an order may be picked.
priority number4 0 1 NA stock_order priority number 4 No A value which indicates the priority of an allocation.
event_code varchar26 0 1 NA stock_order event_code varchar2 6 No Identifies an event. Downloaded with a distribution to be printed on associated merchandise labels.
event_description varchar21000 0 1 NA stock_order event_description varchar2 1000 No Describes an event. Downloaded with a distribution to be printed on all associated merchandise labels.
carrier_code varchar24 0 1 NA stock_order carrier_code varchar2 4 No A code which uniquely identifies a carrier.
carrier_service_code varchar26 0 1 NA stock_order carrier_service_code varchar2 6 No Carrier's Service codes for the method of delivery, First Class, ground, etc.
route varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order route varchar2 10 No Destination delivery route used in carrier_service_route
ship_address_desc varchar230 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address_desc varchar2 30 No Generic description, could include customer name or specific shipping instructions.
ship_address1 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address1 varchar2 240 No Ship address for a single destination order, a specific address for a customer.
ship_address2 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address2 varchar2 240 No Ship address for a single destination order, a specific address for a customer.
ship_address3 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address3 varchar2 240 No A third line for shipping address information
ship_address4 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address4 varchar2 240 No A fourth line for shipping address information.This field is not currently supported in RWMS base code.
ship_address5 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order ship_address5 varchar2 240 No A fifth line for shipping address information.This field is not currently supported in RWMS base code.
ship_city varchar2120 0 1 NA stock_order ship_city varchar2 120 No City of the ship destination.
ship_state varchar23 0 1 NA stock_order ship_state varchar2 3 * State where the shipment is sent
ship_zip varchar230 0 1 NA stock_order ship_zip varchar2 30 No zip code of the region where the shipment is sent ( defined in VARCHAR2 to include Canada)
ship_country_id varchar23 0 1 NA stock_order ship_country_code varchar2 3 No Country code of destination
bill_address_desc varchar230 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address_description varchar2 30 No Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_address1 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address1 varchar2 240 No Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_address2 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address2 varchar2 240 * Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_address3 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address3 varchar2 240 * Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_address4 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address4 varchar2 240 * Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_address5 varchar2240 0 1 NA stock_order bill_address5 varchar2 240 * Fields used in the Stock_Order table used by MMS system
bill_city varchar2120 0 1 NA stock_order bill_city varchar2 120 No Billing City as part of the Billing Address
bill_state varchar23 0 1 NA stock_order bill_state varchar2 3 No Billing State as part of the Billing Address
bill_zip varchar230 0 1 NA stock_order bill_zip varchar2 30 No Billing Zip Code as part of the Billing Address
bill_country_id varchar23 0 1 NA stock_order bill_country_code varchar2 3 No Billing Country Code as part of the Billing Address
break_by_distro varchar21 0 1 NA stock_order break_by_distro varchar2 1 No Control the mixing of orders (distros) in a container. Downloaded in the Stock Order. Values Y/N
rollback_allocation varchar21 0 1 NA stock_order rollback_allocation varchar2 1 No Indicates whether or not to rollback the allocation on cancel of pick
cartonization varchar21 0 1 NA stock_order cartonization varchar2 1 No Order Cartonization Indicator. Default is N
consumer_direct varchar21 0 1 NA stock_order consumer_direct varchar2 1 No Consumer Direct Order Indicator
message varchar22000 0 1 NA stock_order message varchar2 300 No Text Message
chute_type varchar26 0 1 NA stock_order chute_type varchar2 6 No Type Definition of a Sorter Chute
po_nbr varchar212 0 1 NA stock_order po_nbr varchar2 12 No Unique Purchase Order identifier.
parent_customer_order varchar220 0 1 NA stock_order parent_customer_order varchar2 20 No Unique identifier for orignal order number
order_line_costs varchar21 0 1 NA stock_order order_line_costs varchar2 1 No *
container_type varchar26 0 1 NA stock_order container_type varchar2 6 No Type of the container, used to supply default container dimensions.
amount1 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount1 number 8 No Order / Line Amount
amount2 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount2 number 8 * Order / Line Amount
amount3 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount3 number 8 No Order / Line Amount
amount4 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount4 number 16 No Order / Line Amount
amount5 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount5 number 16 No Order / Line Amount
amount6 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_order amount6 number 16 No Order / Line Amount
sub_total number12 0 1 NA stock_order sub_total number 12 No *
gift_cost_total number12 0 1 NA stock_order gift_cost_total number 12 No Total Cost for Gift Item.This field is not currently supported in RWMS base code.
promotion_total number12 0 1 NA stock_order promotion_total number 12 No Pack slip information.This field is not currently supported in RWMS base code.
total number12 0 1 NA stock_order total number 12 No *
tax_total number12 0 1 NA stock_order tax_total number 12 No *
shipping_total number12 0 1 NA stock_order shipping_total number 12 No *
order_uda1 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda1 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda2 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda2 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda3 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda3 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda4 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda4 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda5 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda5 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda6 varchar220 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda6 varchar2 20 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda7 varchar220 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda7 varchar2 20 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda8 varchar220 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda8 varchar2 20 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda9 varchar260 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda9 varchar2 60 No User defined attributes of the stock order
order_uda10 varchar260 0 1 NA stock_order order_uda10 varchar2 60 No User defined attributes of the stock order
dl_comment varchar230 0 1 NA stock_order dl_comment varchar2 30 No Comment attached to a download.
ship_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA * * RIBDate * * Not used in RWMS
SODtlDesc * 0 unbounded Description is not available.
not_after_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA n/a n/a RIBDate * * *
distro_parent_nbr varchar212 0 1 NA * * varchar2 10 * Not used in RWMS
exp_dc_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA * * RIBDate * * Not used in RWMS
approval_id varchar230 0 1 NA * * varchar2 120 * Not used in RWMS
approval_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA * * RIBDate * * Not used in RWMS
from_loc_tsf_entity number10 0 1 NA * * RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. * Not used in RWMS
to_loc_tsf_entity number10 0 1 NA * * * * * Not used in RWMS
inv_type varchar26 0 1 NA * * varchar2 6 * Not used in RWMS
so_status varchar21 0 1 NA * * varchar2 1 * Not used in RWMS
delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
context_type varchar26 0 1 This field holds the functional area code to which the transfer relates to. Valid values are PROM and REPAIR. stock_order order_type varchar2 9 Yes Populated with MANUAL unless REPAIR is sent then populated with REPAIR
context_value varchar225 0 1 This field holds the value relating to the context type like Promotion number. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in RWMS
delivery_slot_id varchar215 0 1 Delivery Slot Id. stock_order delivery_slot_id RIB 15 No Delivery Slot ID
delivery_slot_desc varchar2240 0 1 Delivery slot description. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
cust_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 Contains the customer order number reference for the transfer as provided by OMS. stock_order cust_order_nbr varchar2 48 n/a Valid Customer Order Number
fulfill_order_nbr varchar248 0 1 Contains the fulfillment order number for the transfer as provided by OMS. One or more fulfillment orders could relate back to a single customer order in OMS. stock_order fulfill_order_nbr varchar2 48 Yes For Consumer Direct orders, this number will be part of the order publish/consume. For non-Consumer Direct orders this number will default to the distro number.
partial_delivery_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the customer order can be picked and shipped partially (Y) or if it should be shipped only when complete (N). This will be mapped to the PICK_COMPLETE indicator in RWMS. A value of Y for PARTIAL_DELIVERY_IND will correspond to the value N for PICK_COMPLETE. stock_order pick_complete RIB 1 No Reverse value - If N is received then populate with Y otherwise populate with N.
consumer_delivery_date xs:dateTime 0 1 Indicates the desired date the delivery is required by the customer. stock_order cd_delivery_date RIBDate * Yes This data may be used by the MMS system to determine the container shipper/route.
consumer_delivery_time xs:dateTime 0 1 Indicates the desired time the delivery is required by the customer. stock_order cd_delivery_time RIBDate * Yes This data may be used by the MMS system to determine the container shipper/route.
ship_first_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the first name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_first_name varchar2 120 Yes First Name used for a single destination order, a specific First Name for a customer.
ship_phonetic_first varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic first name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_phonetic_first varchar2 120 Yes Phonetic First Name used for a single destination order, a specific Phonetic First Name for a customer.
ship_last_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the last name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_last_name varchar2 120 Yes Last Name used for a single destination order, a specific Last Name for a customer.
ship_phonetic_last varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic last name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_phonetic_last varchar2 120 Yes Last Name used for a single destination order, a specific Last Name for a customer.
ship_preferred_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the preferred name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_preferred_name varchar2 120 Yes Preferred Name used for a single destination order, a specific Preferred Name for a customer.
ship_company_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the company name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_company_name varchar2 120 Yes Company Name used for a single destination order, a specific Company Name for a customer.
ship_county varchar2250 0 1 Contains the county name for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_county varchar2 250 Yes county of ship destination
ship_phone varchar220 0 1 Contains the phone number for the delivery address on consumer-direct transfers. stock_order ship_phone varchar2 20 Yes phone no of ship destination
bill_first_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the first name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_first_name varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_phonetic_first varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic first name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_phonetic_first varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_last_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the last name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_last_name varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_phonetic_last varchar2120 0 1 Contains the phonetic last name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_phonetic_last varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_preferred_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the preferred name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_preferred_name varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_company_name varchar2120 0 1 Contains the company name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_company_name varchar2 120 Yes This data may be used for printing of the Packing Slip.
bill_phone varchar220 0 1 Contains the billing address phone number for customer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_phone varchar2 20 Yes Billing Phone no as part of billing address
bill_county varchar2250 0 1 Contains the county name for the billing address on consumer-direct transfers for inclusion on the packing slip. stock_order bill_county varchar2 250 Yes Billing County as part of billing address

XML-Schema Name:SODtlDesc Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for SODtlDesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
dest_id varchar210 1 1 mapped to TR_LTM_ICD_MR.ID_STR_RT as well, Not Yet Available stock_allocation dest_id varchar2 10 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a destination to which the DC delivers goods
loc_type varchar21 1 1 Type of location in the dest_id field. Valid values are: S = Store, W = Warehouse, E = Finisher. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the dest_id store. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the dest_id store is stockholding or not. Only populated if loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
item_id varchar225 1 1 mapped to TR_LTM_ICD_MR.ID_ITM as well. Not Yet Available stock_allocation and component_ticketing item_id varchar2 25 No Uniquely identifies the item. May consist of some combination of SKU, style, color, size, etc.
requested_unit_qty number12_4 1 1 mapped to TR_LTM_ICD_MR.QU_ITM as well.Not Yet Available stock_allocation requested_unit_qty number 12 Yes The unit quantity of merchandise items requested for purchase or distribution.
retail_price number20_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation and component_ticketing retail_price number 20 No The retail selling price for a particular item allocated to a particular store
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 NA stock_allocation selling_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measure the item is sold at
ticket_type varchar24 0 1 NA stock_allocation ticket_type varchar2 4 * A code that indicates the merchandise ticketing format. (Values defined in customer-generated documentation).
priority number4 0 1 NA stock_order priority number 4 No A value which indicates the priority of an allocation.
store_ord_mult varchar21 0 1 NA stock_allocation store_ord_mult varchar2 1 Yes Factor by which the units may be ordered in. Default is E
expedite_flag varchar21 0 1 NA stock_allocation expedite_flag varchar2 1 No Use in rush shipments, Values (Y/N); If flag is Yes then the expedite carrier will be used
order_line_nbr number3 0 1 NA stock_allocation_cid order_line_nbr number 3 No Derived as ROWNUM.
amount1 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount1 number 8 No *
amount2 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount2 number 8 No *
amount3 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount3 number 8 No *
amount4 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount4 number 16 No *
amount5 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount5 number 16 No *
amount6 number16_2 0 1 NA stock_allocation amount6 number 16 No *
tax_percent number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation tax_percent number 12 No *
item_status varchar21 0 1 NA stock_allocation item_status varchar2 1 No *
component_ticketing_distro_nbr varchar212 0 1 NA n/a n/a RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. No Not used in RWMS
in_store_date xs:dateTime 0 1 NA stock_allocation in_store_date RIBDate * No In Store Date of the item.
total number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation total number 12 No *
gift_cost number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation gift_cost number 12 No Cost for Gift Item.This field is not currently supported in RWMS base code.
shipping number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation shipping number 12 No *
promotion number10 0 1 NA stock_allocation promotion number 12 No Textual description of event associated to the order
sub_total number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation sub_total number 12 No *
tax number12_4 0 1 NA stock_allocation tax number 12 No *
order_detail_uda1 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_allocation order_detail_uda1 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock allocation
order_detail_uda2 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_allocation order_detail_uda2 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock allocation
order_detail_uda3 varchar210 0 1 NA stock_allocation order_detail_uda3 varchar2 10 No User defined attributes of the stock allocation
order_detail_uda4 varchar220 0 1 NA stock_allocation order_detail_uda4 varchar2 20 No User defined attributes of the stock allocation
order_detail_uda5 varchar220 0 1 NA stock_allocation order_detail_uda5 varchar2 20 No User defined attributes of the stock allocation
transaction_uom varchar24 0 1 Holds the original transaction unit of measure to be passed on to the store system. It is only used for customer direct orders coming from the order management system. All quantities on the payload are expressed in items standard unit of measure. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
SODtlTcktDesc * 0 unbounded Description is not available.

XML-Schema Name:SODtlTcktDesc Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for SODtlTcktDesc in RWMS application.
RWMS's Table Name RWMS's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) RWMS's Column Length Is Column Required in RWMS's API? RWMS's API Description
distro_nbr varchar212 1 1 NA component_ticketing distro_nbr varchar2 12 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a distribution order.
document_type varchar21 0 1 NA Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Not used in RWMS
item_id varchar225 0 1 NA component_ticketing item_id varchar2 25 Yes Id of the master item kit build from other items
dest_id varchar210 0 1 NA component_ticketing dest_id varchar2 10 Yes A number which uniquely identifies a destination to which the DC delivers goods
component_item_id varchar225 1 1 NA component_ticketing component_item_id varchar2 25 Yes Item Identifier of the Item in a kit. Downloaded in the Bill of Materials Download.
retail_price number20_4 0 1 NA component_ticketing retail_price number 20 No The retail selling price for a particular item allocated to a particular store
selling_uom varchar24 0 1 NA component_ticketing selling_uom varchar2 4 No Unit of measure the item is sold at