Retail Integration Mappings Report Release:16.0.21 (Store Inventory Management)
Application Store Inventory Management
Target Name Space
Version 1.0
Description This is root element of this document which contains name space definitions for the document elements.
XSD Structure

XML-Schema Name:ASNInRef Version:16.0.21 Return to Top
XSD Element Name XSD Element Data Type XSD Min Occurs XSD Max Occurs XSD Element Description Mapping for ASNInRef in SIM application.
SIM's Table Name SIM's Column Name Integration API(RIB or/and RSB or/and RSL) SIM's Column Length Is Column Required in SIM's API? SIM's API Description
to_location varchar210 1 1 This field contains the location that the shipment will be delivered to. TSF_DELV,DSD STORE_ID NUMBER 10,0 Yes the unique identifier of the store that this warehouse delivery/Direct delivery is for.
to_loc_type varchar21 0 1 This field contains the location type of the to_location field. Valid values are 'S' = store, 'E' = finisher, and 'W' = warehouse. RWMS does not utilize this field. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Valid value "S" provided by rib
to_store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the to_location. This will only be populated if to_loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. RWMS does not utilize this field. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Valid values are STORE_TYPE_COMPANY("C"), STORE_TYPE_FRANCHISE("F"),
to_stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the to_location is stockholding or not. Only populated if to_loc_type is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. RWMS does not utilize this field. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Either Y or N
from_location varchar210 1 1 For transfer and allocation shipments, this field will hold the location from which the shipment was sourced. TSF_DELV, DSD DSD.SUPPLIER_ID,TSF_DELV.SOURCE_ID VARCHAR2 128 Yes the unique identifier of the supplier that shipped the items.
from_loc_type varchar21 0 1 This field contains the location type of the from_location field. Valid values are 'S' = store and 'W' = warehouse. RWMS does not utilize this field. DSD, TSF_DELV SUPPLIER_ID, SOURCE_ID NUMBER 10,0 Yes the unique identifier of the supplier/Source that shipped the items.
from_store_type varchar21 0 1 Indicates the store type of the from_location. This will only be populated if from_location is 'S'. Valid values are: 'C' = company store, 'F' = franchise store. RWMS does not utilize this field. STORE STORE_ID RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes Fill this description.
from_stockholding_ind varchar21 0 1 Indicates if the from_location is stockholding or not. Only populated if from_location is 'S'. Valid values are: 'Y' = yes, 'N' = no. RWMS does not utilize this field. Fill application table name. Fill table column name. RIB or/and RSB Fill column length. Yes If Location type is store then indicator type is set to Y
asn_nbr varchar230 1 1 Holds the advance shipping notice number associated with a shipment to be deleted. DSD, TSF_DELV ASN_ID VARCHAR2 128 Yes The Advance Shipment Notification number