TBD Unique identifier for customer. Contains list of alternates keys associated with the customer. This must no include sensitive customer information like nationalIDs, credit card numbers, passport numbers etc. Contains the customer type: regular customer or business. Customer first name Customer Last name Customer middle name If this customer is a business, this field contains the name of the business. Indicates if the customer wants to be contacted by mail. Defaults to false if not specified. Indicates if the customer wants to be contacted by phone. Defaults to false if not specified. Indicates if the customer wants to be contacted by email. Defaults to false if not specified. Indicates if the customer wants to be contacted by fax. Defaults to false if not specified. Contains the customer gender. Contains the customer ethnicity. Contains the customer gender. Contains the customer birth date. Contains anniversary date for the customer Annual income for this customer Contains the net worth for this customer Contains the highest education level for this customer industry customer belongs to. Sample values 'Consumer', 'Entertaining', 'Medical' etc. An enum indicating the location type from where the customer got created. Valid values are 'STORE' (store walk-in), 'WEB' (web channel), 'RENTED' (rented list) and 'Unknown' (unknown). If this element is missing, then 'UNKNOWN' (unknown) is assumed. Contains the customer receipt preference. Customer can opt for printed, or email or both printed and email receipts. Contains the federal identifier assigned by a national government. Contains the number provided for sales tax exemption issued separately by the state where doing business. Contains the tax exempt reason code. Contains the job title. The employee that created this customer Contains all the phones the customer can be reached at Contains all the emails the customer can be reached at Contains all the addresses for this customer, such as 'Home', 'Office' A collection of customer segments (such as senior_citizen, teacher, veteran, contractor, etc) that this customer has been assigned to that would impact the pricing offered to the customer. A collection of promotion ids of promotions that this customer may choose to activate, such as by presenting a coupon, or may automatically be applied to their purchases for discounting the total. Contains a collection of cards. Here we can save the details of various cards a customer possess. For eg., credit/debit, loyalty/giftcard, etc. Contains the organization information that the customer belongs to. Contains the customer preferred language. The timestamp at which this record was created. The timestamp at which this record was last updated. A key type/value pair representing alternate keys for the customer Type of the alternate key e.g. PHONE, EMAIL, OROMS_ID, XSTORE_ID etc. Value for the specific type of the alternate key. Employee that created this customer Contains the id of the employee that created the customer. Contains an address book for the customer Contains a collection of addresses for the customer. Collection limited to 99 to prevent XML overflow Customer addresses for home, shipping, billing Customer's alias for this address, example My Office Shipping Address Indicates whether this address is the primary address to contact the customer. Indicates whether this address should be considered first as the customer's billing address. Indicates whether this address should be considered first as the customer's shipping address. Address for this contact Contains contact for this address Contains all the phones for this customer Contact Phone Contains all the emails for this customer Contact Email Contains all the cards for this contact Customer Card. Contains a customer segment id assigned to this customer. Contains the id of the customer segment, such as teacher, veteran, etc. Contains the name of the customer segment, such as teacher, veteran, etc. Contains a promotion id that this customer may use. Contains the id of a promotion available to this customer, such as a coupon code. Contains the name of a promotion, such as "But 1 sock get another sock free." Contains the organization information that the customer belongs to. Unique identifier for the organization. Contains the name of the organization that customer belongs to. Contains the type of the organization that customer belongs to. This is free form field and can contain values like 'Charity', 'Booster Club', 'Labor Council' etc Defines a location from where the customer got created. TBD TBD TBD TBD This type can hold a string of max length of 14 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 10 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 1000 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 20 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 22. This type can hold a string of max length of 30 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 32 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 120 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 240 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 250 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 230 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 2 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 64 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 100 characters. This type can hold a number of digits count 20 and fraction digit count of 4.