RIBforExt is the Oracle Retail Enterprise Integration component designed to address the connectivity requirements for 3rd Party integrations in a hybrid cloud topology where the RIB is deployed in the Retail Integration Cloud Services. 

RIBforEXT provides the ability for the Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to expose the RIB as SOAP services to 3rd Party applications deployed on-prem or in other cloud deployments.

In a hybrid cloud scenario customers no longer have access to RIB’s JMS server and cannot directly publish and subscribe to messages on the JMS topics. The RIB-EXT app is designed to fill that gap, it provides WebService based APIs to publish to and subscribe from the RIB’s JMS from thirdparty systems.

RIBforEXT has all of the RIB flows available for the deployment time configuration based on the customer use cases. The RIB-EXT app organizes all publishers and subscribers adapters required by the customer's external system. 

The list of publisher and subscriber adapters are defined by the customer’s implementation team.

Enterprise Integration Guide - RIB-EXT

Release 16.0.x